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In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. An actual tan interior looks like this:
  2. I have th box kicking around somewhere...
  3. Dunno, but Jamaica Plain is only 30 minutes or so from Lawrence (its outside of Boston, high crime rate too), and that is the model mine was.
  4. This just showed up on Craiglist: http://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/ele/1456688132.html
  5. Until someone breaks into it.
  6. Well I'm going with color schemes that require the least amount of painting and/or dying. They made taupe (which I have the parts to now) and they made tan. They just didn't make them combined with dark slate.
  7. So this winter's project is to redo my interior to become a different 2-tone...since I've never been fond of the gray. My choices are either Dark Slate/Taupe or Dark Slate/Tan. I've done two chops: one of another member's taupe interior and one of my interior. Which do you prefer? #1 #2
  8. BV had a Cutlass of some sort he wanted to sell a while back.
  9. AVOID MILLENNIUM LIKE THE PLAGUE! I've been running the Release Candidate since the summer and haven't come across an issues besides HP's laziness and unwillingness to update their drivers. However 7 had generic printer drivers which loaded automatically and work fine.
  10. Anyway, I'm more cooled off than I was earlier, I'll get over it, I'll jsut have to do some things to prevent more damage/theft. Wheel lug locks, removing the faceplate, keeping the cars empty, etc.
  11. I just wish today was Monday so I could got o teh yard and see what I could get for parts so I can put the car back together. I'm going to buy locking lug nuts for the Intrepid, an if I do get a used aftermarket stereo (as opposed to stock), I'll take it out every day. Although I wonder if the missing faceplate would stop theft of the actual unit...I dunno.
  12. Yo dawg imma let you finish but Satty and his Eskimo hatred had one of the best hate threads of all time.
  13. Intrepidation


    They rape huskies.
  14. Intrepidation


    and Socialists.
  15. Intrepidation


    Eskimos are the cause of climate change.
  16. Intrepidation


    Eskimos are most likely the cause of the crash. It's a widely believed fact that they hate electronics and sabotage them every chance they get.
  17. http://www.krayvee.com/ (formerly planetboredom.net)?
  18. This bad boy. Guy drives it year around as a daily drive. Good for him!
  19. If I saw the kid I would do way more than just stare at him. I would put the fear of god in his eyes as I came after him with my 4 foot adjustable wrench. Well the Prizm has a lovely bag over the window now...at least it isn't supposed to rain until Wednesday. Both cars are in the driveway. I've put the Prizm behind the Intrepid and removed the starter relay from the Intrepid (they may come after my used, scuffed wheels for all I know). I'm not sure where the relay is for the Prizm though. Not in the fuse and relay box like the Intrepid. I'm thinking of making some rounds tonight, sword in hand.
  20. Luckily these cars have their door guts bolted in, so getting the stuff out is not that hard. I wish tomorrow was Monday.
  21. What I can do myself I will. What I feel I need help with I'll get help from friends on LHF What I or they can't do I take to an independent mechanic my family has gone to for years.
  22. The last gen Accord called and wants its tail lights back. Otherwise it looks fairly promising.
  23. Feel the same way. Trust me I shouted at the top of my lungs today. Had I caught them they'd be in the hospital...or the morgue
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