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Everything posted by toesuf94

  1. I am not a hater...I think it is a decent looking car...just do not think the interior lives up to the heritage of the car and it is out of proportion a bit compared to the original car. I am 1000% glad to see it back on the streets and doing battle against the Mustang and the soon to be released Camaro. I am also 1-million percent glad to see it was not a re-bodied Neon or Omni, as was the case with the Challenger in the 80's.
  2. I love this car and cannot wait for the show tomorrow. I am really surprised at the number of people here that dislike the interior. I find it beautiful and for the love of GOD missing the corporate HVAC and Black Tie radio center stack! I feared that the bean counters would have stuffed the corporate parts bin crap down the Camaro teams throats and ruined a great design. I was in the Concept Camaro and can tell you that the radio and HVAC in that car were unusable - but beautiful! To see them brought to life in a usable package is wonderful. I could just hear the same people who HATE this interior raising hell if they had stuffed the Black Tie set-up in the production car. Glad to see some individuality showing up in the cars. Nothing worse for me that hopping in my Corvette and staring at the Cavalier stereo and trunk release button, Oldsmobile door handles, and Buick HVAC controller. It really ruins the car for me. Glad to see the same fate has NOT ruined my dream car, and cannot wait to see what the designers come up with on the next cars to come down the line. Now I just have to decide between an RS V6 stick or wait for the Z28 Convertible that I always wanted. And the color choice is going to be a bitch!
  3. I saw the Orange SRT Challenger the other day at a cruise in. At first I was pretty impressed. The front and tail are spot on and really do the original cars justice. It was the profile and the roofline that ruined it for me. Something in the proportions was odd from the side. One look at the interior did it in for me though. Unimpressed with the guts. Overall I would give the car a 7 out of 10. On the flip side of my little rant, I give Dodge an 11 for building the damned thing in the first place. The wow factor IS there and I am glad it is on the road. It will just never garner my money to have one in my driveway.
  4. I love the 50's style teeth in the grill and the body is beautiful! I see Saab Aero X and the SS concept sedan in the body profile and front fenders. I am on the fence with the rear end. Too much going on back there for my eyes. Something along the lines of the 67 would be kick ass!
  5. Where is option C - Both are hideous. Bland, boring, uninspiring of my time or money. Not one time in the history of Acura has one of them even interested me in buying them. And I actually CAN get excited about a Civic Si or the new Accord Coupe. Acura (and Infiniti) has always said: "BMW did not offer as good a lease deal as Honda did, so I bought this instead of the 3 series I really wanted."
  6. I do hope everyone was o.k. That did not look light! EDIT: Did some digging...everyone is alright...and yes, all items WERE new: http://www.shelbycountytoday.com/bank.php hope he filled out the insurance cards!!!!
  7. http://www.break.com/index/how-not-to-use-...hrough-atm.html Nope! Did not fit! I bet he was just showing his banker the camper he just bought and was heading home to show the wife and kids...ouch!
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,379301,00.html Not a huge news story...but I loved Toyota's response.
  9. The Camry sells because it is generally a bargain in it's class when the lease is thrown up on the T.V. Screen or on a newspaper ad. $189 a month/ zero or little down and you are in a new car with "toyota reliability". The damned things sell themselves. Do I think they are a nice car. Nope. They are GREAT basic refrigerator like transportation...not a driver's car, just transportation. Are they better than any product than any other manufacturer? Nope. Just the reputation is. I have driven our company car Buick Lacross CX for the past couple of days...quiet, isolated, mushy ride (decent brakes though) great gas mileage, uncomfortable seats with velcro like cloth that untucks your shirt when you get in it, a great V6 that moves the car easily, green gages and buttons... it has the same formula as the Camry, so why is it going unloved by the masses?
  10. That's it...I give up. Heading over to the Hospital to get a full frontal labotomy and then fitted with a pea-green metalic Prius. Sure, I will be wearing a bibb ...but I won't care that I will not be getting the Camaro I have been dreaming of since I first sat in a '69 RS/SS Convertible. Oh well, on to a world of not caring anymore!
