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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. As for me, We used what my friend had at his house, which was one of the professional Mequiar's scratch removers, a polish, and then some quick detailer. You can see what it did for that big scratch along the quarter panel and that nasty scratch(es) on the rear bumper cover.
  2. Yeah does, he's got a bunch of how-tos and stuff up on LHF. As for the products, I've heard that some of Adam's products aren't that great, but if you only by one the Swirl and Haze Remover is the one to get. It really is that good.
  3. Yeah, the guy does a lot of videos with Adam's products. Posts photos too. Quite impressive. Another Vette he did.
  4. http://www.lhforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=11106
  5. I haven't used it, but Adam's Swirl and Haze remover is supposed to be amazing.
  6. Man I want no front play on my car.
  7. Except that Opels current products are competitive, more so than most of what GM currently sells.
  8. What really gets me mad is that a at least half of these "clunkers" aren't clunkers at all. You know, that and the fact that most are domestic that are being crushed and around half are replaced by imports.
  9. Thinking of moving?
  10. Things I know about NH: They have higher property taxes as opposed to sales taxes. Fireworks are legal in some parts of the state (not Hampton, f@#kers). I believe that, unlike in MA, of someone breaks into your house and you defend yourself, the scum can't press charges against you. Also you don't need a license to buy a gun, and you can carry a handgun or revolver around so long as its in an exposed holster. You do need a license to carry it concealed, or in your car. And here's a wiki on NH. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Hampshire
  11. You're welcome.
  12. It's a state above Massachusetts.
  13. That's much better. Nothing more annoying a forum than giant sigs.
  14. When claying, you frequently check the clay for dirt, and when it looks dirty, you kneed it until you have a clean surface again. You repeat this until you can no longer get a clean surface, and then it's time for a new one.
  15. That sucks, sorry to hear. At least you're ok though.
  16. Even though Macs are for those who don't know how to use computers.
  17. Volvo = Safety leader these days, if anyone does. Not the Germans.
  18. Well there was Quadra Steer and the Envoy XUT not too long ago. I don't get why Quadra Steer never caught on. There's also OnStar.
  19. Man I should swing by a Papa John's tomorrow just to see how many Camaros will be there. Very cool that he was able to find his car.
  20. Don;t forget to kneed the clay every so often too!
  21. I have a week or so left.
  22. Thanksguys. Orientation was today. We got toured the building and went over what we'd do, breaks, and all that other good stuff. They encourage you to bring an mp3 player and headphones to listen to while you work. How cool is that? Two days of training next week, full time hours starts on the 8th. Can't wait!
  23. Didi it come with the VW umbrella hidden in the door somewhere? I thought that was a neat novelty.
  24. Spiffy new ride. Did you check out the CC while at the VW dealer? I want me one of those.
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