First, I agree with all the above. but secondly, (and I'll get flamed) but my conviction here based upon what i believe is that the term 'marraige' is not a civil term. its a religion based term. the way I feel about this is let's allow civil unions for heterosexuals and homosexuals. But let's not confuse it with 'marraige'. We should wipe the term marraige from our legal terminology. I guess I am a fossil (and grew up catholic) but the purpose of marraige is not primarily for an end unto itself. Its not only for the recipricol pleasure of one person to another. it's for the creation of a family and a union with above. The purpose of love and affection for each other in a 'marraige' is to build a strong family bond into the creation of new people, having children, continuance of species. At this point you could diverge in many ways on whether that should be limited by biology on that idea or not. It would actually be good discussion, and each sector of each faith could choose to define the issue then based on that. So I am not saying what basis we should constitute a marraige in any denomination. But my belief is let's not apply the term of 'marraige' to a civil setting. I guess I just feel strong about how the terminology is applied.
OK, flame away. So then i ask, let's have polygamy too. Even if you should consider that a seaprate issue, why should our civil rights be restricted to union with one person? Sorry i disagree with the group here, but its my conviction. Its a difference in belief. Not any disrespect. I welcome challenging views. maybe you can change some of what i feel.