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Everything posted by toesuf94

  1. I love the styling actually - long and low. Drove one and found the accelleration of the 3.5 to be adequate. The interior spoke volumes to me though - very well appointed and lots of technology. Add to it Mercedes safety and you have a damned neat wagon/mini-van...thingy. I don't think mileage is a strong point, though. So, what is the attainable price that they are offering a full boat R-class off lease? My wife wants one after her Commander goes back to Chrysler Financial.
  2. Good point!
  3. Gibbs/Toyota Cheat? You have got to be kidding me! Say it is not so! Who cares, really. I mean, the last time I saw a Camry fitted with a RWD powertrain that could do 190 mph for 500 or so miles on the dealer lot (STOCK CAR racing - get it???) was NEVER. Same can be said for the Fusion/Taurus and the Impala for the most part. Make 'em all RUN WHAT YA BRUNG and see what shakes out. THAT is STOCK CAR RACING. What this is called is a SPEC RACING SERIES. And it is nothing more than a 3 hour commercial - boring.
  4. Early 80's economy cars - domestic ones at that! 1 gold Dodge Omni four door. 1 black dodge Omni GLH-S 1 Chevette COUPE - pristine! 1 Pinto wagon with two sets of mirrors on the front fenders. and an early 80's Mercury Capri 5.0 hatchback.
  5. Kinda funky. Should not be in Buick Enclave Mocha for such a photo op...a bright orange or 'fun' color would really have made the car pop! The Mocha color kinda makes it look like a station wagon that had it's roof hacksawed off. A+ for creativity, and when you really look at it, isn't this a reply to the 4-door Wrangler Unlimited for those people who do NOT need Detroit lockers front and rear, 18 skid plates, 42-inch swampers on 20-inch wheels all being hauled around by a 3.5 liter dog of a motor hauling it all around at 12 mpg all to get to the beach or mall?
  6. The Tundra is selling well right now due to highly incentivised leases. $269 for a full sized truck crew cab 4x4? Try that on a Domestic lot. Not going to happen. I am sure that the dealer will find the needed $5k down in your trade to move one of these pigs. I see them around Cedar Rapids all the time. Of course Toyota Motor Credit is a mile from my house, and I think they have a serious 'give away' to the employees to get them driving toys. Toyota, and the big 3 for that matter, will see a serious pinch in the market as it was stated above: There is a shift in the market from those who were driving trucks out of desire of a body on frame rwd vehicle over the FWD $h!boxes that have been pumped out for close to 30 years now, to those that actually NEED a truck. Fuel prices have forced certain truck and SUV users into the very fwd $h!boxes they have avoided for years. Look into the demographics of truck buying and you will see a direct correllation from when FWD gained prominence on the showroom floor to the increase of truck sales for personal use. See also the growth of the SUV trend for the same reason. I was alive during this shift in the market, and can recall my dad bitching that you cannot see around or through the damned trucks on the road from the front seat of his '82 Buick LeSabre. Of course, when '86 rolled around and the new for '87 LeSabre had the drive wheels on the wrong end of car, dad bought a BMW, as it was one of the few RWD cars left. Only got him back into a GM car when I introduced him to the XLR in 2006.
  7. Nicely detailed. Cannot wait to see the whole thing.
  8. Let's see: It is attractive as hell...looks to be the right size and configuration for my family. The styling is stunning, clean, and really does not scream 'wagon'. Like someone said above, Audi at an Opel price tag. All of this makes me want to stand up and cheer for a wonderful design from GM... then I realize that they probably will NOT bring it to and I will be left without another fine product to drive. Sadly, if they DO decide to bring it here, it will be 3 years from now and this design will already have been copied by the Japanese and Korean automakers for years, so it will be old news and not desireable. I am going to go drink a beer and wonder WHY I LOVE GM when they keep doing this to me over and over and over again.
  9. My Tahoe did this (07) once and freaked me out. I started the truck and I had NOTHING on the dash. Shut it off, waited, restarted - same thing. Drove it up to the Chevrolet garage and they saw it before I shut it off...no tach or speedo - nada. Shut it off and restarted it and everything worked. They had a note in the service log to flash the computer with a new program and it has NOT done it again. They did that for me the next day and she seems to be fine. By the way, I love the truck and after 37,000 miles, not a rattle, leak, tink, or any noise outside of the purr of the 5.3 is heard. Seriously the BEST CAR/TRUCK I have ever owned, and it tows the '57 Buick on a trailer like it is not even there!
