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Everything posted by Intrepidation

  1. Loved the 3000GT and the Evo X is amazing, but besides the Evo nothing else they have really compels anyone to want to buy a Mitsubishi. The bread and better vehicle, the Galant, is hopelessly outperformed by almost everything else in the class.
  2. And just about anything else from the 80's.
  3. Sounds pretty nit picky to me. I wonder if we'd complain about it if it were another brand? It's a nice thought. I'd do it. f@#k the insurance companies. Since when do we endorse those assholes?
  4. I have always liked and would love to own a Dakota Quad cab 4x4 of that vintage. For me it seems like just the right size.
  5. Plus Necrophilia is generally looked down upon.
  6. That's not a Vantage it's a DB9 Funny that it's in Lawrence of all places. In fact I saw the very one going down 110 last week. It is a thing of beauty. black Camaro RS with silver hood stripes couple Military Humvees couple Equinoxes.
  7. It's a halo car and an engineering exercise.
  8. Those classic Land Cruisers are pretty awesome, even the more recent ones up until the last gen were pretty handsome. The one one is ugly, but it can still do the job. There's a reason why they still use these old things all over the world.
  9. My problem with Toyota has been their arrogant advertising, and this image they've built up about never breaking down. Than and for the last decade or so their cars have been getting increasingly dull and increasingly ugly for the most part. That and the slipping quality ad the cover ups. That doesn't make everything they've ever made junk.
  10. Just because you're not impressed by them (it's not an El Camino, not V8 powered, and has brakes) doesn't mean it's junk.
  11. LFA Corolla - way better than a Crapalier, $h!fire, Neon, etc. Hilux
  12. With fanboys, or neutral parties?
  13. I disagree, but the last 10 years or so has seen a pretty steady decline of quality control and overall quality.
  14. New place, new sig.
  15. Considering I have a high school diploma, I'd call that pwnage.
  16. Well I don't know about central MA since I just moved here, but back where I lived there was at least 3 within 20 minutes of me.
  17. $20 - $50 depending on year and type of car. Realistically, $150 is a good bet for a complete set of seats.
  18. They're pretty good, but IMO the LHS/300M's are better.
  19. That I drove regularly was the sport seats in my dad's `87 Shadow. The blusters dug into you instead of keeping you in place. However the worst seats by far were, as I said, those in the Colorado I used to pick up the 3.5
  20. Best would be the 300M leather seats I have in my Intrepid now. I believe they are shaped differently than the Intrepid cloth seats were, and the material feels nicer (looks far more upscale too). As I said before, the day I sat in an LHS (which used the same seats as non Special 300M's, was the day I realized I wanted to upgrade from my cloth seats. I still have them, still in great shape, just no use for them (maybe a chair some day). Second place goes to the cloths eats in the Shadow. They're just really ccomfy seats. Material is nice and soft too. One the flip side, the worst seats I have ever sat in were the cloth seats in a Colorado. My back hurt after a few minutes in that thing.
  21. Yeah cheap leather sucks, in that case I'd rather go for good quality cloth. Prizm's came in either base cloth, premium two-tone cloth, and leather...which felt more like vinyl. The premium cloth looks nice and is more comfortable.
  22. Just because you like leather doesn't mean you're "brainwashed" I used to prefer cloth seats, but ever since I sat in an LHS I was converted. So much more supple. As for cloth in a Cadillac, go ahead and offer it on the old fart DTS, but leave it at that.
  23. Where I used to live there was an SX/4 and a Eagle wagon, across the street from each other.
  24. One of my favorite Corvette generations.
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