I come to find out today that my mom plans on clearing out the driveway. So that means both van are being junked (a pity, the very first car I ever drove was the `86 Caravan), but she also seems to plan to junk the Grand Marquis. She pulled it off the road to save money a couple months ago. Has a flat, and although I (and only I) made the effort to start it up, battery probably is too weak to start it. Does still have power through.
To get it back on the road it needs a battery if this one is no good, and a tire. Have a spare tire, no biggie. Waterpump is starting to go, but that should be an easy fix. Looks much easier to do than the Shadow was.
Then there's the transmission which has no reverse. I can live without it, however I can get a transmission for $200 and get it installed for $200. So $400 isn't bad. This wouldn't need to be done right away either, so I can do it whenever.
Oh and a headlight lens. Tape is so redneck.
I offered to pay her what whichever yard she planned to have them take it away for would pay. My only questions is what's the average price they pay for a car like this? I'm hoping like $200
If it is cheap like that I'll keep it. The GF and I have a soft spot for it, and even with its issues it has never broken down and left us stranded in the 15,000 miles we put on it since last June. Plus, it has new snow tires on back, new brake lines. Plus I know all of its foibles.
Then I can put my car in storage so it doesn't have to suffer through winter.