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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Yep.
  2. I was referring to the oil filter. Anyway as it turns out it's synthetic RP so the Prizm has now gone synthetic. Took it for a spin and I have to say it does run smoother than before.
  3. I would through in that there's nothing wrong with having two of the same car, however my vote is still for the Malibu, because if you guys need the extra trunk space it has folding seats plus there's always your other Impala.
  4. I hate it when people wait until the last second to pull out right in front of you even though there's no cars behind you.
  5. It claims to be good for 12,000 miles. I have no intention of letting it stay in there for that long, however if the oil comes outc lean on the next oil change I may keep it in for 6k miles.
  6. Considering you had a black Impala that was then sold, I don't know why you'd go buy another black Impala. To me the choice is obvious: Malibu. Most modern of the group, I would argue the best of the group, and only has two cons: the power and the trunk. You can always get a different set of wheels. I dunno if the 6-speed is standard now but if not I would spot for that, and maybe an interior color that's not gray and depressing.
  7. I went a head and bought an RP filter. Oil change tomorrow.
  8. Funny that. That statement right there is why you don't see many wagons on sale. Because most people prefer commanding view/sense of security of an SUV or CUV and minivans haul more stuff inside than anything. Wagons didn't magically disappear because the mean ol' companies didn't want people to own them. People wanted the Tahoe and Suburban more than the Caprice wagon, so when it was replaced by the W-body Impala they didn't bother. Like I've said, I like wagons. You just don't seem to get that not many people like you and me like them compared to the people would would rather by the aforementioned alternatives, and therefore you will not see millions of wagons coming from companies in the future. It'll be a niche market with a few players.
  9. It is such a good looking car.
  10. I have a question. Have you ever thought of the SSR? I mean it's fits the bill pretty well I think. RWD/V8/bed/uncommon and hell it even has a folding roof.
  11. Already posted. http://www.cheersandgears.com/index.php?sh...c=44255&hl=
  12. I'm going to treat both cars and try Royal Purple.
  13. If you’ve read today’s newspapers you’re probably aware that James May has had a spot of bother with an airship. The good news is that our brave hero has emerged from the slightly scratched wreckage UNHARMED. After PLUMMETING to the ground at a MASSIVE two miles an hour, May’s craft SLAMMED into a small bush and then just sort of STOPPED. Thankfully, trained rescue staff were on the scene in seconds to intercept James as he stepped out of the airship and were able to administer a much needed flask of TEA and some NICE BISCUITS. May has since returned home for a SIT DOWN and some light piano practise, after which he is reported to be “very well, thank you for asking”. For more details of this quite near-death experience you’ll have to tune in to the new series, coming to your television later this year. http://transmission.blogs.topgear.com/2009...es-fine-really/
  14. Well he seems to be a d1ck.
  15. Love the interior, very sharp exterior. It looks great in those photos.
  16. Some of this is more of general to-do than winter prep but... Well the Intrepid has a bit of an issue with misfire O/2 sensor so that needs to be sorted out Then Plugs Alignment Transmission fluid change I'd love to get my seat heaters working However I'd love even more to keep it off the road during the winter. If it has to go on the road the wheels will come off, and I'll need to get a couple decent front tires for the 16"s. As for the Prizm 2 new tires Front end alignment Exhuast Manifold Spark Plugs/wires/distributor cap Oil Change Brakes I noticed yesterday that it has some surface rust starting to form on the underside of the rockers so that needs to be taken care of before winter I'm still toying with the idea of a winter beater.
  17. I would still have preferred the LaCrosse have ben renamed Invicta. The new car is certainly deserving of it.
  18. I can honestly say I'm speechless. Words fail me, how rare is that?
  19. http://www.ifsja.org/forums/vb/showthread.php?t=102133
  20. You do not need to be a premium subscriber to access Rated R, just PM one of the admins if you would like access to the forum.
  21. Same reason people though 7 acres of fiberglass and a fart can on a Civic. they think it looks cool somehow...in their own twisted little mind.
  22. Those little symbols identifying what each part does are there for a reason, maybe he's farsighted.
  23. Tha sucks, looks like most g GM's non core brands won't be surviving.
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