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Everything posted by turbo200

  1. conceptually, a voltec MPV is a fantastic idea, 7- or 5-passenger; of course it's the next big step and would represent a big revolution for GM and the industry at large. I can't help but look at this and think some marketing "genius" still living in the holes of GM decided it would be wise to capitalize on the image already created by Volt and kill two birds with one stone. If the powertrain is what matters, then sell "Voltec", all across the board from Chevy to Buick to Caddy to GMC. But the look of this should be independent from Volt. I know they are looking to create a brand of electrification and eco-consciousness and progressivism, but stealing this fantastic car the chance of an individual and exciting design is not the way to go, I think. on the other hand, if released like this, most of the public wouldn't notice and would buy it. of course, I would know that an opportunity was missed.
  2. those are great! definitely make it in to try and drive the old SRX. would be nice to also compare to technical class leader and class sales leader, Q5 and RX350. a bmw in a comparo mix seems like it should be automatic. i agree on x3/x5.
  3. but I'm trying to understand....who does this appeal to. If GM chose to sacrifice practicality yet again, ie rear seat space, interior roominess in general....who does this get marketed to? the whole point of a crossover should be its practicality, ease of use, and going forward at least priority on passenger comfort. This is where this car should excel, along with the areas of performance and style. I do like that it performs well and is styled reasonably well [though not good enough for my tastes there is still a big portion of the buying audience who hasn't spend their time thinking of the different versions of this design theme that are possible]. I don't like your recommendation for a Lambda Caddy. It's one thing to tune a compact crossover to handle well, but tuning Lambda would be altogether another challenge, even if it's proven itself somewhat capable. No, please go on with some semblance of exclusivity for Cadillac and base a larger crossover on Zeta. that would be the smart and courteous thing to do for enthusiasts. zeta needs to be used more anyways, and Cadillac needs to focus on smartly efficient RWD vehicles that are capacious and bring a marvelous sense of luxury. I am very excited to hear overall how this one turns out. I do like the turbo SRX.... It would be great if you'd take some time to test other $50k lux suvs, if you had the time, and posted on those experiences as well.
  4. does anyone else feel the lacrosse is too narrow [and tall] for its length? just a little....now i wonder if the xts will be the same width...and longer than lacrosse.
  5. the XTS will find a market as long as it manages to convince buyers of the value of its features, quality, and performance. some people will be turned off by the proportions at the front, but most will find a lot of appeal in an appealing design. this design is very good, but it has one major feature that mars its quality. i won't go over that once more. a lot of people won't have quite the experience with good design or good discernment [or are willing to overlook the one area of bad proportions thanks to other great and attractive features of the design] to notice a difference and will be won over by the XTS as long as the features/quality of this interior design manage to make it to production. if there is serious dumbing down of the production version, if the base wheel design is poor, if the interior is seriously sparse and doesn't stand on its own as a quality design, if the car itself doesn't offer the right package [no awd, no hybrid standard], the car's chances for success will be seriously hurt and buyers will continue to choose other mid-level luxury options. one more thing. pricing has not been confirmed anywhere. i think they'd be smart to load up the interior quality, load up the expensive design features, make the hybrid standard, and start this around $50k. that would be pricing it out of many people's reach, and thereby limiting volume. the alternative is to have a lower priced less attractive and less monumental Cadillac that's only going to hurt their image going forward. this car will ultimately be measured in the substance of what it offers, even if it manages to convince a lot less savvy consumers to purchase, and what it offers has to measure up in terms of powertrain instead of offering a real dynamic exciting package that generates a lot of buzz. though there are a lot of uninformed buyers out there still, everyday that passes is a new day that new users join in on the internet revolution and get informed! via edmunds, gmi, autoblog, and even here...
  6. i know you keep using this like it is fact, but it is NOT. the lacrosse has a different weight distribution, quoted above, too lazy to look for it, think it's 56/44....so we're not guesstimating the XTS will have this balance. next, though weight balance is something optimal for the overall feel of stability...it's just one of several contributing factors to an overall driving experience. you keep using the A8 as your bogey for a great handling large sedan that has been critiqued well...that's fine, but it's not a fair comparison since you are ignoring casually the transverse application of the XTS' engine versus the different configuration of the Audi, allowing them to place the engine farther back, thus pushing the balance of the weight farther towards the rear. aside from good driving dynamics, the audi has better proportions than XTS because of the engine being placed lengthwise instead of side to side. the best bogey for the XTS is it's platform mate that's also the same size, the lacrosse.