  11. Not that I am doubting your experiences with the Express...I have heard that elsewhere as well. If you look at the Sprinter (impressive truck!) watch the diesels. I have heard from the UPS drivers that use them that the 5 Cylinder Mercedes Diesels are spinning lots of bearings QUICKLY in the motors. Just what I have heard, not trying to say they are all bad, just an FYI.
  12. 1: 2007 Tahoe LT3. 2004 Corvette 2: 2009 Tahoe, 2010 Camaro Z28 Convertible (waiting list #1 spot) and 2009 Camaro Z28 Coupe (waiting list # 1 and 2 spots) Possibly a Traverse lease when my wife's Commander goes the way of the DoDo in February. I love my Bow Ties!
  13. 1: TWO! 2006 Lacross ( company car ) and a 2006 Rainier ( Mom's Car ) 2: Possibly an Enclave when mom's Rainier is up.
  14. I love the clean styling of the truck, and the interior looks great in the photos. The pricing is where this is supposed to shine...so we will see. My problem is I need to drive the Tahoe when I haul the wagon around in the trailer for long distance shows. If I did not need to do that, a Lambda would be in my driveway. Laugh at this one, but I am actually looking at buying a Tahoe LTZ under the 72 hour sale, then looking for a used/demo HHR to drive to work and around town. Keep the Tahoe parked and use it for business, trips and hauling only.
  15. So true! I would buy a water powered or fuel cell car today if it was an option. Until then, we need the oil in our backyard to ween us off the mid-east oil until the alternative sources are better developed and more reliable.
  16. Great post, Enzl! And for those who wish to place the blame for $4.00 gas on Mr. Bush again...please look all the way back to Carter to see why we cannot get our own oil and are reliant on the middle east. We are physically NOT allowed to drill for all of the oil that rests just 20-200 miles off of our coastline (oil that Communist Cuba and China are pumping daily by the way!) as well as all of the arctic preserves that were established to protect what is UNDER THE GROUND in those areas. You honestly think ANYONE in the government cares about a Carribou?
  17. I had the fortunate experience of renting (don't let that word ruin it for you) a G6 GT coupe in black on black leather - hard loaded - and was INSTANTLY in love with that car. It was a rocket, did well on gas, was fun...and a rocket! I liked it so much I took my mom to look at one when here lease options opened up again. She loved it, but instantly missed sitting high in an SUV and went with a new Rainier. I have had two New Beetles, the latest an '07 2.5 auto. To say I was NOT impressed with that car was an understatement. The drivetrain is thrashy, and the 5 cylinder is just an odd sounding little thing in all ranges, from idle on up to redline. The appointments are nice, but little stuff would break or fall loose, and you just never felt like the quality was all that great. Then came the VW Service - $90.00 + oil changes on a $18,000 car? Excuse me? The parts and service aspect of the VW made it the final straw for me...and I happen to LIKE the funky styling of the Beetle and Rabbit...just not THAT much. :twocents:
  18. How is it 500+ complaints and crashes with injuries does not warrant a recall with the Toyota, yet a few tailgate cables break on a Chevrolet and it is NATIONAL NEWS and a major recall notification??? I am confused.
