My engine has what's known as the "3.x tick". On cold start ups the car will tick. Speeding on the temperature the tick would either go away after a few seconds or last until the engine has fully warmed up (the colder it is the longer the tick lasts). This is considered normal with the 3.2/3.5 motors in the LH cars (possibly the Pacficia as well). However, it annoys the hell out of me, especially when the ticking lasts until the engine has achieved operating temperature. Now that it's getting cold out (anything 50 and below) this happens on a daily basis.
While this is considered normal and doesn't harm the engine (I believe it has something to do with the lifters but I can't remember), I've read on the forums that high quality oils like Mobil 1 Synthetic and Royal Purple Synthetic can reduce or eliminate the noise all together.
Well with the cold weather coming and it being close to due for its first oil change, I decided to make the switch from Castrol GTX High Mileage Oil and a Fram Tough Guard filter (I know now that Frams are junk and will never buy them again) to RP synthetic with an RP filter.
Changing the oil was "fun", as the oil filter in the 3.5 is in a hard to get place. However now that I know where it is and have done it, should be easy next time.
The next morning it was in the lower 40's. I started the car up tick at all, not even for the usual second or so it does it on warm days. This morning it was in the upper 20's after the snow. Started the car up and the tick was there just for s split second and then was gone.
That right there is proof enough for me that this oil is far superior to convectional oil's lubricating properties. Excellent product. The Prizm has been running it for nearly 3k and has been quieter running with the oil than it was with the dino juice.
I'ms old, Royal Purple for my cars from now on.