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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. the 07 camry stack is like the stack from my previous Diamante which hit market 10 years ago
  2. WHY DOES PORSCHE, MAZDA, AND BMW ALL HAVE SUV'S? news flash, the market is going to crossovers and suv's. pontiac will be dead in the water if they only try to sell coupes and sedans (declining markets). 1 good crossover with kick ass handling and rakish looks and great power won't kill them
  5. No, I don't like new Honda's because I'm not a teenage boy who plays video games and rides skateboard all day.
  6. how do still explain the Magnum R/T hemi getting equal/better mileage than a little sorority girl with puppy cruiser (RAV4) and a 'mommy with a bad self image because my hips ballooned out after childbirth so i gotta sell the minivan so the men at work will give me lusty looks even though i can't sleep with them, but can't afford the gas for a real body on frame suv so i have to get a wimpy crossover suv that's trying too hard to look like the jeep i wanted' Pilot? you can't tell me that 700 pounds heavier magnum wasn't abused.
  7. i know people who have sold or traded their vw's for whatever they could get for them, even though they liked the car (When it ran) a LOT. They just wanted to get away from them.
  8. actually mid sized between the X3 and X5. think the size of the edge of murano.
  9. everyone i know with recent vw's are always bitching about them being in the shop
  10. for starters
  11. at groin level, no doubt.
  12. you'd have to have a picture of looking under the hood to answer that question adequately. note: it would say, 'made in china'
  13. but that doesn't explain why the RAV4 gets such piss poor mpg
  14. the best man from my wedding has new 06 pilot. he gets 15. one of my other groomsman, his wife just traded the odyssey for a pilot and we'll see what he gets soon. also i have read several owner reports on edmunds that suggest 15-16 is not atypical. 17 or 18 is not as common for that car as you suggest.
  15. I wish more folks appreciated how truly good the XJ is. and its LIGHT!
  16. only because GM had to half ass it and move the fuel tank. they won't need to do that for the VE commodore.
  17. does buickman make the rounds on that site?
  18. so the hybrid LS with rear A/C will have what, 6 CF luggage space?
  19. yes Portland, legislated congestion, forced by liberal agenda, and praised by the liberal press. I guess its fine if that works for them.
  20. some condos we were working on in Mission Bay in SF were selling about 600-700 sf for like 500 grand or 600 grand. that's almost 4 digit prices PER SQUARE FOOT!
  21. i was working on the Plaza 3000 project in Irvine. 3 towers. oh my, the prices! you Californians are crazy for paying that much for what you're getting!
  22. a lot of crops we could raise in like 10% the space if we had hydroponics going on. there's never going to be a shortage of farmland. trust me. have you SPENT time in North Dakota?
  23. from USA today's review of the RDX should be interesting to see if the CRV gets crappy mileage too
  24. only if i got it drunk after a boat cruise
  25. its exactly like the 8 passenger Sienna no dealer has on hand or can find anywhere.
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