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Has anyone seen the pricing or heard rumors of the pricing on the Outlook, Enclave, or Acadia? I am curious as to what price range these will fit into.
Well, it sounds like a resounding 'yes' on all fronts...I took her to the dealer yesterday and had her sit in an LT2 Auto - she really liked it, then came up with a list of negatives that kind of threw me back a bit. Her biggest complaint was the lack of room over the Yukon - (duh!) and she felt insecure in something so low. Explained to her that my Corvette she is always stealing from me is lower...did not take the argument...We are going to rent one for a week and see how it fits for her. Stay tuned. And, to say I have had bad luck with other auto makes would be an understatement. I love the PT Cruiser and always thought it was cool, just had bad issues with Chrysler in the past...and do not get me started on my family's issues with Fords; from complete front ends FALLING OFF of cars ( no BS!!!) to the Explorers that my mom drove that ALL had major issues from front wheels freezing up while driving to engines seizing to trannys failing. No GM has ever left us stranded...ever
Well C & G-ers, wondering if I can get some help from the crowd out there. My wife currently drives a '95 Yukon SLT 4door...13 MPG hog that it is. She likes the truck, but I don't like the $65+ per week in gas she is burning up just driving around town. She is in love with the HHR, and since I found out they withstand an accident pretty well, I was wondering if it would work for us. We have two kids, both in booster seats, 4 and 6 years of age. My wife is a tiny thing, so the seat would not be too far back. No strollers to haul. Just going to be an around town kind of car. Anybody out there in the same boat or that has gone down this path already? Or should I just drop a LT1 into the Yukon and keep driving it...I figure if my Roadmonster Wagon can get 19 with the LT1, then the Yukon should do the same. Any help here would be great...as would the near 30 mpg the HHr would bring with it.
georgeous! I would love to have that...first one that made me look at trading in my 04!
maybe they were just giving us a stopgap freshening before the RWD coupes come out? Maybe the Monte is dead soon? I agree with the old tech analogy - when compared to what is out there in the price range - there are a lot better cars than the Monte to choose from. Hell, the New Beetle was more fun to drive! And, before I am nailed as a GM basher on that - I drive a 95 Buick Roadmonster WAGON almost daily...and I love it.
You know what? I want an HHR. My wife WANTS an HHR. I have been begging and looking for ANY information as to the crash rating of the little truck/car...and until now, could not find it. GM needs to market this truck properly. I know that independent testing JUST occured, but come on - did GM NOT test this thing before someone else did? Shouldn't they push to get it tested so they can used this information to SELL units? People nowadays, I think, really look at the safety aspects of cars before making a purchase. I know that I do. So, with all of that rambling said: Kudos to GM for designing a small car with safety and a great design! My wife and I will be test driving one this weekend.
man - that was sweet. And the Z06 driver still has what? $100,000 for gas over what the Lambo driver paid? And let's not even bring up the costs of ownership on either car...the Z06 needs an oil change and a few odds and ends...$100 bucks a visit. Try that with the Lambo...ouch. Then to get OWNED by a car made by Chevrolet...ha ha ha ha
Thank you for posting - I enjoyed the read. And, the product that I have seen, the concepts that are 'close to production' and the hints of 'what lies beneath'...all have me reaching for my empty pocket book. If the 07 Tahoe that I have is any indication of the direction and quality of GM products to come - the automotive 'analysts' had better change thier speech or we will all learn the truth - that they want GM to fail. Hell, read any review of the aformentioned Tahoe or Escalade/Yukon and all you will see is praise - followed by a 'BUT THE MILEAGE' statement...mine is currently giving me 19 in mxed driving - 50/50 hwy/town. I don't think that is too bad for a 7000 pound truck! Lutz, you are right about the direction of GM and Right about the idiots who critique your cars...and I will be the first to tell all of you that the 80's and 90's GM cars sucked. - This new stuff is better than any import I have ever been in. period. i just wish I could read about it somewhere.
