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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. They never did.
  2. Major +1. This was the biggest selling point for me.
  3. I've got my copy of 7 Pro
  4. It's not Cartoon Network if there's live action. Idiots.
  5. I will after a run to the store.
  6. What settings did you use for the interior shots BV? They look great. Don't be a stranger.
  7. Me too but as a hardtop kthx.
  8. I never let someone go who doesn't use their turn signals.
  9. Putting Opel up for sale in the first place was a mistake, IMO. Now GM has to deal with repercussions.
  10. This is the sort of waste of cellular matter that really should be sent to Afghanistan with a spork as his only defense. I wish the very worst for him.
  11. Impatience, lack of common sense, and general stupidity are what causes wrecks. If people used their brains and weren't in such a damn hurry to get to the next red light all time, there would be a lot less accidents. I do whatever I can to avoid sucky streets, rotaries, etc. When I come home from the North I have to cross part of 110, which is an absolute hell to cross any time after 9am up until 10pm. I used to go to the one set of lights on that road, because then I had the lights on my side even though it was further away from my house. However, after my mom was T-boned by idiot who ran a red light, I've not gone that way nearly as much. Usually what I will do is get to the part closer to my house and turn right, then go up the road and take a left onto one of the side roads to get home. I let people go when I can, obviously not at high speed at 50 or something, or when some jackass is riding my own ass. On the flip side of your senario, if someone is in one lane trying to turn left on a busy 25 mph two lane road, yet no one in the opposing lane stops to let them go, it backs up traffic in the other lane which then blocks left turns for the opposing lane and then more traffic gets back upped. All because no one would let the one car go. It happens multiples times a day on that same stretch of 110.
  12. It is dangerous and I don't condone it, but i can see why they do it. You know why? Because all of the other assholes can't give up 15 seconds of their worthless lives to stop and let them go normally. So they figure if they get out part way and one side stop,s maybe the other side will.
  13. I'd b happy to send it but IT is more of a side thing based on what I know, my actual career schooling has been in Design. I'll check them out. Thanks guys.
  14. Well yesterday at work we ran out of jobs to process so they had to send me and a bunch of other people home, and I had today off. My boss told me to call him this afternoon to see if there was work for Wednesday. I called and left a message. He just called me back and told me that unfortunately, our customers have no more jobs to send us.Normally there's work up until the 2nd or 3rd week of December but for whatever reason we've already gone though all of the work for the season. So I got laid off. He said I'm eligible for unemployment, and that he would send information about it with my check. He also said that I did good work and offered to put me on the call back list for Spring (which I said yes of course). It just really, really sucks. I was getting caught up and on top of bills, making money, and I really enjoyed working there. Need to get to looking again. At least I have more experience and another reference.
  15. Great news from Ford!
  16. So GM, with four brands, posts a year over (not that month of crap) sales gain when it has 8 brands. Funny that. Anyway, hope to see more of this!
  17. Great advice. This is part of your problem. Work onw hat you have first, get them in proper working order, and then worry about another car you don't need. Or save for the future. I agree. I have no issues driving older cars. One just has to understand that with age repairs are inevitable, and just have money set aside rainy days like that. It's still way cheaper than buy new.
  18. It all depends on what you buy and how old it is. granted there is a certain a mount of luck involved, but going for something as old as what he bought and expecting it to be a daily driver without flaws is just asking for trouble. I'd love to buy a new car, but considering the last thing I had to do for teh Prizm was put tires on it, and the only thing left it needs are new belts, I feel I'm good on monthly payments I know I couldn't make.
  19. The more I think about it the more I like the idea of repainting all of the panels to a creme color. The hardest part besides finding a color I like from paint that is durable will be painting/dying the upper door panels to match the Dark Slate of my dash. This will be my winter project. Since I have the day off tomorrow I'll start by cleaning the panels up and and swapping mirrors. Also need to clean the Prizm out.
  20. I'm in there now.
  21. Well they are Mercedes after all. The Germans can engineer quite a car but nothing about German Engineering implies reliability. I think I did well with my car. Yes I changed the engine out but that was mostly because the cost of doing the timing chains was about the same as putting a more powerful engine in it...and more power wins every day. The Mercury has also been very good to us. We put 15,000 miles on it in a year and the only times it left us sort of stranded were 2 flat tires on two separate occasions. It only lost 2nd gear because my mom lost her temper and floored it in reverse for like 5 minutes on ice
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