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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. MDM, you got a new one? That the same chop you did in September.
  2. Oops! You're right. Well when caddycrusier reads this he'll know. Anyway, congrats on the new truck!
  3. Imperial Cougar Supra NSX G8 A Honda that isn't ugly.
  4. Nice truck, since they put a 6-speed in them I've got no complaints about the Avalanche. I still like the G8 better though. Got mod plans for it?
  5. Yeah, I'm still working on it. Sending PMs to designers is a good idea!
  6. Winds died down late last night, though still breezy. There's a flood warning for the nearby river and a damn in Freetown, MA is in danger of failing. Supposed to get light snow today.
  7. _ SPIED: 2011 Hyundai Elantra Our very own member, CanadianBacon94, managed to snap these photos of the Hyundai's next Elantra undergoing cold weather testing in International Falls, MN. Hit the jump to see for a complete set of 2011 Hyundai Elantra spy shots. SPIED: 2011 Hyundai Elantra
  8. SPIED: 2011 Hyundai Elantra Our very own member, CanadianBacon94, managed to snap these photos of the Hyundai's next Elantra undergoing cold weather testing in International Falls, MN. The details are still covered up, but we can tell that the overall shape of the new Elantra is much more rakish than today's Elantra. No doubt Hyundai is aiming to push the Elantra upmarket as is the trend for the class. Expect Hyundai to aim it squarely at the class leaders when it debuts as a 2011 model.
  9. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/528307
  10. It broke the latch.
  11. Wind is really going, it blew open one of the basement windows. =/
  12. It was moot before the plant closure anyway since GM had said that Kappa would not be redesigned, and these cars would not continue on because the platform was too expensive and too inflexible. Cool cars though, I'd love to own a Sky someday.
  13. Very windy here as well.
  14. That's because the temperature at the surface is above freezing. Because that storm is backing in from the east, we're on the warm side of the storm and getting rain. As cold air wraps into the Low, its supposed to change over to snow tonight though.
  15. Somewhere, a steroid abusing muscle bound man with shrunken testies sheds a tear for he can no longer buy something to be able to compensate for it.
  16. lmao well I guess they have a sense of humor after all.
  17. Snow tires.
  18. So that is an official photo, well I'm impressed.
  19. I like that. Looks good.
  20. Lentz is getting grilled hard.
  21. STREAMING LIVE: Toyota Recall hearing. Live stream of the Toyota recall hearing in Washington. Hit teh jump to watch (sorry, can't embed it) P.S. You can ignore the Octoshape Grid Delivery Enhancement. http://www.cnn.com/video/flashLive/live.html?stream=1
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