  10. MAF sensor is probably dirty. The heated wire that hangs in the center gets dirty and gives a false readingto the computer, raising the desire for fuel. Use a Q-tip with alcohol on it to wipe off the wire CAREFULLY or spray contact cleaner on the assembly out of the car. Did this on my LT1's and they showed decent improvements after the cleaning (I used the Q-tip method) Also, it never hurts to WASH the inside of your intake tubes and airbox, as this can collect hidden dirt over the miles that get past the air filter. Dirt gets dislodged and gets into the MAF or air temp sensor in tubing, giving you false readings...and as if I need to type this; PLEASE REMOVE THEM PRIOR TO HOSING THEM DOWN!!!
  11. Here are some 'memories' currently for sale on fleebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks...6.c0.m245.l1318 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks...6.c0.m245.l1318
  12. Renaults...Le Car. Alliance. Fuego. Not seen by me in years! Not even in a junk yard! VW Scirrocco VW Quantum VW Carrodo have seens this week: A VERY SWEET 1981 Chevette Coupe (I know...sad) a four door baby blue maverick a 1980 Mercury capri 5.0 HO. A photo of a late model Tacoma in a crusher...wanna see it? I knew you did! http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8885/p5150007av0.jpg Where is the after pic?
  13. Bet you this was funded by a government grant that we all pay for through our taxes. Stupid. What a waste of iron, even it they were the rather anemic versions of the Firebird. Could have been built into something nice. Bet he drives a Prius or some other 'earth friendly' car. Kind of like the movie showing the crushing of a NEW 911 Porsche Turbo. People in the 'art' world are sick and deranged individuals. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/875800/porsche_911_crushed/ Looking at all of this from a 'realistic' point of view, I have to say that these 'projects of protest' are far worse for the Earth than the cars would have ever been in thier lifetimes. Factor in the energy consumed in the building of the systems used to destroy the Firebirds, the materials used to build the structure, the hauling of the parts/structure/mechanisms to the build site AND the gallery, the welders required, all the transportation of all people/materials and the two cars...plus the energy used to build the cars in the first place - energy that is all wasted in this act of stupidity! And when it is done being an 'in' object inside the gallery, all of it has to be hauled away again. This is why I cannot understand these people and the thought process they use. Further, factor in that these were both classics (which are not used as daily drivers much any more) and the total CARBON FOOTPRINT of this project is immense compared to what the cars would have done in their remaining time on the road.
  14. oooh...go with Gastric Distress caused by an ex-lax brownie or two. Also, another (not so well known one here) is the sugar free jelly beans sold in most pharmacies. Put them in a ziploc so that they look to be taken out of a larger bag (portioned) - you eat an entire helping of those things in one sitting and you will have GAS FROM HELL in 99% of the people who hae done this. There should be a warning label on the things - it is painful and I can tell you from experience, there will be NO MORE of those things NEAR me. If either of these is done, the person stealing the food will not be doing it again. Of course, you COULD leave the Egg Salad sandwich out in the car overnight before placing it in the fridge...mmmm...salmonella!
  15. I totally agree! Kind of like believing ANYTHING that ANY politician says during an election cycle...oh wait - EVER! Still I find myself excited about this car. Hope it comes out before I reach 45 years old. That gives them 9 years. Not trying to hijack the thread, but I actually will admit that I find the next gen Prius that I saw in a mag this weekend - sort of attractive (compared to the current joke on wheels)
  16. I will repeat what I say about the Camry and it's sales every month: They LEASE the crap out of it. You cannot open a newspaper or watch TV without being bombarded with the Camry at $169-$189/Mo no money down lease being thrown at you! GM offers NOTHING that size for that kind of money in that class. Period. Honda is right behind them with great leases on Accord. Simply put, if the Toyota and Honda were not so highly incentivised, the numbers might swing the other way or be a bit closer. But, with gas @ $4.00, people are buying/leasing based on payments alone.
  17. It's fine with me, eh! Hope it will tow da boot to da lake fer some fishin' yo know? We will make a deal with you Cannucks: You build us nice, fast, and high quality Camaros, and we will allow you to keep coming down for Medical Treatments outside of the 'system' you got up there. On your way back home, pick up some cheap cigs! Our treat!
