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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. at 40k its probably a decent buy, but you won't find one on the lots for 39,995.
  2. They deserve it because they probably have the highest customer satisfaction experience in the industry and the best shopping experience available.
  3. old era GM tactics then, "the buick can't get the northstar because then who would buy the Cadillac'? that's a cop out for Honda just like it always was and is for GM.
  4. if you want a turbo 4 suv at a real price, get the cx-7. for the price of the RDX, it should have a 6 cylinder. Big time miss by honda.
  5. I think C/D got 16 mpg out of their 2007 test Escalade.
  6. I don't need to buy a Cactus!
  7. 38k for a tarted up CRV, what great value for your hard earned money! 4 CYLINDERS ONLY!
  8. you know one of the mags only got 13.8 mpg testing the RDX, right? My buddy told me last night his new 2007 Avalanche gets 17-18 mpg CONSISTENTLY.
  9. there is a God. i bet these beer cans couldn't meet future safety standards or something.
  10. sienta=puke ractis is ok. kind of renaultish. now you can tell a chick who drives one...hey baby, nice ractis.
  11. go away bricklin
  12. sure it drives great but it really lacks any sort of true style worthy of being in a luxury segment. why didn't honda give it any looks? guess they don't know how.
  13. GM 100k wty Suzuki 100k Hee-YOON-DIE 100k KIA 100k MITSUBISHI 100k WHERE ARE you TOYOTA?
  14. ^
  15. so, it's crossed your mind!? DON'T DO IT MAN DON'T DIP YOUR TECH PEN IN THE COMANY INK! j/k i know what you mean about women being petty. it seems these days like half the women are cool in this profession but the other half are militantly out to prove something for their gender and have esteem issues....aside from the other women who just have petty high school girls grown up kind of issues.
  16. i'm just so tired of windows. they make nothing easy.
  17. espionage, here we come!
  18. yeah, bob, is this the chick that wants some bob>? if it is, and you give in to her, its like having a threesome, because there's enough of her to count for 2? maybe she's being naughty with the mail because she wants you to 'punish' her.
  19. cut a deal with them, you won't snitch on their massages, if they let you splurge on a few from time to time.......
  20. you should only drink bud, like yoshie! and lots of it!
  21. you and seigen can get a room
  22. don't like it? don't read it. get over it.
  23. i guess the euros are whining about the absence of torque in this honda product as well.
  24. i avoid buying from dell, etc. because of all the prprietary excess software they put on it. i think that's what slows it down.
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