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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Tourette's Guy sound board FTW How's the audio quality, say as an mp3 player?
  2. It's like trying to pick the lesser of two evils Except beside that fact that one has a gaping hole and the other has a snout, they're the same.
  3. Where's Sixty8 when you need him? He's all about crazy transactions like that.
  4. "That would be like merging a website with a steaming turd that lies, cheats, and tries to use our name to promote said turd. Anyway way you slice it, the idea reeks. Also, we don't promote porn bots."
  5. YJ, do you not notice something an increasing number of members have in common?
  6. <---------
  7. This is a word (well actually a sentence).
  8. GI Joke. That has a nice ring to it.
  9. Since you probably won't see this part while you're replying:
  10. Nope, much better to own a rusting hulk or a car with a grenading engine or that can't do 65 as a daily driver. Naturally one of those practical daily driver's aren't to your liking,s o instead look at say, a V6 Firebird? Cheaper and probably better cared for than Trans Ams in your price range.
  11. Well with your luck I'm sure you could find an Accord that would somehow have something catastrophically wrong with. However, Accord in decent shape won't blow up going 65, then again neither will a Corolla, a Cavalier, or even a Shadow.
  12. The god of taste died when he looked at this. That color scheme makes me want to
  13. Here we go, this should be familiar by now: It CAN cruise on the highway without blowing up.
  14. WTF good is a car that can't cruise on the highway?
  15. So what's wrong with the Buick now? Or has it been reliable and you're tired of such a silly thing as reliability in a daily driver?
  16. The 2nd one just needs normal size wheels that aren't ugly.LOL @ the fact he spent no doubt thousands on those wheels and that paint job but didn't bother to replace the faded headlight.
  17. And that's all that needs to be said. What...is this...LOGIC...you speak? Crazy talk I say! As you said, the only way Pontiac is ever coming back is if GM brings it back,a nd that will only ever happen if GM has the money and decides there's a market for niche performance vehicles (I'm sure there is, but GM does not have the money to go after a comparatively all market.
  18. I can't wait for the wiki to get up and running so he can document his (what seems like limitless) classic car knowledge.
  19. Its a sideshow someone could put together in about an hour. The message is fine I guess but it has no creativity or originality. Its a far cry from Dodge's other Ram ads.
  20. Sorry to hear about this Drew. Thoughts are with you.
  21. Funny thing is I didn't look at any cars besides Pontiacs of the era (for period correct details) for inspiration. When I was done I was very pleased with it, although I couldn't help but get a Mark VII vibe from it. Oh well. As for looking EXCATLY!121?! like the Ford, (I see a resemblance)well sure, in the same way the Camaro, Mustang, and Challenger looked exactly the same in the late 60's because they had upkicks and followed the same basic design principle.
  22. Cat fight!
  23. Why not just mount a plow on your Blazer then, rather than buying what is basically a GMC version of what you own now? Seems silly to me. Unless the GMC has a better engine and is better suited to it.
  24. That is sharp looking! If you have more photos of it, there's a section called Members Rides Showcase http://www.cheersandgears.com/index.php/forum/38-members-rides-showcase/ . We'd love to see more!
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