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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. the XE is a tremendous value. the XR is a great competitor.
  2. a 2002 grand am all of a sudden looks like an Audi........ you know DCX shafted mitsubishi and now it looks like mercedes is gonna do the same bichslap to chrysler. IMO it was a total mistake to abandon the cab forward cars in lieu of this. It was also a mistake to spurn the galant twin for this. chrysler went from zero to crap in about 5 years time under mercedes. So much for the foreign way of business.
  3. just like the nitro, charger, caliber, and citation X11 or celebrity EURO?
  4. oh panther, admit it, you fantasize about a v8 body on frame hardtop honda.......
  5. edmunds
  6. wow that is an ugly ass car. wouldn't look out of place parked next to my aztek.
  7. Honda finally gets a clue.
  8. the XE aura is a tremendous buy and a great car in its own right. Why anyone would ever get a four popper camry when they could have an XE is beyond me. congrats, enjoy the ride! I was admiring lots of new Auras at the Saturn lot this weekend when I was trying to hunt down new Outlooks.
  9. a mish mash of a lot of other brands but still its not bad. Just not stunning. Its more palatable than the silly Civic and less chunky than the very nice mazda 3. A bit of Volvo and mazda 6 and a bit reminiscent of some typical GM design. not groundbreaking. not offensive.
  10. creepy!
  11. more conquests than nissan sells altogether? i hope toyota falls on their ass.
  12. just poking fun on the clueless thing...but on the gas mileage thing.....one reason people buy minivans for is max cargo with great mpg. minivans can do 20 regualrly and 25 highway and they have more room than suburbans. minivans are high mpg vehicles.
  13. 5.7 5.3 whatever
  14. the reason the venture etc. was not successful was they wetre not as big as the windstar and DCX vans. the epsilon is narrow. the W body chassis is a bit wider. the lambdas would have been perfect.
  15. ok, he said the dealers were still gouging on the 400hp models. the 5.7 was around 32k, and I got the feeling they were still close to list or invoice on the 6.0's. the Folding hardtop is way cool. He opened it up fo rme.
  16. you read my email, right? yellow 5.7 automatic. not sure what year.
  17. brand new spankin yellow. he got the 350hp with auto. said the dealers were still holding prices way too high on the 400hp versions. he wanted the stick, wife wanted the auto. guess which one they got. SWEET.
  18. the epsilon is too small for a true minivan. Epsilon 2, who knows.
  19. at times i wish i had gotten a black interior instead of tan on my 500. tons of space and airy is what i like about it. the leather is ok but they could have ponied up for better plastics. i do like the Aura interior, however, it does seem like it is trying hard. If you look at e class interior pics vs. the aura interior pics side by side you kind of see GM's design concept for the Aura interior.
  20. sounds like an 8 cylinder HF v6 version, i.e. a northstar evolution. wow, wouldn't that be a tasty ride.
  21. here
  22. remember, its all just a bit.
  23. this would only sell in a saturn dealership. and event then, our folks in michigan would order up a bunch of the ugly corporate radios to put in the center stack.
  24. those things get sticky when they melt?
  25. wait, did we cover this.....IS SHE HOT?
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