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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. clueless. ever try to shop for a used minivan? you can't find them.....its because they sell like a day after they are listed on line or in the paper. used vans in good shape command premium bucks. any van that has lost its value is because it been rode hard and put away wet. GM could sell 30,000 vans a year for handicap conversion alone, if they try. Even more to school districts, churches, and mentally handicapped places. If GM is just laying in the woods to do it later, fine. But to dismiss the segment is just cheesy BS. If the product is good you can increase the segment. GM is just being lazy here.......that's fine if the other products they put out in lieu of it don't turn out to be cheesy crap.
  2. see, someone still gets it. Yet Lutz don't. My reminder, minivans are still one of the best products for BRAND ENTRY and BRAND LOYALTY to WOMEN buyers (who control our pants zippers and our cash). Honestly, I guess unless you have small kids and a wife in that age, you just don't get it that a certain percentage of those groups want the sliding doors and the largest capacity available. The new lambdas are really nice, but they still are not minivans. Its like someone who is bitching if they came out with a car shaped like the corvette, but was FWD. i would say, it's a sporty two door, that's what you want. The respondent would say, its not RWD, YOU DON'T GET IT. same thing. We chase segments to sell 5,000 XLR's at prices no doubt much lower than list, but chasing 100,000 (REAL MARKET SHARE) van sales a year cannot be done. Fricking sad. The Lambdas will cannibalize the Tahoe and Trailblazers more than they will anyone who was buying a DCX van, Odyssey or Sienna.
  4. VW....LOL! 1 trip with an unreliable VW and that's all it takes.....
  5. eggs many. baskets, one. nice arguments, but look at how many odysseys and siennas and caravans sell. this is likely more to do with not having $$$$$ to develop the model than WANTING to exit the market, I suspect. I guess Lutz' wife never had a van with power sliding doors and hatch. That first time a new mom works that keyfob on a rainy day and not have to to touch the hatch or doors.......he probably never had kids in daycare either....LOL I still think it wouldn't be hard for GM to sell 100,000 vans a year. If it were competitive. We'll chase 30,000 kappas a year but can't make a case for a proven people hauler......
  6. OH CRAP......i always thought that was 'armor all' protectant the detail guys missed on final wipe up, i figured that's why GM's plastic always looked so 'glossy'.......
  7. HMMM, BABY KILLERS........
  8. and wasted solstice parts hanging on the wall.........and dead cell phones......
  9. not if Harry is already there.
  10. for 10-15 grand more and that highlander won't take 1/2 the cargo an aztek will. i but suppose you can brag to your friends then how you have a toyota. Highlander's always seemed junky and cheesy to me. at least the Pilot is a step above the highlander.
  11. sounds like a fat chick
  12. this here is an example of why I think the Edge will do fine even if the Lambdas prosper. Some follks might think the Lambdas are a bit too big, with the third row and longer WB and all.
  13. including the toyota v6. that's new.
  14. the edge and Mkx its been driven in its slower because the edge is like 600 pounds more than a montego FWD. the MKz it tested out very well. the Mkz was the first car to get the duratec 35 and its gotten very good reviews. read ALL the tests, some review give glowing reviews on the duratec 35...some not. just goes to show you they don't even test the cars anymore. M/T's COTY i don't think they did anything but closed course testing around pylons practically. expect a low-mid 6 time with the duratec 35 in a FWD 3700 pound 500. Like 6.4, 6.5 A tish slower than an Aura perhaps. the Aura is a porker. But wah, its way smaller. the ford v6 I think gets it maybe because its highly modular and actually only has vvt on the intake side (correct me if i am wrong). What may have appealed to Ward's most was that the Duratec 35 makes the same mpg in the same amount of space as the Duratec 30, while improving hp, smoothness and everything else. Also, it makes it over the honda because if its a Ford, its cheap to make. no VTEC silliness and no premium gas. But I also think if Ford makes it, so should GM. When both Ford and GM get DI on those engines, look out. the 3.7l Duratec in the MKS with 320hp should make it then.
  15. regfootball

    Lexus IS-F

    they should call it the AS-IF instead 'as if' buyers care......sorry it was sitting out there. had to do it.
  16. i do not know what is so great about the Pilot. Two of my groomsmen and two of my coworkers have them. So I have ridden in 4 Pilots now; and I always need to keep from falling asleep. They are the most overrated vehicle. Even my buddy says so (his wife wanted the Pilot). It is fair to say they have good assembly quality, and the seats feel nice and precisely firm. But the interior design and plastics are not worthy of deification like others have suggested and what people tell me about the gas mileage is not that great either. Apparently I am missing something. The Mazda CX-7 has a far more interesting and better executed interior than the Pilot (even though it is smaller). The new Tahoe has a superior interior, albeit attached to a body on frame rig.
  17. that sketch looks great. but my 500 looked like a sexier Audi in a sketch and look what the sheetmetal turned out like.
  18. well, I just saw the new MDX at the mall the other day. The MDX is not even that stylish in the flesh. Very dull actually. Hardly a chance the Pilot has any more charisma. The MDX interior through the glass looked comfy, but not earth shattering. The new MDX sure does not appear to have a lot of space, in the third row, or for cargo. I don't foresee the Pilot to have much more. In pictures, the outlook looks far more stylish than the MDX looked in person. I'll pocket the 10-15 grand and live with the GM interior.
  19. in theory, over time, removing Saddam is a good thing, but right now its a big mess. Things just likely will never be stable there in our lifetimes. bob said it right. incapable of going about life in an orderly manner.
  20. I love this car. and I like the G6 coupe and even the monte....but this altima coupe is the whole package. I wish I were driving this to work tomorrow. just wish I didn't need 4 doors.
  21. mmmm, pot luck rocks. the last place I worked at, they used to give us lunch for a monthly staff meeting. In december they would make us use the potluck for one of the staff meetings, so they could get out of paying for lunch, and so they could take away one of our lunch hours for a work meeting. I used to work for Musicland stores. one xmas party i went to was huge, with big buffet and Joe Diffie as the entertainment.
  22. what is it with GM and low seats all the time? I am reading mkaresh's review on epinions between the outlook, pacifica, and freestyle.
  23. Put in some Dirty Sanchez for the booty?
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