With all due respect, all the "bragging" about GM/domestic success stories in the world isn't going to do a thing until everyone knows that they can go to a domestic dealer and:
1 - get a car that will run and run basically forever without minor failures in the first 3 years of daily use and without any major failures in the next 5 years after that.
2 - get treated well and honestly by their **dealers**, without the mechanics acting like screwdriver wielding baboons in their car and staff treating customers like plague ridden zombies if they have a warranty issue.
3 - designing cars that actually look and feel like they're made well, not made cheap.
My family used to buy American 100% of the time, but too many screw jobs from the big three and their dealers made the imports a welcome island of relief.
During the mid to late 90's I owned a Jeep Grand Cherokee, which wasn't too bad actually - but every time I took it to the dealer, either the mechanics tried to play some kind of game with me (I ended up stuck WALKING home 8miles once when the dealer wouldn't give me a ride home after they tried to jack a repair bill hundreds of dollars above the estimate), or I'd hear nothing but horror stories from all the other customers waiting for their cars - electrics going bad, transmissions falling apart over and over again, etc - I felt really lucky my Jeep was only going in for comparatively little things.
I'm planning on giving the domestics another chance with my next car because I really want to get behind a GTO or Vette, but I'll be doing it half-expecting to end up with an unrealiable money pit supported/serviced by baboons and thieves.