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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. where is the rule written for those liberal / urban /granola chicks that they need to become ugly so much?
  2. i was just thinking about that the other day how frickin hot middle aged women look these days. I'm 38 myself. when i was 20, i thought that looked old but now those 30-50 yo women look positively YES. Something about the uniqueness and imperfection of a well proportioned m-i-l-f is really hot. maybe i am just becoming more mature and braodening my thinking. don't get me wrong. the college gurls are still equally yum too.
  3. Boise is mormoN?
  4. WELCOME! glad you're here. Here's some C/G background info......at some point the question may come up as to whether you're gay or not...(we are all asked that) but don't be scared off by the upfrontness of the question. The best part of C/G is we are all types / very diverse and welcoming and everyone has fun with it. it just comes up as a source of discussion or humor in many C/G topics. -reg
  5. remodeling the mall there helped a lot. BTW, Eden Prairie Center is where they filmed MALLRATS and DROP DEAD GORGEOUS.
  6. i used to live in 10 and right now am just across the river. its ok, its not extreme yuppie and its not blue hair. its well to do but still affordable in pockets. not pure white, and not extremely diverse. Chanhassen, Minnetonka or Maple Grove or Plymouth are more attractive to me. as to number 6, a buddy lives near there and its yuppie land.
  7. a milf connesiour? (sp?)
  8. it makes you wanna practice your 'squats' on 'er now just thinkin about it buddy!
  9. too many skuzzy granola b1tches in seattle, huh? makes that se-xy Polish babe look hot?
  10. i diverted the boat carrying the 3800's to the middle east. they should likely be all gone by the end of the week.
  11. THE HOFFER - SECRECT AGENT MAN - youtube this is out of hand. his head does some wierd sh1t in this vid.
  12. the NFL is my lone reason to watch much tv. the NFL is awesome
  13. its been a long time since i paid for any naughty chat rooms on the inet.......
  14. working? NOW?
  15. why haven't the NA execs driven the car yet? it's been introduced and the execs here haven't tested it? A Calais with a 300hp direct inject 3.6 or whatever and AWD in either 6 speed auto or manual would be fine with me. I would almost prefer to have it come from AU because that would eliminate the chances of some clueless bumpkin in detroit value engineering the nice interior or great choice of engines out of the car. But i can see a case where the statesman/caprice could provide new RWD cars for Chevy and Buick and the Calais/SSv could be new Pontiacs. Just make sure they have AWD.
  16. ok, i am supposed to be studying RIGHT NOW. instead i am surfing C/G. I feel as if i have absorbed all the knowledge I can, and I am SICK of rooms, doors, stairs, toilets, windows, software, elevators, ARGH The Sarah Jessica Parker topic is STIMULATING
  17. she's average. but she's thin as a stick with some cleavage and that's what hollywood is all about
  18. i guess that means an easier time getting a 'handle' on the situation. or maybe THIS -YOWSA will change your opinion of her my 'viewpoint' of her changes after seeing that picture. she is incredibly inviting and appealing in that pose. I can imagine her from a new angle.....
  19. LOL!!!!!! I've never seen an epsiode of SATC....i must be the only one. She was merely ok in Family Stone but looked old and used in that one too. Watching failure to launch i just kept thinking...she sucks in movies, she really must want to be in broadway shows, she acts like she's in a play, not a movie.
  20. Failure TO Launch? Lame ass movie. we just watched that movie last night and i thought she looked HORRIBLE. Sexy in a really slutty skanky way (i.e. use her after closing time but kick her out at 4 a.m.) sure, but man she looked old and used. funny thing, there was no chemistry on screen between her and MM. I guess during the shooting they hated each other. If chemistry is bad off screen it shows up on screen the same way. In that picture above she looks incredible though. That has to be a few years old. I heard she wears a size 0 or 1 women's clothes. Her rack always looks so damn big on her tiny body, like she's got massive *-* under that shirt, but i bet in person they aren't as huge as the pictures and movies would suggest. Think she is a large A (cup), a good B, or a lucky C?
  21. imagine if I was pregnant and it wasn't my wife!!!! ah, i think i am calming down now. just one of those moments in life where you just want to freak out. What makes you freak out?
  22. a new front end and some badges...... oh wait, the dorks in michigan would try to find some way to stuff a chinese pushrod motor in it or find a way to repalce the nice plastic with really heinous cheap ass plastic, to save 100 bucks a car. if this car sees the light of day in the US and somehow an iron block cheesy ass pushrod v6 ends up under the hood of it (maybe even from China), i personally am gonna take time off from work, board a plane, fly to Detroit, take a cab to the GM HQ, find the dip$h!s who decided to do that, and take them into a foul smelling dark room -edit- or a toilet stall - and beat the serious living crap out of them. I mean serious physical damage. broken limbs, blood, the whole bit. this thing have a manual tranny available? these holdens better have AWD available if they come here too.
  23. regfootball


    bob, mustang, i have an exam tomorrow. one of the graphics portions i only have 3 of the 9 left and passed all the ones i took before but now i am freaking out! i've been studying all weekend. between my caribou depth charge this morning, my obsessive compulsiveness when shrink wrapping floor plans, and general paranoia are making me shake. I'm gonna freak out! the pressure is that much greater when you're that much closer to being done. if you fail one of the first ones, no biggie. but if you've done say, 8 of 9, my GOD i would be a frickking mess going into that one! BLOW IT and no passie for SIX MONTHS! ARRGHGHHHHHHHHH my legs are numb already i can barely take it and its just simple stuff its just that they put a time limit on you ARGHHGHGHGHGHG
  24. unibody is the way to go for this car.
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