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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. 66Stang, it was sarcasm. Considering I have a high school diploma, I've deduced that this thread has run it's course.
  2. Considering I have a high school diploma, I will thank you for the reminder and will henceforth try to remember that it is EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!! or nothing.
  3. Considering I have a high school diploma, I decree that this thread lacks excitement. And ventiports.
  4. Considering I have a high school diploma, I'm inclined to agree, but I would argue that it's added more validity and intelligence to this thread than its poster had originally contributed. IF YOU'RE A BIT SLOW THAT MEANS YOU bring_BUICK_back
  5. Considering I have a high school diploma, you're all a bunch of massive ####s.
  6. This is not about 68 nor is it about a Ford product. I am disappoint. Hope you get it fixed though. When the GM's tank is full the needle swings off the edge of the gauge. Works normally after you use some gas, fun little quirk.
  7. You have a high school diploma huh? Boy what an overachiever you are! I bet not many people have that! You sure showed me! My Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, Major in Graphic Design, Minor in Art History have nothing on you! I have never seen a member post such consistent amounts of stupid on a forum. Not a single post I've seen from you has any redeeming quality from let, let along anything resembling facts. You live in some sort of delusional fantasy land where you think Buick is a separate entity from General Motors. Got news for you, it's not.
  8. Hey dude, it's been a while.
  9. Brilliant!
  10. Speaking of road authority, it's one of the things I love about the Grand Marquis. AT night people think it's a cop car and are afraid to pass it on the highway. From cars to semis, they'll creek up to just behind the car and just stay there until they either get the balls to pass or we flash the dome light a few times. You can't buy that kind of respect.
  11. Of course not, look how many people still buy Toyotas.
  12. Compute not
  13. I saw on the new people who waited in line for days at the Apple Store in NYC for one. One guy came from Germany cuz he couldn't wait a few weeks for it to be released in Europe. One woman said they couldn't live without one. Tools.
  14. More weight doesn't mean it's safer. I bet you a Smart weighs a lot less than a Venture...but guess which is the deathtrap?
  15. It's like looking at some of the LH parts collections I see but with VW parts! Keep at it! You should get a thread going in the Project Car Chronicles if you haven't yet.
  16. Man I haven't heard that site mentioned since high school. YOU CAN SUCK MY D**K...OR C**K!
  17. Been a couple weeks since I was around, thought I'd share my whereabouts. My family bought a "new" house finally, and so the last few weeks have been working on getting it ready to move in to. Check and fix water leaks, clean, paint, etc. It's a multifamily home, split into three (it used to be two) The main area of the first floor is my mom's and the upstairs is where my aunt's family is moving into. The rear section of the first floor was split up some time ago and used as an office, then converted into an apartment. This is where my girlfriend and I are living. So we get our own little place out of this, which is pretty cool. A little privacy yet still being able to work on saving for our own place is nice. It's small but cozy, lots of power outlets. Been doing a lot of work, not just moving but fixing things that need to be fixed, putting new carpeted own and such. What's also nice about this place is that the garage and driveway are nice and level, so I can finally work on the cars on level ground, yay. I much prefer Athol to Lawrence, which was a craphole. This is a smaller town, quieter, seems more friendly. Lots to see...mountains, lakes, damns, rivers, and such. Once the streets start blossoming it should make for some fantastic photo opportunities. Other than that, the Intrepid ticked over 200,000 miles, as I posted, and my birthday was this past Monday. Still lots to do, fun times. See you around.
  18. Happy Birthday.
  19. Hey if you decided to go Route 2 through MA, passing by Athol, let me know, as that's where I'll be living by then.
  20. Intrepidation

    LOL pics

  21. Intrepidation

    LOL pics

  22. That was cool when it was posted on this site 2 years ago. Reruns are fun too I guess.
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