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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. aztek 20-22 in town 20-27 trips ford 500, 20-22 in town 22-28 trips
  2. don't forget the Avalon that lost its steering
  3. the RDX has a turbo 4, likely to share parts with the CR-V? They will never make a 6 cyl. CR-V.......so the only way for Honda to upscale the RDX over the CRV was to turbo it. a 4000 pound small turbo vehicle that can't crack 20 mpg on the EPA cycle. awesome interior though. shame that it looks so much like the new RAV4 and Outlander.
  4. no one in the NFL hits as hard as the asphalt.
  5. regfootball


    The Ben Roethlisbeger deal is just another example of the ludicrous nature of people not wearing helmets riding a motorcycle. Its time to mandate it. You will not avoid an accident. Chances are good you will take a dive at some point. The pavement is hard. Its harder than just about anything else you can think of. Maybe it doesn't look cool. But neither does an egg splattered across the pavement.
  6. *copyright, COMMON MAN*
  7. most consumer reports bangers and honda bangers prefer to or get pressured into going to the dealer to get their lube jobs done.....as in BEND OVER here's your 50 dollar oil change.
  8. BFD, it still far too expensive to run and maintain and $$$/yr. basis. insurance fuel (does the Honda use premium?) exhorbitant Honda dealer maintenance costs MSRP + never good financing rates i don't care if their percentage is higher. Your average Odyssey is about 7-10 grand more across the board than the equal Caravan in real world pricing. You don't make that up at trade in time. A very well equipped Grand Caravan SXT that lists for 28 will sell for 21. If the Caravan holds to even 46% of MSRP after 3 year that = 12880. 21,000-12,880 = 8120. If the equivalently equipped Odyssey is priced out its at 30,000, and that's what the morons pay for it. To be kind, I will say 29,000. If we say it holds 54% after 3 years (which is being generous) that's 30,000 x .54 = 16,200. 29,000-16,200= 12,800 plus even more on sales taxes, insurance and maintenance. So even if you think they can justify your yuppie/Honda desire by saying its financially sound to get the Honda, its not. Even in the first years, even facotirng better resale percentages, the Honda still is too much money. Those parents ought to be ashamed to dump all that extra money on the Honda when it could go into their kids college fund or their own 401k's..... To top it off, well maintained minivans of any brand will hold their value as well as any other. If you have an excellent mininvan with good miles that not hashed and w/ maintennace records you can unload it in just a couple days and goet near full retail value for it. It that case the Dodge will save you even more money. No one buys Honda for value. You buy one to stroke your own yuppie stir-fry ego.
  9. two recent C/D tundra tests revealed 13 and 14 mpg. nothing great. the name Tundra is even quite pu$$y. C'mon, come up wiuth something tougher.
  10. watch what you say, they will come to get you.
  11. will they call it the i350?
  12. CHEVY does need a DROP DEAD minivan.......and i think they are quietly and probably slowly working on one. it could have two fine engines for minivan use.....the 3.6 and the 5300 v8. Imagine the soaring sales on a minivan with the fuel efficient and powerful small block!
  13. loving architecture and working in the biz are two different bits. so, did the tiny eyeglass, bow tie, and turtleneck salesman prop up kiosks right outside the convention hall yet? you can take a short drive down to Irvine and take a look at one of my recent projects.....3000 the plaza link the local architects did the design and we are doing the third phase cd's because the local architects didn't exactly do the best job on the first two phases cd's, but they were a good bunch I felt in my interaction with them or you could run up to SF and look at another job they stuck me on for awhile some condos on 5th and berry on the water in SF. funny, looking up links for those its interesting seeing the talk of possible housing busts in CA. I hope it don't, except my sister moved out there about 2 1/2 yrs ago and i haven't talked to her since, so if her house busts, i guess i can live with that. nice jab at the dude in the vator. some of those guys need to be brought down a bit. It's not an Architect's convention as much as it probably is an egomaniacs convention. I'm surprised all of it can coexist under one roof. Sad thing is, there is/are plenty in the business that are quality folks and an a normal level with the rest of society, maybe its even a safe majority of them. But its a way overly large percentage of people that I feel have self image issues and have gravitated to the profession en masse as some sort of safe harbor and breeding ground for a lot of societies malcontents and social elite but not there yet wannabes....and folks who just flat out want to be non-mainstream but want the esteem of what lawyers and doctors have. a lot of folks in this biz seem to need all sorts of affirmation and such, professionally and personally. Its those types I love to loathe. No humility whatsoever. It might be worth it if they were all making big money but none of them are, which is the hilarious part. And too many of them want to think of themselves as artists or something, but there's not enough of that creativity outlet in the business to go around. A lot of them want to be artists and sit in coffee shops waxing rhetoric about social things museums and and art design and books and urban master planning and yada yada yada........ meh. and its always a bunch of those types that can't draw or read plans even sometimes.
  14. “be like David Caruso in Jade.”
  15. they are selling like fire around here.
  16. well that new tundra has a godawful ugly snout and looks pretty retarded moving backwards from there. i sure hope those folks in texas working at the toyota plant aren't signing any mortgages or anything.
  17. SKY and SOLSTICE are both selling
  18. the current GM vans were design to be sold in Europe which compromised their NA appeal, so this time with the Lambda they made sure they didn't fk that up again. The Lambda will rule the road here, they don't need em in Europe.
  19. the interior is dated. i like the stance of the exterior, but it has some things that look dated too.
  20. regfootball


    someone here was advertising a new Caliber with air and CVT auto for ZERO down and 227 a month........ its a new car in demand and they are already going to the aggressive lease? WOW that's ballsy. they will move a ton of them and they are hot already.
  21. cannon ball run would need to be in there and smoky and the bandit.
  22. it will be interesting to see if it holds up.
  23. holy crap that's similar.
  24. Hey, in the quiet relase of the GS hybrid, did nayone catch on that its a CVT transmission? It's like they don't want you to know. CVT's have a rep for not being able to handle power. But they are quietly taking a chance with this and don't want anyone to know. THOUGHTS?
  25. people used to be AUDIOPHILES. now, people either listen to poor quality mp3's on iPods or are enomored more with movies and videos and video games than pure audio on breathtaking equipment. Cars have kind of gone the same way. Folks seems to have less consciousness about driver's hardware like handling and steering and even engines. And they now prefer crossovers and large SUV's, because of style and image and trend, rather than high quality sensory driving experience. Hipness, convenience and sense of new seem to matter more to people than executing a function to a high level in and of itself.
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