  18. Wow. Pretty car! I would love to own that ride, and I think you will see these be highly collectible later on in life, and you will get to enjoy it while it appreciates. Provided it is not beat to death, the interior is not fitted with MONSTER CABLE and two sub boxes in the back seats, I would snap it up. The 1992 was the last of this body style, and as most of us know, those are usually the BEST ONES off the line when it comes to GM products. What engine is in it? Tuned Port or TBI 305? V6? Any more images of this babe? So, if it is in good shape, all there, not cut up - then heck yeah, snap it up! Probably offer something around $4700 for it without a trade, maybe go a little lower, who knows! From what I have heard, these are relatively bullet proof rides.
  19. Hey wait! That's me! CRAP!
  20. Today the Government signed legislation that will effectively make John and Joan Q Public (you and I) PAY mortgage lenders BILLIONS of dollars of tax money for STUPID loans to people who were not qualified to own that much house in the first place! Due to the Overwhelming amout of defaults in the housing market, the buyout was enacted in an attempt to stabilize the economy and the housing market. So, did you buy a house that you cannot afford? Here comes the Government to the rescue! Made a bad loan to a guy who could NEVER pay you back...you are safe too! Now that the housing market is safely put to rest by the wonderful people in Government, let's look at the next failing item in the free market, and in the case of mose American's, the second largest expenditure in our yearly budgets...the car. What else has lost 30% of it's book value (in some cases more) in recent months: the SUV and full size trucks that were American's favorite mode of transportation until gas hit $4 a gallon. Ford, GM and Dodge are reeling from the loss of sales of these units, and American consumers are flocking to small, efficient cars and hybrids, usually made by foreign makers. The Government has set a precident by offering the buyouts to homeowners and lending institutions, so it is the natural progression of this thought process that buyouts for owners of large SUV's, the dealerships that cannot sell large inventories they have on hand, and the PRODUCERS of the units that have lost so much value over the last few months due to the high price of gas, and save their butts as well? Chysler just ended the funding of leases due to high losses of residual values of its cars and TRUCKS/SUV's. I think it is now time for the government to help those who cannot afford the cars they own/lease/drive and the producers and sales people of those very same cars and trucks. Why not? Is the CAR not what our VERY CULTURE is formed around? Time to step up and bail us all out of our gas guzzlers or issue us all Hybrids to get to work. The above is nothing more than a satirical look at the world in which we live in right now. I live in Cedar Rapids and there is talk of buy-outs for flooded out people who had no insurance. One person actually called into a talk show yesterday and proposed a local tax increase to cover the buy outs! So, if you follow this train of thought for a second (and this goes for New Orleans and coastal areas affected by Katrina as well) you do not need to be responsible for your own property any longer, buy insurance or protect yourself in any way. If that body of water or storm hits you, the Government will swoop in, provide you with shelter, buy your house (for a max of $28,500) and then set about rebuilding your town for you in an ecological way...all for free! When exactly was socialism enacted in this country, because I missed that meeting! What do the rest of you think of the mortgage deal and what is going on with the Government seemingly funding EVERYTHING? I am not wanting to go partisan here...not blaming one side or the other BOTH sides are clearly to blame here. Seriously, when did America go Socialist on everything?
  21. Take back the Benz, it's defective! Where in the hell is the B-PILLAR?????? Looks clean and those are timeless cars. Congrats!
  22. It's always the good ones who go early. Rest in peace Randy. May God bless your family.
  23. what does a 1970 Hemi Cuda at Barrett-Jackson have to do with Chrysler discontinuing the holding of it's own paper on leases for NEW CARS? It took 38 years for those cars to be worth something again...and they are only worth it because a bunch of rich guys are having a penis sizing contest with their checkbooks by out spending the last idiot who bid up a car that is not worth nearly what is being paid.
  24. Chrysler's losses are probably all tied to the residual drop on the Commander alone! (kidding, kinda!) I wonder if this will stop sales altogether...as how many buyers will they find if they KNOW you will loose HALF of the retail value as soon as you drive off the lot? Plus, other than the Challenger, Charger, and the Jeep Wrangler unlimited, what does Chrysler offer that you would be willing to buy knowing what you will loose as soon as you sign the paperwork???
  25. Will somebody in and around Detroit please rush a LIGHT BULB over to the Camaro announcement? Could they have shown me LESS of the interior by doing that in the darkest room possible? Where was the light on the camara? I read the specs...bluetooth standard! YAY! FINALLY WE CATCH UP TO THE FOREIGN CARS IN THAT ASPECT! I need to see more!!!
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