Impatience, lack of common sense, and general stupidity are what causes wrecks. If people used their brains and weren't in such a damn hurry to get to the next red light all time, there would be a lot less accidents.
I do whatever I can to avoid sucky streets, rotaries, etc. When I come home from the North I have to cross part of 110, which is an absolute hell to cross any time after 9am up until 10pm. I used to go to the one set of lights on that road, because then I had the lights on my side even though it was further away from my house. However, after my mom was T-boned by idiot who ran a red light, I've not gone that way nearly as much. Usually what I will do is get to the part closer to my house and turn right, then go up the road and take a left onto one of the side roads to get home.
I let people go when I can, obviously not at high speed at 50 or something, or when some jackass is riding my own ass.
On the flip side of your senario, if someone is in one lane trying to turn left on a busy 25 mph two lane road, yet no one in the opposing lane stops to let them go, it backs up traffic in the other lane which then blocks left turns for the opposing lane and then more traffic gets back upped. All because no one would let the one car go. It happens multiples times a day on that same stretch of 110.