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About SobeSVT
- Birthday 10/15/1976
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Miami Beach, FL
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Definitivaente tu amiga "maracucha" es una come mierda de grandes ligas, no entendí si era de Caracas o de Maracaibo al final Me imagino que es de Caracas, ya que usualmente la gente de Maracaibo es muy orgullosa de como son, si es maracucha ella debe ser la excepción que confirma la regla.
That is Japanese and if you has added "ka?" at the end it would mean, "are you stupid"Thank you Google!!!
. . and who is this Paul again. And tell us the truth, that is not C&G you are showing him, you dog.
Hablo español, si señor. Fue el primer idioma que aprendí.
Speak for yourself sweeheart.J'aime la Amerique. Yo amo a America. I love America.
If Ford finally goes down, one of the factors to blame will be how terribly segmented and misused their global resources were for a long time. I am very happy to see Volvo technology used on the American cars (Five Hundred/Taurus, Montego/Sable) and also to see the successful join developments between Ford and Mazda in the C1 (Mazda3, Volvo S40 and Euro Focus) and D3 (Mazda6, Fusion/Milan/MKZ, CX-9, Edge//MKX). Now they are also jointly attacking the B-segment market.I hope is not too little, too late. I think not, but then again, only time will tell.
Four blocks north of the Convention Center on Prairie.I am originally from Caracas, Venezuela Its crazy expensive now, so much that property taxes and insurance (Hurricaine alley, you know) are driving people away, not only out of the city, but out of the state.
I am convinced that one of the three will be a goner. That basically is Micheline Manyard's scenario in her book The End of Detroit. She said that by the end of the decade one of the big three would be out of the picture. I still think that the goner is the Chrysler group, since it is the weakest link. Daimler is already trying to get rid of them, I personally believe that if GM buys them Chrysler will drag them down and I don't see how GM could buy Chrysler without the labor liabilities and almost as bad how could GM solve the inventory glut problem in Chrysler. There are those reports about Daimler wanting to keep Jeep with them (I can't blame them) which would basically leave the Chrysler group as an unapealing carcass with one or two attractive offers. Ford isn't half as bad as Chrysler although they have their own heavy set of troubles. But Ford has shown in the last two years that they can deliver: Although it has soften during the winter the Mustang is a hit well beyond anyone;s wildest dreams. The Mustang sent both GM and Chrysler running to the rawing baord to come with concepts Challenger and Camaro, which street version are over a full year away from hitting the market right at the end of the current Mustang life cycle. The Ford Fusion had a very good perfomence when introduced and has only gotten better with time and the Edge and MKX had a very strong launch outselling GM offerings Acadia and Outlook, and have registered a conquest rate of 40% and the Fusions conquest rate is 47%, and somehow the Expedition sales have been growing for 6 months in a row while the Tahoe is receding quite significantly (a bit more than the Mustang) I don't think the government is goint to help at all. I don't know if UAW consessions will be enough, but you can put money that there will be some. The old Ford stuff is still a mess to work on but their new stuff is kicking some serious ass and that for me is a signal that Ford is a keeper. Only time will tell though.
Fair enough! I am glad also that we can talk our differences here. I guess that I am less of a romantic and much more pragmatic when it comes to this issue, I also have an enormous soft spot in my heart for Ford and cars in general, so don't expect me to be 100% objective. :AH-HA_wink: I really would love to see both companies surviving.
Too late you got too personal. i am not discussiing politics but your hypocrisy. You call yourself a "left wing troublemaker", insult me and then ask me to forget it??? OK, fine . . . forgotten. just et me say that it is people like you who give us Real Left Wing Troublemakers a bad name. :AH-HA_wink:
Well, it is very very simple. The demise of Ford, or for that matter of any inefficient top-heavy (whatever that means) corporation that employs hundreds and thousands of people worldwide will be one more blow, albeit a giantic one both economically and morally to the American (and Canadian) workforce. Therefore if your left-wingness is true and therefore you are supportive of the little man, of the minorities, of the hard working people (whether in the US, Canada, Mexico or wherever else), the fact that you are advocating, or wishing - you name it-, for Ford's demise for purely economic reasons the way that "culling the fat from the international industry" is, makes the contradiction is evident and GIANT. Now, if you call yourself "left wing troublemaker", only because you don't support the war in Irak then you should also be wishing for GM's demise as well as for the demise of every single tax paying American corporation and individual there are since all are "feeding a war machine with its [their] tax money". But since again you spare GM due to that "je ne se qua", that something intanglible ( please! ) you are contradicting yourself again. If you think of it GMs contribution to the war machine is larger than Ford's. Hate to disapoint you but I am not an American citizen and I do not support the war in Irak or the war as a concept at large (and I still need to pay my taxes) and although I tend to talk my issues to death I usually am very open to ther people opinion's as long as they make some sense. In my prior post I reazoned why I did see your position as contradictory and you chose to ignore any reason I gave you and instead all you were able to do was to pull the anti war card (very nice, we share that) and use a personal attack which incidentally you candidly extended to all Americans. So I hope you will understand if I don't hold any hopes for an adult conversation here.
PICTURE I am kind of a newby here so I might have missed it if you posted it before . . . .
The only thing that a Ford bankruptcy would bring is that Ford will legally be able to use the Collective Bargaining Agreementys with the UAW and the CAW as toilet paper. All health benefits granted to workers, blue and white collar, will go to hell without Ford having to ask for any favors, and the guys taking care of the proceedings wont certainly miss their fat fees. The company will be alive, will be protected against creditors for a while until they get their act together and GM will wish they had filed for . Now if Ford disapears, which would seem to be your wish more than a chapter 11 filing, Toyota will certainly sit its well formed, nimble and increasingly good looking ass on top of the food automotive food chain to never leave again. It would trigger a chain reaction whithin the American auto industry and GM would probably collapse short after. Tousands and thousands of American and Canadian workers will be out of means of living and the Michigan/Windsor area will become the Kosovo of the Americas. For someone who proclaims to be the "resident left wing troublemaker" wishing for "culling the fat from the international industry" seem to put it lightly, very contradictory, much more in line with what Ann Coulter would say, but I guess that those contradictions are all yours to deal with. If Ford "Folds" though with it would also fold the spirit of the American auto industry, and of the American industrial might at large. The dream of the man that put the world on wheels. The company that gave its first wheels to the common man. The company that single handedly created the American auto industry (while Ford is the product of the dream of one man, GM was born as a conglomerate of failed companies put together by a man of great vision but horrible business skills and taken over by a group of brilliant and well educated and very aristocratic business men that followed very closely everything that Henry Ford did). The company that created the American middle class. Shoichiro Honda's inspiration. The creator of every single ultra big hit that the American auto industry has ever had: Model T, Model A, 1949 Ford, the Mustang and the Taurus, being the last one the inspiration for the Camry that seats in the top of the charts today. But if a senile and crazy as a goat Henry Ford himself couldn't make his creation "fold" in 1945, Ford will certainly survive today's juncture. So keep dreaming, and spear me the "left wing troublemaker" BS.
That is a horrible (and very stupid) thing to say. AND if GM's ability to compete depends on Ford "folding" then GM is in much worse shape than you think. Hopefully both companies will pull ahead.
I am with you in one thing, political correctness can be a real drag, but that human subproduct (AC) makes an excellent case for political correctness. How calling a guy (who isn't even gay) faggott does help in the political discourse? I sincerely hope you can explain that. She only does it to be provocative and to cause this kind of discussion which in these days of extreme polarization is anything but helpful.She really needs to shut that useless mouth of hers up.