  7. definitely turning into 68 in that i'm beating a dead horse. two more posts and my point will be exhausted i swear. just wanted to pitch this, olds, which was more entertaining/exclusive, cts or lax?
  8. exactly. yet it's done in order to give the sensation of a more controlled ride and better handling....sacrificing ride quality
  9. the veracity of this line is disturbing. to be fair, xts offers a better design inside and out. driving dynamics more or less we can expet to be similar...and that's the disappointment. at least xts looks a lot better in and out. that v8 is looking more necessary [and standard hybrid powertrain]
  10. i'm not sure what you're trying to say. actually, i think what you're saying is you can confirm AWD will come standard. back to the serious matter at hand , if AWD is standard, i won't applaud caddy, since that is the only logical choice. if it turns out AWD is not standard on XTS, then it will be oh no they didn't slap myself on the head moment yet again. this is after all a caddy, and buick has this exact same car......soooooo there are two points for me to consider in this matter. in order for me to make sense of this keeping the brands alive deal and GM becoming better at product imaging and not competing with itself, the cadillac should offer some real substance over larosse and compete in a different category...you know how audi does with the A3 by offering better interior materials, more equipment standard, more equipment choices overall, and more engine choies. so first point, it should be differentiated from the lacrosse because otherwise this is a tedious exercise like the Terrain. second point is to compete in the luxury category, this generic FWD based product had better offer a pretty compelling package....now that i've repeated that point several times i won't emphasize it once again
  11. does the tune of the suspension, the choice of tires not get influenced by the inherent balance of the chassis? FWD designers have to compensate and stiffen the platform in order to make it feel more balanced, thereby tuning the suspension for a more 'controlled ride'. he's actually right on this point. rwd is the best solution for luxury cars....there's no more need to debate this point just for the sake of defending GM on this choice. the best we can hope for is a solid performing car that also does a good job of isolating the ride. i think we can expect both of those, the ultimate handling, performance, and ride though will leave much room for the euro competitors to top...we can also expect that. look at reviews of the lacrosse to know most of where it will fall...though i think we can expect GM to change the tune, but i don't expect much either, based on history. I think a V8 is a must option for this car, especially after that hot vid. that vid highlights both the best attributes of XTS and some of the less appealing factors. XTS looks and feels like a fullsize flagship. it's still a stopgap. but it should be allowed to be as good as it can be, and priced accordingly. a cadillac with that amount of prestige baked into the design like this car has, needs the right features that will sell the performance and exclusivity of this car, and therefore be priced at $50k-60k. it should have awd standard....also should only come with advanced hybrid system.
  12. though smk represents the voice of extreme end of the luxury buyer, he is no doubt right. luxury buyers simply demand more power and less compromise. yes, there are now more than ever eco-conscious buyers but there are nonetheless many uncompromising buyers left. should cadillac bother to go after those buyers is the larger question, and the answer is if they can refine the 6.2 nicely and fit it in, which at least for the first point it is yes, they need to make that v8 available. it's a nice thought to market this only as a hybrid car...but the truth is there will be a few thousand [every year] who would want that extra power. market this first and foremost as a hybrid performance sedan by Cadillac.
  13. you're not being entirely factual here. this is a RWD-based AWD car. the engine configuration to the bias of the driveline being at the rear all in line with RWD characteristics.....why did you even try to make this comparison? look, in general, luxury buyers spend a lot of time with their cars, just like regular buyers. so they are going to be able to tell the difference after driving RWD cars for years, that a FWD feels a lot less balanced, a lot more nose heavy, a lot less stable going through corners...etc etc. they'll recognize their bmws have better steering feel than the competition, the engines have more flexible characteristics...hell if you've ever driven an MB you'll know there is an altogether distinct MB engine feel baked into every car. it's pretty awesome.. how do you step down from something that is the best to something that is not. something that is widely recognized at performing the best at everything, like a bmw, or the new gen of MBs, in terms of ride quality and with bmw unparalleled handling capability....something like that is gonna impress even the most average drivers. after all, are humans adaptive creatures, or are they not? now to underscore the point i am making. there is sheer balance and aggression of drive possible with rwd not inherently possible in all fwd...just compare the reviews the CTS chassis gets to something like the TL or volvos. with the CTS there has been nothing but ongoing and exemplary praise of the chassis, its ride quality, and its handling limits. there's nothing like a sophisticated RWD setup...and luxury buyers demand the best only...because they are mostly RWD mb and BMW buyers since they sell the most [along with lexus]
  14. well, i agree, so you take the words you used, understated [conservative], handsome, well bolted together..... in someone's eyes that's beautiful. to clarify, my use of the term was an overstatement, the ls is not my typical or car nuts' typical definition of beauty, which would be, to me, more like the XF or any alfa romeo or the tesla sedan....but nonetheless someone who values luxurious goods and timelessness, from that perspective, i can see thinking of the LS as beauty. the broader point i wanted to make also related to toyota design. i think they have introduced some truly beautiful design language. that doesn't mean a car like the venza is perfect...but it sure has damn beautiful elements to its design, and i would rock it!