  19. Here is my Shadow story...about a forelorned 88 turbo stuck in a garage for over 8 years without any love and the windows left down. Owner could not recall WHY he parked it, just that he had bought another car, so this one sat. At least he put her inside. He was moving and new I liked all things with rubber tires, so he offered it to me to take it home if I got it out of the garage! Best four letter word when it comes to anything automotive...free! So I borrowed a tow dolly and went to pick her up. Put air in the tires (which were just low and like new) and pushed her out into the light. Rust was having it's way with the core support and the rear hatch area, but the rest of the car was actually rather nice. It was dark red with grey interior, 5-speed and had that wonderful black Mitsubishi 4 cylinder Turbo under the hood. Towed her home, dropped the gas tank and oil out of her, flushed the coolant, replaced the gas tank with a junkyard unit out of a recently wrecked shadow and put some gas in her. Connected the battery and she fired right off! So, now she runs, drives, and stops! My investment is paying off! I cleaned her up, got the 8 years of cat hair out of the seats, and polished the paint, filled the rust area of the hatch with por-15 and bondo, then painted it flat black for that mopar racey look. She became my storm chasing car after she was licensed and insured. I drove that car like that for about 6 weeks and decided that I did not really need it, but a buddy of mine did. As I am showing him the car and how good of shape it is in, I put my foot on the rear bumper to give the old 'car salesman lean on the car'-act. The damned bumper fell right off! Seems the rust from the hatch had also attacked the bumper mounts...oops. Knocked $50 off for that! The guy I sold it to drove it (with repaired bumper) as it was for over 35,000 miles and hardly had a problem with the car. Oh, and remember the core support up front? Well, he was driving down the highway and decided to do a u-turn accross a median and heard a 'bad noise' from the front end when the body twisted. Seems the core support was only now beeing held on by the mounts for the sway bar and the radiator hoses! It had rusted then ripped when it became too weak. He welded some braces in there, and she was good as new. He sold it to a kid that blew the motor up not too much later. She is now probably being made into wire hangers or something...but they are cheap and fun if you do not invest too much into them.
  20. Well, I am sure you are right, but read through some of those posts...some said they only owned them a few months or little time at all when they found the rust issue and were told to expect a letter. Now, the letter from Toyota says there are 800,000 trucks out there. Let's say there are 400,000 with this issue, that is a lot of $10,000 checks! $400,000,000 if ONLY half of the 800,000 + trucks gets bought back. That is a lot of coin.
  21. Does anyone else feel that the posts on this blog just seem to be a bit too sugary and, well, fake? A guy in CT , or 'rust hell' had just JUNKED a running truck because of a rusted out frame, and is HAPPY that Toyota is NOW stepping up and replacing these trucks? Um, I don't think they are going to give you a $10,000 check for your scrap metal receipt, are they. By the way, all of US are idiots for not seeing the bigger picture here: Why are we not buying these POS trucks and taking them to the nearest Toyota dealer for what amounts to a $10,000 check? Start scouring your local junk yards and hauling these puppies out to your Toyota dealer! Then take the money you make and go buy a GM car or truck - bankrupt Toyota and help GM in just a few easy steps!
  22. HHR all the way over the Fit or other small offerings just for the weight, safety, great styling, and for the winter traction that extra weight is going to afford you. I have a huge soft spot for those trucklets, I want one so bad as a commuter car to park the Tahoe I need for towing and work. Just not justified with the extra payment and insurance over the gas I am using to go to work and back. If gas hits $6.00 or more...then you will see an HHR SS in my driveway next to my Tahoe. GM- IF you are reading this...maybe a Jet Stream Blue SS HHR with Gray interior???
  23. http://www.newsmax.com/hostetter/anwr_oil_...5/14/96049.html OR http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Publ...15/104oiivq.asp Blame who you want...here are two news stories written by a conservative paper and another by a liberal paper. Dig up Gingrich and call me a war monger, knuckle dragging, anti-muslim anti-extremist all you f-ing want to. Read it in black and white and then re-write your post. Otherwise STFU! the Democrats only fillibustered the appointing of Judges or other appointees that they deemed not-liberal enough. Stop listening to CNN and Fox news and the other idiots and do some research on your own! Both sides are far from innocent in any of this, but when it comes to energy policy here in the US, the dems only block progress and do not provide any alternatives that can get us out of the mess we are in.
  24. A special thanks for this article goes out to the following people: The UAW and everyone driving a foreign car. And the democratic controlled U.S. congress for blocking ALL U.S. oil exploration at a time when oil is over $126 a barrel, keeping us reliant on foreign oil. Hate Bush all you want - but this is 100% true. The Democrats are killing this country and blaming it on Bush - yes, he is part of the problem, but look deeper. Pelosi and her cronies are blocking us from our oil. Started under Clinton and has just been re-voted on to block us again. If Gas was $2.00 a gallon, these people would not be loosing thier jobs as demand for trucks would still be high.
  25. I thought that there was NOT supposed to be any camo on ANY Camaro mules - Lutz's order. So other than the headlights, there should be no ZEBRA painted Camaro's...what gives?
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