clearly you don't ever read my posts. You would recall that about a year ago, i agreed to lease a Quest, and then as she was arranging the paperwork, the chick (internet manager) said Nissan had stopped sale of new quests due to safety recall on the middle row seats. You would also know that I have test driven odysseys, sedonas and siennas. I even had a great deal offered on a Sienna I turned down because it was dull. The only reaosn I have my 500 is because the Quest lease I agreed to fell through because they couldn't deliver the new Quest for a month.
As far as the uplander, here in the US I will bet you the Toyota leases much cheaper. In fact, the deal that was offered to me on an LE 7 passenger was around 370/month for 18k miles and 1k down. The Quest lease I agreed to was around 340/month for 18k and 2k down. She then offered me the base maxima w/ stick for the same range (even though they would have to go outstate to locate one) after the seat recall debacle, but my Ford dealer set up a deal on the 500 lease that allowed me to get the loaded limited for the same price as the Quest van.
Considering leases on Grand Prixs at the time I shopped were 100 bucks a month more than the limited 500 i got, for only an SE grand Prix with a sub 25 sticker there was no reason to believe that an Uplander in the 28-30 range with less resale than the GP would even come within 150 bucks of the Sienna.......and then to top it off I would not want to even spend a dime on an Uplander. Reasons? ugly, pushrods, 4 speed, lousy seat utility, lacks space, I could go on and on.
At least here in the US, the Sienna holds it lease structures very well to steal those who lease DCX vans and want to upgrade etc. So they have to keep the prices low to move the metal. Although it still is far cheaper to lease a DCX van, at least the DCX van is desirable from a functional standpoint and doesn't offend with its looks. You get the DCX and justify it. But not the CSV's.
If you BUY a Sienna, then you really do get bent over. You're better off in a DCX van. The DCX at least has stow and go and decent styling. The Uplander cannot compete with the DCX vans in price, space, or seating utility either.