  15. I agree the Lexus LS is a beautiful sedan. I actually like it a lot that Toyota's best design cues show up on the lesser models, but they save the best for Lexus. Like the relation between the RX and the Venza which are both beautiful, and then some of those same design cues extended to the highlander first and then 4runner. Toyota uses very refined surfacing techniques....and this latest generation has added some of the best design in the industry...they've far surpassed nissan and honda, and are an alternative to the much more sober germans. toyota design language is uniform, it is distinct, original, and not a copy of anyone else. yes the ls uses the template of the german big sedans and always has, and throughout the '80's and '90's the japanese took inspiration from the simple straightforward lines and elegant presentations of the germans.....so what. gm's done it now with malibu, impala is basically a cry out to last gen camry fans, lacrosse is a GS in drag, opel design language is a direct descendant of MB, and so on.....what matters is how you take the inspiration and make it your own. design and image are the two biggest influences of luxury buying decisions. the LS sells on the backing of enduring appeal and handsome proportions, as well as its performance and more significantly lexus' history. i think cadillac has a good starting point as far as legacy is concerned. they are very well known as luxury car makers to the point of instant acceptance or rejection, and this latest design theme has captivated attention, rightfully so. i think xts has a good chance of being a solid performing car. the thing that i would like to see GM accomplish here is not dumb this car down so much to the point where caddy is selling a full size car for 40k, including a discount because its content is not altogther desirable. GM has the opportunity to make a relatively outstanding luxury package that speaks for itself, they can sell it for 50k-60k, limit the options, and make AWD standard. the hybrid powertrain should also be standard, and considering this is Epsilon based, there should be no problem absorbing those costs. the options available should be related to comfort and convenience. the tone set for the basic model should still be one of a technological tour de force, if not you're competing with a BMW 5-series that is incredibly desirable on its own in design, legacy, and much much much better performance.
  16. well that's exactly my point. in pricing, they won't dream of setting this in the $70k range...offering a car this big for a discount price already is a strike against caddy's image. it shows they don't believe in thier own product enough to price it according to other full size sedans. of course we know they wouldn't because it's based on epsilon, and in the end will not feel like as much of a car as those others. but then you have it still competing against some really good cars in the 50k-60k price range. i don't know where they will want to come in on price...in 2 years they'll have a 2 year old e-class, a 1 year old 5 series, a new A6 probably debuting around then, new lexus GS, the list goes on and on. i don't feel without the technology, that this car is going to compete well with 5-series or E-class, which own the prestige label, have sophisticated and powerful engines, have great refined ride and driving characteristics, and aren't going to feel like full size sedans. again this is cadillac going after discount car buyers. in order to lessen that label, and really make a mark in the luxury field, this should be their luxury hybrid tour de force AWD flagship, for now, but no need to tell buyers that. imagine what a base FWD xts without the platinum wheels, great interior, flashy tech bits, non-hybrid powertrain would be like.
  17. at $50k, this is competition for the E-class and 5-series. i seriously don't see it doing well in sales going up against those heady competitors without serious perks. this car should not come ill equipped. make hybrid and awd standard. make the driving dynamics worthy. make the interior worthy.
  18. the problem is it's hard to visualize this being a competitor in the crowded field of $50k-60k sedans without it being equipped exactly as the concept shown. without the hybrid, AWD, hand sewn interior detailing, extra tech, this is little upgrade from a standard lacrosse.
