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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. all the liberal yuppie urbanites will like to this imported if consumer reports tells them its ok though
  2. hey man, big ten schools are big ten schools. etc. SEC, ACC, Big 10, Big 12. Better atomospheres. you might think its assinine, there is a difference.
  3. Kettering University. - NOT BIG 10 or ACC or SEC etc. STRIKE ONE It's ...like 80+% guys - that alone should is a big strike. trust me, i went to a school with like 60% guys and women all cop an attitude from the favorable numbers. even the fat chicks with bad personalities have their pick of the guys. Your odds quite honestly are not good, through no fault of your own and there is nothing you can do. You'll have a greater chance of getting with by going with your mom to the mall and hitting on the girl at the starbucks kiosk. you really ought to change schools if you ever want a chance of hot chicks. Mechanical Engineering- no comment except engineers are not known by chicks to be wild and crazy. just kinda giving some guff. But that guy ratio is disturbing, you had better make sure to go off campus plenty and find some women. cuz all the ones on your campus will be stuck up biches. even the porkers Its not going to matter whether you have chicks on your wall or not, there won't be any around hardly to notice just due to the 80/20 thing. edit: I typed that up before I read satty's posts right above this! LOL! and NOS.....you WILL be drinking. just stay sober enough to not do anything stupid and preserve your own life.
  4. me no have cable. but, i saw a couple clips ont he web site. This looks like AWESOME TV! its probably even better than ELIMIDATE!!!!
  5. read the toronto star Aura review. the pushrod mill gets a quick mention but the 3.6hf dohc and six speed combo gets absolute raves. either combo moves the car. but good reviews and a better overall driving experience moves the buyer faster into the car. Maybe GM will finally figure it out and get the connection as to why everyone's been trashing their cars for years and years.
  6. MUST SEE THIS TV SHOW MUST SEE TV? Jodie Sweetin seals the deal......
  7. nope, just better, proven that that's what a majority of the market wants. until anyone builds a pushrod v6 that is superior....which GM will never commit to doing.
  8. 3 months later, IT'S STILL UGLY! inside and out.
  9. THAT makes me feel safe with my kid in the back of my 500!
  10. I am sure they plan to do this by 2018........ the LaCrosse was Buick's first sedan with an overhead cam v6 I think. they do take their time.
  11. newspapers are so biased in their reporting. the Minneapolis Star Tribune (i.e. the Star and Sickle) everyone is tired of their relentless bleating of liberal issues. The only reaosn folks get the papaer is for the sunday ads and the sports page. It would be fun to buy a newspaper and fire their entire editorial staff. It would be fun to just tell some of those folks, 'no one gives a crap what you think'. People like Nick Coleman. What a liberal ass. The reason follks hate em is they don't report objectively. Everything is so laced with an agenda. Journalism education teaches these folks to drown in the euphoria of their own thoughts and opinions, like they are better than everyone else.
  12. oops, you're right. I meant 3 out of 5 Amurchan brands.
  13. Michigan said you can't have that. that's why. so they could save 10 bucks on each one they make.
  14. she is NOWHERE near as tractive as she used to be and she's dumb as a rock.
  15. 30 months from now? YAWN......... DEAR GOD THEY MOVE SLOW
  16. still looks a bit cheap of a stack, although improved. i am still not seeing if the heinous plastic on the dash and doors is still the same cheap crap.
  17. let's have the big stand off. 'them' vs. us..the big holy war. let them make their little pipe bombs, we've got nukes. its never going to go away until we just blow them all up. they are like flies and mosquitos....always nipping at your ankles for attention.
  18. you ever see the friends episode where they get 5 exceptions? just make sure to get your card laminated.
  19. dude, there's like all sorts of Jessica Alba on the beach pics on the net, like the one of her bending over in a lounge chair. if you haven't seen it......go find it. you may not go to sleep ever again.
  20. you beat me to it! nice photos! photo 2, it REALLY looks like a G6........ rear photo looks G6ie also....... same corporate GM steering wheel....... nice G6 rebadge job.......no coincidence the G6 gets the new powertrain and tranny at the same time......
  21. and yet, the equinox is a big pile...........chinese pushrods, cheap interior.....
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