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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. It wouldn't hurt to post them here. :wink:
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. I agree, the Limited and LaCrosse are closer, but that's really all that GM has to go up against the SHO. The CTS is smaller and I think so is the STS...plus its more expensive.
  4. I literally LOLed :rotflmao:
  5. This is a neat thing I came across. Site lets you test your ISP speed. You can compare it with speeds from around the world and you can post your results here and in your sig or whatever. http://www.speedtest.net/ So how fast is everyone?
  6. Depends on how much work you want to do and if you have the space for it. If you part the car out yourself you'd get more money VS just letting them send it to the scrapyard and let the yard profit from the parts. If you get a Saab of the same generation you'd also have a good set of spare parts for it. At the very least, if you got a 9-5 of the same generation, I would see if you car has anything the new one doesn't, or anything not broken that the new one might, and save those. As far as Saabs go, what do you think of the 9-3? I test drove one last year and really liked it.
  7. Very true, as far as power goes the SHO trumps the LaCrosse's 3.6. However I'm not sure that a potential buyer is looking for a huge power advantage the LaCrosse would be counted out. Where it gets tricky though, is that the MKS is the more natural competitor to the LaCrosse. However Ford has made a conundrum for themselves: unless you really prefer the looks of the MKS and interior, why pay extra for it? As far as the LX cars, at one point the take rate for the V8 vars was greater than 50%. That's dropped off considerably I'm sure, but there's still a market for them.
  8. I live in an area where, well last month our neighbor's car, parked behind the Prizm was broken into. Years ago, the `86 Caravan was broken into3 times and stolen once, and the T&C was broken into while at the shop. I'd like some piece of mind. May even get a club to supplement it. It's useless to anyone who really wants to steal your car, but would be a visual deterrence. I've also considered getting the VIN etched in the glass. Kinda sounds paranoid, but you see our family's track record...and you know how I feel about my car.
  9. It was in one of their midsize sedan shootouts. I drove an Avenger R/T once. Handled pretty well and had resonable pep,, and the interior was well put together...but man was it cheap.
  10. You might be right. Although C&D did say the Avenger was put together better than the Camry, and drove better too.
  11. That sucks man. I would take anything you want off of the car before then. Alternatively you can have them let you keep it and they'll take $50 - $100 off off the final check the give you.
  12. The R/T drives pretty well...none of the Sebrings do though. Wish Chrysler would shove some better interiors into the cars.
  13. Master Lock's site has a configure to see if they make a version for your car (they have different ones). They do for the Intrepid, not the Prizm. I'm more after it for the Intrepid anyway though.
  14. What GM has as a direct competitor is the Impala, only it's not worth comparing. Even though both are large cars sold under bread and butter brands, the Impala is on an ancient, uncompetitive platform with a bargain basement interior, old tech powertrains, boring style, and poor driving dynamics. The Taurus is thoroughly modern. The Impala goes for fleet sales and bargain hunters, the Taurus is the flagship that goes for people who want a luxury sedan like an Audi for the a fraction of the price. The Lucerne and DTS would be better competitors in the sense that they are "premium cars" but even these both fall short with the bland styling, old tech powertrains, uninspired interiors and low "gadget content" I would say the new LaCrosse 3.6 is the best competitor to the SHO.
  15. It really does seem like a clever, easy to use and hassle free system. Nice that it comes with two. Unless someone has horror stories with it, I think I will pick on up soon. $100 or so isn't a bad price I think.
  16. From a member on LHF:
  17. One of the things I want to do is get a security system of some kind for, well, both cars. IMHO alarms are useless wastes of money. I like teh idea of a kill switch, we have one on the old Caravan and that prevented it from being stolen a second time. However, I'm not big on cutting into my electrical systems. I came across a product called Starter Sentry by Masterlock. Seems like just what I'm looking for. Has anyone had any experience with it?
  18. It's not that expensive to buy a T-shirt that is at least complete and a decent pair of jeans. There's no excuse for how disgusting those people look/dress.
  19. I know what he's talking about, but this lunacy lately about FWD is the SUX and all that drivel is really, really, getting old and really, really annoying., and some of the excuses being made for why RWD is amazingly better are just stupid. It's like a bunch of 68's have started trolling the threads telling us what we've already heard elventy billion times before. You don't like FWD? Fine, go buy something RWD and let those of us who aren't as hung up about which wheels do the work enjoy the cars. This thread has gone way off track, let's get back on it, for third time.
  20. Well of course, if you don't drive like a maniac, go 70mph in a 30, and don't tailgate like an @$$ you don't need to be riding the brakes.
  21. Common sense and being aware of your surroundings are your best friend at avoiding accidents.
  22. Yeah, I'll make sure I try not to use my brakes at the stoplights. Again, let's make an attempt to get back on topic.
  23. How about we get back on topic about what GM has that competes with the SHO and save the FWD bashing for the other hundred thousand threads that already exist and will no doubt exist in the future.
  24. I get it perfectly well Camino. believe it or not, when a car in front of you is going slower than you are, you need a way to slow down. Since cars aren't equipped with reverse thrusters we use brakes. To change lanes you don't need a V24, RWD, a manual, and all that other happy crap. You use your brain, look for an opening and then go...as opposed to just being a d**k and flying out without seeing if anyone is next to you. Changing lanes is not the same as going around a race track at high speed. You don't have to worry about understeer VS oversteer. RWD is not ZOMG better than FWD at changing lanes. I mean c'mon. Going around corners at speed? Sure that's valid argument. This isn't. I love RWD but not to the point where I'd come up with lame excuses and reasoning that defies logic like this.
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