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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Oh my, how far we've come. Been a long time since this thread has seen any action, but let's see how she's aged in the 7 sears I've had her. Not too shabby.
  2. November will make 7 years., and 38,000 miles.
  3. From us to you! Happy Hurpday!
  4. I see it fine as well. I haven't made a jack-o-lantern in a few years. Probably won't get a chance to this year which is a bummer, but at least I have a backup.
  5. Its unfortunate that its been delayed because of this, but at the same time its better they figure it out now before the vehicle goes on sale rather than after and having to do recall it like Ford had to with the Focus.
  6. One would think GM would have given up on its Mild Hybrid/e-Assist systems. They have never lived up to their expectations.
  7. Speaking of Motorola, the Moto X is a nifty piece of kit. It doesn't really compete with the high-end smart phones, but it does have some interesting features, lots of appearance customization if you're into that sort of thing, and it's the first smart phone to be made in the USA. The Nokia Lumia 1020 really has my attention for its powerful camera, although I'm not really big on Windows Phone. Speaking of powerful phone cameras, the Galaxy S4 Zoom is a really cool concept, having an optical zoom and a body reminiscent of a slimmed-down point and shoot. However, like a lot of Samsung's clever ideas, the don't seem to follow through on every aspect to make it a complete and compelling package. The screen is only quarter HD, big step down from the S4's full HD screen, its got a dual core processor VS the S4s quad core, and runs 4.2 vs 4.3 (although I can't complain too much on that front, my phone is running 2.2!). That all said, I'm sticking with Virgin Mobile for the foreseeable future because its plans fit my needs perfectly. VM's phone choices have gotten much better in recent years, although they are about a generation behind the latest tech. (they offer the S3 and S2 but not the S4). The one exception is that they do offer the iPhone 5S and 5C as well as the 5 and 4.
  8. Not a bad little car. Ride's well, looks better than the other sedans in its class, decent performance and handling and pleasant looking interior. Plus it doesn't have the dim-witted automatic so that probably makes it much more enjoyable to drive.
  9. That is a good point actually, although I don't know if the ELR will be embraced by celebrities the way the Escalade has been.
  10. Here's the thing. The Volt starts at $40k, this is a Volt underneath, so much of the major engineering for the powertrain was done with the Volt. It's certainly got the look of a proper Cadillac, and I could see them realistically starting it at $45-50k, but $75k seems like too much. Even with the new body, interior, and chassis enhancements, I can't see it being worth forty thousand dollars more than the Volt on which its based.
  11. Definitely an airhead, wow.
  12. Hey BV, good to see you around these parts.
  13. I drive less than 20 miles around trip for work each day. Usually on a day off I will drive 50 miles around trip to do shopping. The last time I went anywhere that would exceed 200 miles in a single trip was KS last year.
  14. Love the interior, disappointed (although not surprised) with the exterior. I like that it has full height tail lights which help differentiate it, but the side panels look exactly the same as its lesser siblings. As for the front, I mostly like but wish the grill was a bit smaller and the lower intake a bit larger. I will say that its far and away the best looking nose, and therefore the best looking of the triplets.
  15. Took some pretty big ball bearings to do that.
  16. No electricity required.
  17. Hell, you could just look at the EV1 as a case study in battery advancement improving range over time. Cars with the lead-acid pack had a range of 80 to 100 miles, while the NiMH cars could travel between 100 and 140 miles between charges
  18. Oh well, they totally look the same!....? Remember that word irrational? Yeah, applies here too.
  19. I dunno, that one Model S caught fire, out of thousands that have been sold. With odds like that you would have had 100% chance of dying in a fireball.
  20. Again, rational thought here. It's not propping up anything. One car caught fire due to a freak accident, it's not an epidemic. If it were multiple cars bursting into flames it'd be different. Also, firefighters don't teleport instantaneously to the fires. Going by that knowledge, it had obviously been on fire for several minutes before they arrived. Video footage of the car in flames showed the firefighters were only just getting the hoses out as the recorder drove off. That particular Solstice went from smoke to being burned to the ground in less than 10 minutes. As far was "freedom" goes, yes currently its easier to go father with a petroleum powered vehicle, but as the infrastructure expands that will be pretty much moot. At the same time batteries are becoming ever more efficient and advanced and will allow the things they power to go longer and longer. This is what edmunds reported on their 750 mile trip: So they hopped out and got a bite to eat while it charged for 42 minutes. That's some range anxiety right there.
  21. So the front end of that S is on fire, and is contained to the front of the car as can be seen in this photo of the fire being put out. Note how aft of the A-pillar the car appears to be relatively undamaged. Meanwhile that Solstice is engulfed in flames. And wow, I had no idea an concept from 1888 was regarded as "new technology". Electricity and batteries are not a new concept. How do you think your car starts every day? I'll give you a hint, with a battery and electricity. What do you think powers all of your cars systems? Electricity! Whether it's powered purely by electricity, by gas, diesel, or clubbed seals, there's going to be a battery and electrical equipment in the vehicle. Rational people understand that purely electric vehicles are just another way of turning the wheels, they are not perfect but form of propulsion is.
  22. Let's not forget that the fire was also contained to the punctured cell. Had a gas tank been punctured and caught fire the containment area would have been the entire car and the scorched ground around it.
  23. Having a difference of opinion and having an irrational hatred are two different things.
  24. This thread is on fire!
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