How can I count the ways? Well we could start with the proportions. As I said in the original thread about this thing, you could almost be lulled into thinking it looks ok from the rear 3/4th but from every other angle it looks ungainly.
It's the front is an big offender. The shield has yet to work on any of the Acuras its been shoved on. The way the HIDs are positioned far outboard makes it look as though it's whatever the opposite of cross-eyed is. However it's really icing on an overall poorly executed cake.
From the side, well it's a mess. First you have the issue of too short wheelbase with too long front overhang. If the wheelbase was longer it would look more balanced. I'm not talking RWD proportions, just balance. It's kind of like economy cars with short wheelbases. It's not pretty, it's awkward. Then that rear door looks too short, relative to the front door, yet doesn't work like it does for a RX8 or even an Ion Quad Coupe. Hiding the rear door handle may have sounded like a super cool idea, but Nissan called and wants it back for their Pathfinder. It should have been all or nothing. The roofline also looks like it suffered as a result of eh short wheelbase. It would be better if it had more room to taper, just like the Avenger's roofiline would look better if it had more room to taper. Lastly, there's the way the character line goes over the wheel arches. I get what the designers were going for, but it interrupts the line and disjoints it. It would have been better if it was a real line flowing into real arches and not bend around them.