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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. DAMN, i JUST spilled my COFFEE all over myself because I JUST realized I CARE about whether you think I said to myself, "you know I think I changed my mind and absolutely agree with turbo!" I am reporting the news as I SEE IT. I ain't making it up. You don't have to agree. Likewise I am sure. I just find it funny you're lettting it eat at your shorts like that.
  2. i like good looking women, but if they are airheads and shallow, then i really lose all respect for them, hence maybe that's why they have to try to gain repsect through exhibitionism. no one takes them seriously otherwise than for sex acts. I love a woman with a brain and is sexy AND looks great without a stitch of makeup on at all. Natural beauty.
  3. not after volume bonus incentives are factored in. Mega dealers 'buy' the cars for less in the end, because of the kickbacks they will get from selling more cars....after the fact. even if the invoice is the same. I've been told these extra kickbacks for volume, beyond the normal holdbacks, can be 1000 bucks or more per vehicle. This gives them a real competitive advantage for long term market share. re: leases, most of the time lease structures will end up similar between dealers. However, when I was shopping 500's and quests for leases about a year or so ago, I actually was quoted some widely variable lease payment prices. When shopping I presented the same parameters to every dealer with exact specs on the model i was looking for. Perhaps the aggressive dealers made up the difference with reduced cap cost pricing and financing rates and fees. There in fact was a spread of 50-60 bucks on the quest vans I looked at and probably about the same spread a month on 500's. An aggressive dealer will play with the line items they can to try to get your lease business if they are hungry. It used to be that all cars leased at MSRP. No any more. And I am ok with that.
  4. sorry, its not. we all know the 3 series sells well because it is the poster child for status seekers. cadillac and the CTS has sold based on merit. the 3 series proves its worth merit, but i'd lay MONEY down that 50% + of 3 series buyers are buying for status / fashion reasons. In a lot of places, all the 3 series is is a nicer chick car. c'mon we all know that many Bimmers are sold just like Lexus is.....to status seeking wealthies who need to drive the 'in' car. I like the 3 series but admit, I'm really damn tired of the melted butter BMW look. And the flame surfacing crap is so tired. And all their interiors seem so crappy and dismal lately. i sat in a 6 series at the auto show last year and it was crap IMHO. Mercedes outclasses BMW interiors by many miles. The 7 series interior is atrociously laid out. BMW's door panels these days are garbage. That's why this new CTS is so refreshing. its stylish. the current 3 series interior is quite econocar in comparison. Personally, I'm not sure how the Honda TL can sell anymore with the new CTS, G35, revised 335i, IS, etc.
  5. the north shore of lake superior. north of duluth, MN to the canadian border. we like to stay at bluefin bay in tofte. bluefinbay.com I guarantee you will like your stay on the north shore.
  6. km77.com has buttloads of images of this thing. nice interior. its like the last 3 series.
  7. autoblog
  8. printer friendly version from wards auto regular link wards auto haha. you asked for it. you got it. toyota.......i guess you are American now........
  9. basically all audio and video now is digital. your best bet is to design an architecture that is basically a computer, and can process all audio and video formats. I would then have add on drives for optical media etc. you also need inputs, analog and digital. USB, flash, Ipods, hard drives. your display should be touch screen and show movies and tv as well you want to be capable of harnessing cd's dvd's dvd-audio sacd HD-DVD and Bluray video game systems Sat tv air tv sat radio wireless internet phone email itunes rhapsody bluetooth for interacting with near proximity gadgets wireless network transfer of digital sata to sync home and car hard drives nav on star for starters
  10. chicken or egg? it seems like there is absolutely no shortage of young girls that occasionally show a penchant for doing this type of public debauchery. You can all claim its society's pressure to do that, and maybe it is, but I am certain a lot of it is these same girls so desperate for attention its silly. So many of them need to be thought of as the 'hot chick' and so cool. Me? I would guess more than just a few of them bring this on themselves. You can't blame society for all of this. A lot of it is plain and simple exhibitionism combined with need for affirmation and insecurity.
  11. because lying and cheating for business advantage is acceptable in their culture perhaps......? just asking
  12. i get good deals on my cars always. but it also explains that my last 4 cars were two diamantes, an aztek and a 500. moral: if you want a deal, you likely will not get a 'hot' car, so naturally the cool cars will likely not have much incentives. At the same time, the uncool cars, you will find vehicles that are good and suit your needs well. Sometimes you need to avoid 'style' or the latest features and really focus on a vehicle's core virtues. I need vehicles that are spacious and good on long road trips, and will fare well in a crash. For the prices I've paid for what i drive, I generally have been well suited to get the bigger car, even if its not as 'sublime' as an Accord or as hip as a Jetta. But everyone knows how they most wisely spend their money. Most people will spend more for payments on 2 little compact cars than what I get for my money. I just have to ignore the fact I am not driving a 'cool' car. One example I was thinking of the other day as I saw another clueless chick driving a new Honda CRV. She likely forked out 26-27k for that piece of 4 cylinder slug crap that won't get out of its own way. She likely could have had a base Pilot for same $$$ or better yet, something more useful like a Mitusbishi Endeavor, and had a six cylinder with tons more room and not a tin can, for like 5 grand less. I guess I am a different breed though.
  13. maybe we'll see it in the corvette sometime down the road.
  14. hondas never break down, so why would they care about the warranty.
  15. they simply weren't getting high enough transaction prices on the SWB versions. Yet, people I know who have the SWB versions, love the manueverability of them. Fact, a SWB caravan is cheaper than most compact crossovers, like Vibes. they just aren't as 'cool'.
  16. I want to see Miss USA and Miss Nevada make movies together.
  18. crap! you beat me to it! if you have a kid in daycare ever, you'll get pinkeye, ALOT. I think the first year my kid was in daycare I had it like 3-4 times. Plus, it can be major contagious in the initial stages. Nothing like having to stay home for it. Or, go to work, but hide in your cube all day and wash your hands a lot and not show your face when walking by others. And don't touch things others will be touching. And, the grossest part, having your eye drip and ooze fluid, ewe.....on the desk, on your face, etc. One time I got pinkeye from my eyes getting burned from cleaning product vapors. My bathroom has poor ventilation and all the toxic cleaners poisoned my eyes so i got pinkeye from that.
  19. f--k viper. we need a 1000 hp corvette.
  20. awesome. too long to wait, but still awesome.
  21. the CTS has a bigger back seat.
  22. having driven a new compass a few months ago, and having several times driven a current version Saturn Vue, I would say the Vue has it trumped big time in many ways. Actually, I've tested Vibes too and would prefer a Vibe to a Compass. The Compass is interesting from a packaging standpoint. But i didn't like the way it drove.
  23. Deb decided to DON the birthday suit to celebrate your BD......
  24. so very nice. between the cts and new upcoming G8, GM has the sexy RWD sedan market here covered for awhile I think.
  25. right. it's the 300's dash.
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