toesuf94 replied to VenSeattle's topic in New York International Auto Show (NYIAS)
did anyone notice the door handles are relatively close to the Camaro Concepts? I think that the truck looks sweet! -
Choppin' Competition #17 - 2009 Chevrolet Impala
toesuf94 replied to Flybrian's topic in Choppin' Competitions
mrdetroitmuscle: Awesome CHOP. I would love to see this car on the road. probably gonna have to loose the chrome bumpers, but really really a cool looking car. -
O.k...looking at your last statement just proved my point - because you want to argue 'freedom of religion' as a basis to do whatever YOU feel is right, then common sense be damned?(in the case of the woman in CA wanting to wear a burka OVER HER FACE for a PHOTO ID on a STATE ISSUED License to operate a motor vehicle!!) What is next - wearing a ski mask over your face on your drivers license because you do not want to get a burn from the camera flash? Just because YOU or a group of people want to have something different than the rest of the country - everyone else has to change? The majority has to yeild to the minority? Why? So you all feel vindicated? You will feel like you gained acceptance because the majority changed 3000 years of beliefs to suit your needs? And you wonder why people living in the majority get pissed when THEIR beliefs get stomped on or challenged by a minority group. But GOD forbid that I use the word 'lifestyle' in describing your living with a same sex individual - you definately got upset at my faux paux. I have not had a sensitivity or 'gay-awareness meeting in a while. Thank you for catching me up on my terminology. As far as the 'high-risk lifestyle' - there is still a HUGE perception that the gay lifestyle is high-risk. I do not know what the actual numbers are - I am talking perceived - should have been clearer on that I guess. Insurance companies will use this perception to drive everyone's rates up - watch. Which leads me to the question of why we have to change thousands of years of beliefs and general 'darwinism' ( male+female=Survival of the species ) to make a group with seperate beliefs than the status quo happy? Where does it end? When people who practice Beastiality want to marry a goat or Ritual Sacrifice is made legal because a minority group says that it is not right for 'us' to challenge their religion or belief system? What is it going to take to finally wake everyone up to the fact that certain beliefs that challenge the 'norm' are not acceptable to the majority - nor good for society as a whole. ( Again my example: if your face is not shown on your i.d. - how can it be a legal ID? The woman WON in court based on the idea of freedom of religion...how is that a good thing when it goes against the very purpose of having the photo on there in the first place??? The system had to change for 1 person who did not accept our beliefs and our system that is in place in the ENTIRE United States.) Again - I don't care if you want to get hitched with another guy or girl or whatever - just don't ask the majority to change everything that they believe in to suit your needs for affirmation of your union. And by the way: Is walking in a mall with my kids rubbing my heterosexuality in your face as well? Come ON! I am sorry that my being with my wife in public offends a gay guy - get over it! Hetero animals and humans have been showing affection in public for millions of years - you want that to change too so that you are not offended? You want to kiss your boyfriend - go for it! If someone picks a fight with you over it - I would stand there with you and take them on ( as would just about any other member on this board I am sure ). It is your right to do as a free citizen of the US of A. It seems there is no end to this argument... Case in point: A stupid little comercial about a car that 99.999% of anyone on this board will say has NOTHING gay in it has now garnered 5+ pages of topics on gay rights issues, has been attacked in the press by a gay rights activist group, and probably done nothing to help DCX sell even one of the little cars to either side of the fence. And I still have not had 1 Burbon, 1 Scotch or 1 beer.
Now we are talking - although the tequila may be needed by all of us to to settle everyone down a bit. I will take a nice German pilsner or Weiss beer anytime. As for the lesbian trapped in a man's body - it simply means I dig chicks...
I am fine with your reasoning. And I see your point. Now look at it from a hetero point of view: Insurance WILL go higher for everyone because people look at gay men's sexual lifestyle as 'high risk'. Now, insurance companies cannot give you a rate that is higher than mine because they see you as a higher risk than a hetero couple, so they will have to raise everyone's rates to compensate. If they targeted gay couples with higher rates - you would see lawsuits for discrimination all over the country. This is one example. Taxes: While I agree that there should not be an inheritance tax, we will play hell getting that absolved out of the government's hands any time soon. Bush tried a few years back and was shot down big time. Even married couples have to shelter assets in such a way as to not loose a big chunk once one or the other dies - and it is even worse for the children of the deceased. YOU have to work on sheltering your assets in perpetuity by either setting up a corporation to shelter them, giving your partner stock and holdings that can continue after you are gone. This is the same for EVERYONE - if you do not shelter your assets - you will loose them. I am not threatened by Gay marriage in MA, or anywhere else for that matter. and no, I am not asking to go back to the days of racial bigotry in this country. But at what point does everything that this country was founded on get overturned - then the very basis of our country is gone...then what do we have? To step away from the Gay issue for a minute - When a woman can sue the state of California for discrimination - and win - because she refuses to allow her face to be photographed for a driver's license as she will not remove her burka - that is WRONG. Years ago, common sense would have had her laughed out of the courtroom...now she wins and starts a whole new precident. When a guy challenges the ten commandments in a court house lobby because HE is an athiest - and wins to have them removed - this is overturning the very BASIS of what our country was founded on. It seems these days that everything that we hold dear is being attacked from one side or the other - and i am afraid that the issue of gay marriage is just the one that people have decided to put thier foot down on. Just my 11.5 cents on this whole topic. At this point - I am going to have to say that I am done on this topic, and that we will agree to disagree. Love your tag line about the slinkies by the way...and when I get the money - the CTS-V will be in the garage next to my vette. If the new one looks like what Lutz is standing next to in the 60 Minutes piece - I will be in line! What a car!