  19. ok, i have to agree with you whiteknight from the perspective of a cadillac fan. knowing what cadillac is capable of, being a huge fan of both cts gens upon intro, being a follower and admirer of their concepts, and having some perspective on the art&science theme.....this car represents a major dilemma, a new cadillac i am starting to hate. why? because it came before all the cool cadillacs that should have come already. this is not an inspiring design. remember the original evoq and how much promise surrounded that? the converj delivered on that, this does not. the other problem i'm having is coming to terms with what kind of an audience this car will find. going with a traditional design rather than an appealing modernistic design could prove to be this car's downfall.
  20. i understand the negative reaction here. the side surfacing is rather dull and owes a lot to 4 year old lexus models [think gs, ls and you are on the right track]. on to the proportions which are actually not all bad, and that combined with the cadillac elegantly sloped roofline and nice greenhouse combine so that the side profile is one of the most attractive elements of the car, but still, that view is like a heavily upgraded DTS. and that my friends, is where a lot of the disappointment sets in. cadillac really made a traditional car to appeal to traditional buyers. this is no 7-series competitor, because that car is athletic. this car has no pretense for athleticism. i feel this concept is not a bad one. but it's one that should have come after cadillac fleshed out its lineup and decided to appeal to new luxury buyers in full force, with a full lineup of modern aggressive cars/suvs. there's room for traditional cars, look at bentley. with the continental they appeal to those who like more daring and emotive design; with the arnage it's those that prefer luxury that looks old world. i'm actually pretty okay with this design, other than what i stated that i wished caddy had established its sport brand before continuing the tradition brand; but my problem with caddy production design is it never fully embraces moving forward. the rear end treatment is tired, the converj had more progressive cues while still in line with the fins and large clean middle section, even the exposed LED diodes under the taillights are five or six years old now with the the DTS, and beyond boooooring and tasteless really; they just don't look appealing stacked up in one straight line, that may work elsewhere, but not with this design. cadillac could have gotten more creative with the sides. converj again was thrilling and shocking and amazing in this respect, but none of that is here. cadillac production design can never fully embrace the best of what the conceptual side is thinking. i think this can find an audience. the best car possible though would be to include the hybrid powertrain standard. i agree with the above statements that the regular 3.6 will be overwhelmed, and a big blingy powerful looking caddy like this should not feel overwhelmed. a nice caddy hybrid with that interior though and a good comfortable looking exterior has a good chance at success. it's too bad that there isn't a cadillac brand already established, a concise cadillac message, to allow for this departure [from CTS], to allow for this side adventure.
  21. this car defies categorization. due to the bulging clamshell hood you have a bit of SUV from the front angle, but the edgy lines keep you contemporary and shed excess fat; the forward angle of the c-pillar and the shrinking greenhouse towards the rear keep this more like a modern 5-door hatch like the mazda 3 as opposed to something boring and more minivan-like like the mazda5. this is an awesome design. let's not water it down for production.
  22. this is everything a GMC should be: technical, upscale, expensive detailing, refined, edgy and very forward and modern. GMC has to express something uniquely bold and powerful as compared to a more casual and uber-friendly/handsome/cavalier chevy. GMC should be technical and off-putting, high-minded in concept. The Graphyte concept, or an updated version of it, or a production version of the Denali XT would be great follow up to this. i hope we see it here soon, with the right efficient powertrains, as well as a hi-po 220 hp turbo engined version, and it damn well better not come without any of these details. screw the fleets, screw the low end consumers, GMC should be all about exclusivity and special detailing going forward!
  23. this is the global debut of a very ugly car. in their press conference, honda's announcer stated he hoped i would love my first glance on their new hybrid as much as they do; i don't. it has some pretty bad angles, and there's no coherent theme. is it supposed to emphasize practicality like a good hybrid should; or it should I say it doesn't look sport at all so it cannot capitalize on the novelty of being the first genuine sports car hybrid. not impressive at all honda, and quite disappointing if this points at what's coming.
  24. now that you express this sentiment, i detect a tone of disappointment. do you now understand more behind what i was saying earlier? it really is a waste to develop two essentially identical product, put one slightly more attractive wrapper on one [up to you to decide which one] and then voila we have two competitors, except they're in the very same segment.
  25. thanks for the answers. i wasn't trying to be overly complicated with you; i like that terrain exists, and I think it does draw in different people. I just hope in the future GM understands how to properly market their vehicles as different product....through the use of quality differentiation.
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