the point of the article is fine, but the question is, is it worth it to pay some lame-o like this to waste time (that could be better utilized solving world hunger, or conversely, cleaning the toilets at my house) writing another entire article about this? Especially since the bent of the article in the end is just to rip on the domestics again and put toyota on a pedesfukkingtal?
Have we not already seen 2,094 articles about this? Why can't we have equal time, 2,094 articles about engine sludge or truck suspensions and chassis failing so you can't stay in your own lanes?
Jesus Christ. If we really need to pay some lackey to write another article like this, which accomplishes nothing at this point, and says nothing new..........dammit.
The gist of the article could be covered in about 3 paragraphs and with one illustration. But you gotta fill copy, I guess.
Why can't we have an article about how McDonalds and Burger King save big dough making burgers on an assembly line and saving big bucks? HUH?
yeah, then they could write about what I experienced about a week ago at McNDons. I am in the rest room, washing my hands. Worker dude comes in, takes a dumpola. and then leaves without washing hands. A few minutes later, i am ordering food for my family, and guess who is on the burger assembly line......REST ROOM DUDE!!!!!!!