Other than the Origami edging - they look hot to me...I just hope they arrive here in all forms...Ute, Four Door, Wagon, and rwd/AWD...oh to have choices at the GM dealerships again!
and a fruity-umbrella'd pinky-out drink will be fine. I go both ways on the drink issue...this takes us back to the whole Irish kettle-o-worms...I am part Irish and I will drink damned near anything! In fact, I could be a great alchoholic if I had the time...
and I am not saying that anyone is right or wrong on the marriage issue...like I said four posts ago - go for it. I really don't care one way or another. Does this mean the Caliber is fighting the Subaru for the 'official gay car' now?
I am sure that over time this will be a non-issue and that acceptance will come eventually...although the whole women voting thing is still under review due to the whole "Clinton was soo cute I had to vote for him" vote of the '90's. Just takes a while for this all to get straightened back out... ha ha ha...wasn't this about a car commercial about an hour ago?
When I was referring to the 'in-your-facer's' - I am referring to the groups who bring this to the media and make issue out of things that should be non-issues. These are the people who make life difficult for the people they think they are helping IMHO. As for anyone who professes great disdain for your lifestyle - who the hell are they to say anything about another person's life choices? I will stand side by side with anyone - gay or straight or whatever and fight along side them standing up for thier rights. Like I stated earlier - I have no problem with any marriage. Gay, straight, sideways, whatever. And I have never accused ANYONE on this board of being in my face - I will gladly have a beer with anyone on this board - we are all car guys and gals. I am sure we can all find something to talk about.
you seriously WANT to get married??? WHY? I WANT OUT! Actually, I feel your pain, and am all for you getting married. Have a ball. The problem comes when you look at what 'married' means. Employer's need to give 'partners' benefits, tax law has to be rewritten, insurrance regulations have to be changed...the list of changes is long and complicated. It is not as simple as pronouncing you man and man or wife and wife. I am not smart enough to have the answers. I am not a bible thumper and really don't care one way or another. Same goes for abortion - your choice, your GOD, your concience - just don't ask me to pay for it! I am going to ask the question that will start a $hit storm of controversy...Why exactly do gays want the governments of the world to recognize you as married? What is the BFD? Get married to each other - profess your undying love for one another - have a ceremony- share rings. What is the deal with needing it to be a legally binding arrangement recognized by the rest of the people in the world? Isn't having someone who loves you reason enough? Since when has being a minority in this country made it o.k. to overturn what 90+% of the rest of us believe in(marriage is between a man and a woman)? An example: Because of 1% of the population - the word GOD cannot be uttered anywhere near government or a school.
here I go, wading into the waters that inteligent men stay clear of. Here is my question, being a Lesbian trapped in a man's body - I am confused as to how exactly this BECAME a GAY issue. Somebody want to help me out here? 1) A Fairy is a Fairy - meaning imaginary miniature creature with wings...not a gay guy. If someone Refered to the guy walking the dog as a fairy - that would be derogatory and would be implying that they are calling him gay. 2) they took a the guy from a 'tough guy walking a big mean dog' to a preppy walking a poodle. Where in the commercial does anyone refer to him being a fag, gay, 'overly happy' or flaming??? I did not see it. 3) The whole premise of the commercial is taking tough, strong, and powerful images and knocking them down to cute and cuddly toy like items...the powerful train becomes a toy in technicolor, the strong tough skyscraper becomes a soft and colorful sunday with a cherry on top...and the tough 'harley' guy becomes a preppy walking three poodles...but the Caliber is untouched by the fairy's magic. 4) if SOMEHOW you find something offensive about this commercial, you are trying too damned hard to read way between the lines. This is probably what other members on the forum are trying to state by calling people overly sensitive minorities. Sad choice of wording, but the message is on target. 5) (Jumping off the cliff here) I think acceptance has been made of the Gay culture now, so do 'your people' and the rest of the world a favor - stop trying to make issues about everything and anything that you can to try to keep your cause in the "I-AM-OUT-OF-THE-CLOSET-AND-I-AM-IN-YOUR-FACE-UNTIL-YOU-ACCEPT-IT!" phase...we get it - you are gay. Congrats! Happy for you. I am Married...do you see me flying a black 'rainbow' on the back of my car? Nope. If you stop trying to get us to 'GET IT' we will like you more. Seriously. It is like when my wife asks me to take the garbage out a million times...I just get madder each time she asks! Same goes for over selling your Gay-dom. Again - congrats, we got it.
I know, I still have to go to therapy over that one...was just offered a '70 GSX red over black car - 455 Auto A/C console car for $16k...hmmm...thinking....
well there! 2 sold...
I would love to see an Impala Wagon again - but the AWD is important on all of the Zeta line...I only get to pick 1!?!?!?! Hmmm... Well, then I guess I will take El Camino - BUT ( this is where I get kicked by other members ) i want the option of a two door AND the four door UTE that is in Australia so the damned thing can be practical if needed... (don't hurt me!!!) So that is what I would love to see on the obscure end of things... A RETRO 67 Buick Riviera coupe would also be really cool... See, I cannot choose just 1! They would ALL be worthy of building. The AWD is probably the most important of all on ANY of the platforms under the sedans/wagons/caminos.