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So I started the day off by tweaking the default C&G banner to better integrate with the spiffy new layout. Next up I brought the Intrepid around front to detail it in prep for what I was hoping to be a photo shoot for the calendar. Spent an hour or so detailing it and the wheels. Then I dragged out my "new" shop vac and gave it the most thorough vacuum its probably had since I bought it. So much better to do when you're not putting coins in the slot! No sooner had I just finished all of this and got the tools put away did my dad show up. We're finally getting rid of the `86 Caravan LE and the Town and Country. So I had to help load up various bits of junk that were going with them (old doors and such) A shame really, the T&C has a great powertrain, and everything works on it. However I never could find a buyer. This one year only van will end up in the crusher before to long. The Caravan, which hasn't moved in 4 or 5 years is going too. Also a shame since its the first car I ever drove. It was late at night at the Merrimack Plaza. I remember thinking how much power it had the first time I gave it gas. It'll hold a special place in my heart. However at least I can save the Grand Marquis, which will become my winter car and down the road my DD when I can afford to have 2 cars on the road. Battery was completely dead so it took 15 minutes to jump it. However once it got going everything was good. Pulled it around front and changed the tire. Took it for a drive around the neighborhood. That waterpump bearing is starting to get worse, but that'll be changed soon enough. Gonna grab a battery within the next couple of days. My immediate plans for it besides the waterpump is too give it a thorough cleaning. I think its been washed twice (both times half assed) in the year and a half my mom owned it. Oh and to fix the power to the driver's seat. Anyway, after that I did food shopping. And now I'm beat. What did you do today?
Nice write-up. I love minivans. I don't care what the trendy people think of them because I'm not shallow and I love the utility. Stow `n Go is the best feature to be invented for minivans since they themselves were invented. Always hated lugging the seats out. The 3.3L...amazing they still make that. Our soon to be departed `90 Town and Country has that same motor. Great engine, still runs like a champ...just too bad the body was totaled by a Pathfinder. Too bad they didn't put the 6-speed in it to make better use of the power it has. The Routan gets a 6-speed to go with the 3.3 IIRC. If power is what you want the 4.0 6-speed is the fastest minivan out there. As far as reliability goes. It's a mixed bag. Some people have great luck with them, some people have had problems with them since day one. If your brother hasn't had any real issues with it yet, it should be fine. They seem go through brakes pretty quickly (20k-25k miles). Problem with the Routan is yes it has a bit better interior and yes it has a "sporty" (and I use that term lightly) suspension, but you can't get Stow `n Go and that would break the deal for me.
Saw something I didn't even know was sold in America, a red Noble M12, like this one:
If you pay a real shop, they'll do it for about a grand. If you buy an engine for about a grand you've spent 2 grand. If you were planning to throw 3 grand on another car, like a T/A, you're in the black $1,000 still. T3H LOGIC IT KILLS MEH
Excellent post.
It's just a pontiac. Not really a loss.
Intrepidation replied to Justin Bimmer's topic in The Lounge
I do believe we have a candidate for this year's Darwin Award. -
Hey gmpartsgirl! Good to see you around. Don't be a stranger!
No worries, Olds already gave me the heads up on new banners and skins anyway.
Well I'll have to build the skins over again, but in the meantime the default banner now matches the new look.
Exactly. Hell the more complex newer engine conversion in my car took only 2 days.
Looks great Z! I'll need to get to work on update our skins next.
Satty gets a cookie.
AMHERST, Mass. -- The University of Massachusetts-Amherst is planning to let a convicted terrorist give a speech at the school. A convicted domestic terrorist whose scheduled speech at the University of Massachusetts was canceled has been reinvited to campus by a faculty group against the objections of school administration. Raymond Levasseur of Waldo, Maine, a former leader of the United Freedom Front, is scheduled to speak at the university on Thursday night. The group was a violent anti-government group linked to more than 20 bombings along the east coast, including the Suffolk County courthouse back in 1976. He and two co-defendants were also acquitted of attempting to overthrow the U.S. government in a high-profile trial in Springfield in 1989. On Thursday, Levasseur will leave a Maine halfway house to speak despite the protests of the governor, the head of the school, and some police groups. "I've brought all the pressure that I can bring to bear that is consistent with my role and the university's role, I have been clear that I think it's a bad idea," said Governor Deval Patrick. The University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries had originally invited Levasseur to speak at a forum on social unrest. The speech was canceled after objections from victims' families, and Gov. Deval Patrick. He was reinvited by a faculty group spearheaded by UMass Professor Sara Lennox. Citing academic freedom, the school said there is not much they can do about the invitation. "I think people should be allowed to speak their minds, and as college students, part of the education of society is how we feel about what people are telling us," said a student. University officials said Tuesday they will allow the rescheduled speech in the interest of academic freedom, even though they find the invitation "repugnant" and won't allow state funds to be used. "As a university, we defend the principles of free speech and of academic freedom. However, we deplore the example Levasseur sets for our students and the university community," UMass President Jack Wilson said in a statement. "While we see no legitimate way to prevent this event from taking place, Chancellor (Robert) Holub and I have instructed that no sate funds be used to support this activity. We know that Gov. Patrick strongly supports us in this position," Wilson said in a separate statement released later Tuesday. Amy Lambiaso, a spokeswoman for the State Police Association of Massachusetts, said the organization may organize a protest. The Massachusetts chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, however, disagreed. The group praised efforts by students and faculty leaders to ensure that the speech goes forward "despite calls for censorship." "Whatever you think of this particular speaker, his invitation to speak shouldn't be revoked because someone objects," said Carol Rose, executive director of ACLU of Massachusetts. "This situation is an important reminder that we must remain true to the principles of free speech and the marketplace of ideas -- even unpopular ideas -- upon which our state universities, and nation, were built." Levasseur also came under fire when he helped organize an art exhibit at the University of Southern Maine in September 2006. Levasseur said at the time he does not think public universities should back down when pressured by corporations and police. Levasseur did not immediately return messages left at his home Tuesday. (Copyright © 2009 Sunbeam Television. The Associated Press contributed to this report. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.) http://www1.whdh.com/news/articles/local/BO129218/
white Ford Transit Connect gray Chevrolet Equinox orange Chevrolet Camaro 2LT
Well, she's happy with it, and keeping it saves you money. I would let her make the call on it (since its her car) and let her be happy. I won't name any names but some people here think they should be in charge of what their significant other drives and buy what they think that person wants (or rather what they want). That's not right IMHO. Plus its been good to you, you love the things and the repairs mentioned will be much cheaper than a newer car. So all the more reason to keep it.
On another note, I realized today that despite going through the car, the dumbass didn't take any of the change that was in the astray, nor did he even take the remote that goes to the stereo he stole.
Well the junkyard I got the parts from wanted $10 for the cupholders, which seemed $5 too much to me, plus I had no mounting bracket for them. Today I stopped by a small junkyard in Lowell. They don't have largest amount of cars, but whenever I got there looking for something they always seem to have what I need. Today was no different. Found a Prizm that not only had the cupholders but even better, had an aftermarket radio housing. Price? $5 for the whole thing. Score! Saved myself $20. Cleaned it up and installed it. Now there's just a small hole where the stereo should be. Getting there... Pics of course:
At least that Firebird looks like its in reasonable shape, if a bit dirty.
Oh! I remember that show. It was awesome.
I've driven both. i prefer the Accord. Way nicer interior as well.
Yes I want bed sores and to be sitting on a couch in a diaper full of my own crap. Very dignified.
This is going to rock!