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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. I'd just like to point out that we're currently in a cold spell where temperature a are running about 20 degrees below normal (we've got late November/December temps in mid October), the entire summer was below normal, and hurricane season has been very quiet relative to years past.
  2. Those bits right There are what I am eager to see. I guess even if the worst happens and Chrysler went under, if they get this out before then they can go out with a bang.
  3. For stereos I dunno, I know Alpine and Pioneer make some good stuff. For speakers I recommend Infinity Reference.
  4. You have a Stratus? I demand to see pics!
  5. http://www.cheersandgears.com/index.php?sh...l=Carbon+Motors http://www.cheersandgears.com/index.php?sh...l=Carbon+Motors http://www.cheersandgears.com/index.php?sh...l=Carbon+Motors Just in case you wanted to know more. :wink: For searching for something like this, use the advanced search mode and check off "search titles only". Anyway, the car. It looks interesting, a lot like a 300C in profile, looks LX based honestly but supposedly its built from the ground up. Interior is neat. Wonder if you'll be able to buy them as ex police cars down the road?
  6. I haven't heard any horror stories about them. I always liked the Liberty. Get a 4WD diesel! Then you'll be unstoppable in the now and get good mpgs.
  7. There's been threads kicking around the site since 2008.
  8. I don't care for J-Bodies, but if the Sunfire has been good so far, a/c is important to you, and you just plain like the car more, I would keep that and try to find the Corsica a good home.
  9. If you plan to use the a/c again, I would suggest getting a used clutch and bearing and having a shop install it. Shouldn't be too expensive.
  10. I wonder if Neons support RB1 or RB4...
  11. We have a member marketplace, but I agree with Balthazar, brand, or better yet, platform / model specific sites are your best bet
  12. Makes me happy to have a two belt design I guess.
  13. Ah I gotcha. How'd you attach it and where'd you get it? I'm very interested.
  14. Hmm, is that taupe? What paint is it, how durable is it, and where'd you get it? If I may make a suggestion, paint ends of the dash as well, and some part of the door panels.
  15. black Challenger R/T white Challenger R/T 1954 all original Desoto Firesdome
  16. Vermont Maple Syrup FTW
  17. The best honey I find is the stuff made locally.
  18. The LS are really nice cars, one of my favorite Lincolns in the past 30 years or so. It's pretty rare that I see one in bad shape.
  19. Yeah that's the clutch bearing going. Mine is the same way. The noise annoyed the crap out of me so I just took the a/c belt off. Not gonna need to worry about a/c for a while, so I'll just buy a whole new compressor in the spring.
  20. Haven't got snow yet, but we have got 30's. Going to be in teh 30's again tonight.
  21. I should give grade be a try. I should make some french toast one of these Sundays. Yum.
  22. As a I said last night, what separates donkers from ricers is that besides the craptastcic wheels and suspension, they seem to do a pretty good job with caring for the rest of the car, and usually its a least a car worth putting money into. Ricers just fail at life.
  23. Chilly my butt, talk to me when it gets to the 30s.
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