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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. from billboard.com - go there to check it out
  2. nah, it's well known that chicks who smoke are a guaranteed put out and have a need for oral fixations. I'm on board.
  3. oh $h!. i can't believe they are this dumb! that's almost as bad as this.......by the way, I think i was at this party. hell of a hangover the next day! 185hp! I learned some new tricks with my fold and tumble seats that night. this compass debacle is further proof that marketing as a profession is given too much cred in our world today. this was the result of people who have no clue about who is buying their product. its all about marketing people trying to outsmart themselves and be the end all do all. It's the product, stupid. We need to stop letting marketing types run our country. this is the sort of stuff they dream up if left to their own devices. No wonder our products in this country are crap to so many. We let beancounters, marketers, and 'executives' run our businesses these days, all to please Wall Street (the big bunch of schmoes), not CUSTOMERS.
  4. AWESOME. Cheap Trick's new album, Rockford, is excellent.
  5. we have conditioned our 'educated elite' and to go to school and get degrees with the main purpose in mind to be to get a good enough job and make enough money 'so one day, Johnny, you won't have to drive a DOMESTIC'.
  6. the statesman is A8 sized. and it shall be buick. you like buicks, right?
  7. its a great car. and it is a chick car. so what. too bad the plastics are cheap. ruins the car a bit.
  8. VW had the world in its hand and tanked it big time. and people rip on GM if they lose 5% sales.
  9. compacts are not for families. stroller fills the trunk, if it fits. no room for groceries. compacts are not as good in safety as mid size and larger. my guess is accords are cheaper for many than civics. just like Mazda makes a living selling 6's by upselling from the expensive 3's. the m6 is not much more $$$ than the m3.
  10. yes, i would agree. i still remember a coworkers windstar debacle from about 10 years ago. they bought a new windstar for a vacation trip. the thing went south on vacation. big time ruined their vacation. customers don't forget that stuff. i know many who had problems with that engine. ah, Our business leaders did not go to bat and try to serve the customer on that one. it's their fault.
  11. for those that think the Civic is too out there....and the mazda3 is too much of a chick car, and the corolla is too soft and the sentra is too wierd. yeah, it should see some increases.
  12. that's because Nissan keeps putting out new models.
  13. apparently. dig out your eighties GM cars!
  14. thanks to Judi Dutcher, all sense prevailed! Hatch would have been a huge disaster. Good thing we saw his true colors the last week before the election. My buddy in PR for a major hospital down here which had to deal with Hatch's grandstanding on medical issues had been saying for years how much of a cancer Hatch was in the landscape around here.
  15. I used to listen to rush in the car. BACK IN 1990. seriously. college kid. summers. between work and home. but not for much more than a year or two. got old.
  16. oh man, scary!
  17. some groups don't take insult at every little reference like that. viper's right about the plastics.
  18. km77.com - pictures links at the bottom of the page talk about mental masturbation...... its like someone pumping thier cheetos and red bull on their subwoofer equipped game rocker took a screen cap of their racing game from their XBox I don't mind the exterior so much though.
  19. car connection
  20. car connection R8 article this car has plenty of power for me. lol
  21. really, all that there is here to shed a tear about is how this is an example of GM letting a platform linger far too long. the platform itself isn't even worth the keystrokes we are typing about it. This will always be an example of GM being tight asses that people ripping the company will always be able to point to as a shining example. Honestly, the damage and people's perceptions of GM for this type of thing will continue to linger for at least 10-20 more years, reagrdless of what they do from now on. as far as the current grand prix. i like the wraparound design of the dash. but they f'ed up too much else about the car. cheap plastic. terrible center stack and controls. pancake roofline leading to claustrophobia. rear seat that's far too low and lacks leg room so its not usable as a family sedan. 4 speed automatics. dated v6 motors. huge front overhangs. ribbed taillights. ah, they just f'ed it up on so many levels. I like the car. It's just not practical or desirable because of its shortcomings far outweighing any positives it has. The G8 cannot arrive soon enough.
  22. the number says up 25.6% though. i guess that just shows postive sales momentum. It would not surprise me if other automakers including our very own, don't have some things in the closet as well.
  23. it's so funny how you continue to think they are dead when sales are increasing. c'mon, grow up, accept that they will still be around and just get over it. you wanna pick on some rice cars, pick on Chery.
  24. so much for resale!!!!!!!! can you say TOILET?
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