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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. We have very basic cable so there's nothing good on. I usually watch an episode of TG or something on the computer before bed but that doesn't usually get me sleepy. If we got the weather channel I would put that on and watch it. Nothing mellows you out like the forecast.
  2. Sequential rear turn signals are cool.
  3. Yeah my sleep habits are irregular as well. I'm hoping after a few weeks I'll fall into a pattern. The problem that because I like to stay up, I do so on the weekend and then try to go to bed early Sunday, but since I was up till 3am and slep until like noon that doesn't work out. Other problem, which I had all week this week, is that when I got home I was tired, but didn't want tog o to bed then and end up waking up in the middle of the night...like right now. However by the time 10 or 11 rolls around I'm wide awake and it takes a while for me to go to sleep because I'm awake. The worst thing is when you lay down to go to sleep and start thinking about random things but can't shut your mind off.
  4. Since I started working I've been trying to get to bed a decent time so I can get 7-8 hours of sleep, be up at 6:30 so I can be well rested and ready for work at 8. That means going to bed at 10 or 11. Well it's 12:38am right now so you can see where this is going. Last week I did pretty well. However by nature I'm a night owl, and unfortunately I haven't been able to get to sleep this week until 1 or 2am. Well it finally caught with me and I fell asleep as soon as I got him untl 10:30. So Now I've had about 6 hours of sleep and I'm awake again. meh... What are your sleeping habits like?
  5. I will not crucify you for your typos. I mean, I know I never make them or anything, but we can't all be perfect.
  6. The bulging headlights and taillights are the worst "styling" element in the history of bad styling elements. I hate them so much.
  7. Bland and not just that, but horrible details and really ugly front end designs.
  8. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/32981209#32981209 Wow!
  9. I also like the mid 90's Prelude, Civic and Vigor. I just wish Hondas designs hadn't go so wrong as of late.
  10. I've never driven one, but a friend of mine has one which I've ridden in several times. Handsome cars and a pleasant place to be inside.
  11. Nice writeup! I still like the Astra. It's a flawed car, but its still a nice ride, especially in 3-door form.
  12. I agree. The Accord's big strength has long been its high quality interior. Even the 90's Accord, over a decade old, has a nicer interior than several cars sold today. The current Accord's interior is my favorite thing abut it. Very slick and modern looking, with a great sense of quality. Too bad the sedan's exterior wasn't as nice.
  13. NSX's are awesome. I got the pleasure of seeing a black one up close and personal a few months ago. Even today they are great looking cars.
  14. I love LH cars but I agree, the first gens were pretty chintzy inside.I think most domestic cars of the late 70's to mid 90's were. I will say this: the Accord of the mid 90's has a damn nice interior, even today. It's better than several cars sold today.
  15. Why yes, yes I did.
  16. I figured someone might catch that.
  17. It's got Chinese part which are just as good as Japanese because Japan can see China from their house!
  18. Now there's something to be proud of! F-150 and a Crown Vic! And a V8 Miata! I love this bit:
  19. How can I count the ways? Well we could start with the proportions. As I said in the original thread about this thing, you could almost be lulled into thinking it looks ok from the rear 3/4th but from every other angle it looks ungainly. It's the front is an big offender. The shield has yet to work on any of the Acuras its been shoved on. The way the HIDs are positioned far outboard makes it look as though it's whatever the opposite of cross-eyed is. However it's really icing on an overall poorly executed cake. From the side, well it's a mess. First you have the issue of too short wheelbase with too long front overhang. If the wheelbase was longer it would look more balanced. I'm not talking RWD proportions, just balance. It's kind of like economy cars with short wheelbases. It's not pretty, it's awkward. Then that rear door looks too short, relative to the front door, yet doesn't work like it does for a RX8 or even an Ion Quad Coupe. Hiding the rear door handle may have sounded like a super cool idea, but Nissan called and wants it back for their Pathfinder. It should have been all or nothing. The roofline also looks like it suffered as a result of eh short wheelbase. It would be better if it had more room to taper, just like the Avenger's roofiline would look better if it had more room to taper. Lastly, there's the way the character line goes over the wheel arches. I get what the designers were going for, but it interrupts the line and disjoints it. It would have been better if it was a real line flowing into real arches and not bend around them.
  20. I have always liked the Pacifica. Nicest interior Chrysler has made in forever, and still the nicest IMO. neat Nav system built into the gauges. I would love to get a late model one with a 4.0/6-speed and AWD.
  21. I find the cost of living to be high in NE but then I'm only starting out career wise. If you have a solid portfolio and work experience, you probably wouldn't have issues. The only thing I don't like about NE is the salt, which is why I'm considering a beater. Otherwise NE is great. We've got mountains, lakes, oceans, forests, urban, suburban, and rual all in reasonable close proximity of one another. Plus you can't beat Autumn here.
  22. When they redesigned the TL they ruined my favorite Acura, and the only one I'd actually consider owning.
  23. I actually agree. I really like the look of those. That's the world's first sport utility wagon. I guess I'll add teh 2nd gen X5, it's a sharp looking CUV, one of the few recent BMWs that isn't ugly.
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