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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. km77 oh, no, I'd rather have an A5. not. THIS car has real style. this is an arousing car.
  2. my theory is I'm fine if there a few japanese makes making small to moderate volumes, and all of them are roughly equal. the problem is now with the CR phenomenon and such, EVERYONE is buying toyota without considering other makes. So we'll have big Toyota and the other Japanese makes. It will allow Toyota to get far too big for what it deserves and it threatens GM and Ford's position. And that's the issue I have, Toyota being for too big when many of the other Japanese products are just as good.
  3. your post is 100% truth.
  4. i hope its not looking too old. the new malibu looks a bit like the TL from some angles.
  5. yeah, but point being I don't think aside from the Enclave replacing the Buickman 299 lease special (rendezvous) its not like Buick is going to add that many more models in the future. We all know that. I'm a Buickfan too, just saying that at least Mits is increasing sales and making positive gains and your trashing that, but Buick is severly trending toward extinction in the volume area and you are more than willing to make excuses for that. All I am saying is a lot of people who are not GM fans would say the same about Buick or Pontiac if each brand is content to sell at the niche volumes your bashing brands like Mits and Suzuki and such. Its not like buick would double sales if they doubled models either, you are assuming that only and it may not be true in today's competitive market. Chrysler introduced the Aspen, so automatically I should assume Durango + Aspen = 2x previous Durango sales? If I take a LaCrosse and throw a new grille on it and call it Regal will that double sales? Its actually quite reprehensible but certainly pragmatic that Pontiac and Buick combined for huge numbers not that long ago and now they are forced to put the spin on it but saying they are one 'distribution group'.... just seems like a pot calling the kettle black kind of thing. Toyota is the one everyone should force their negative energy on, for being such dinks. it's not like if mits went away that those buyers would become GM buyers. they would all buy Japanese cars anyways most likely. Why give Honda and Toyota more business?
  6. America dives deeper into mediocrity. A nation of toyo lemmings.
  7. totally an 'owned'. i will be chuckling on that one for awhile. awesome comeback.
  8. nice Q sales. all of nissans trucks are down seemingly but they made up for it with revised g35 and other cars.
  9. i do not get the Q7 appeal.
  10. Buick only sold 5000 more cars last month. Won't they die already?
  11. the mkx is what some people would compare to a Lexus RX which sells well. it does seem the edge is cannabalizing many other ford products, but if they were smart, they would use that as a tool to downsell to the other products as well. so the edge is on pace for 100k. i think once the 500 and FS get the new engines and names and if they promote it, we may see sales rebound some. they need to get the 3.5 in the fusion/milan too. Ford needs to promote the snot out of what they have as much as they can right now and ashcan the bold moves crap. I would give good deals as much as possibel without slashing margins too much and advertise like hell for a year until some more of the product lines are propped up. if they would just advertise the Fusion alone. i never see ads for the Fusion. they used to advertise the taurus ALL THE TIME.
  12. it doesn't mean anything if you have low rolling resistance tyres.
  13. you mean the tall blonde and the bushy haired man wannabe? That blonde is off the charts. What a rack. I have a bone to pick with her. yes, I did notice it was an old hardtop!
  14. link what part about 15% increase in sales in one year and 30-40% of all G35 sales being AWD did you not get? more profitable? "the northeast is now Infinitis best selling market" 43% sales INCREASE in the northeast? 21% overall increase in northern markets vs. 4% increase in south markets.
  15. Why is that? Keep in mind, most folks can only afford to have one car for year round driving. They want that one car to have great all weather capability, regardless of whether its a sporting sedan or SUV. We've got about 18 inches on the way here in the next two days. Anyone is welcome to bring their Mustang or CTSv or whatever to tool around in. Good luck to ya. I would have thought folks like bigpontiac would see the figures on cars like the Mercs, BMW's and especially the success of the AWD G35 and the sales increases in the snow states as nobrainers as to why the market has spoken and wants available AWD. The sales increases are obvious. A fairly large group of certain folks will completely ignore a RWD car like the G35 unless AWD is offered. The conflicting nature of some folks here wanting Pontiac to succeed but yet to go 'low volume RWD only' and 'that should be ok' with customers is clearly offset by consumer response to cars like the G35 and the German marques offering and selling the AWD version. Not having AWD as an option will hinder sales over time of the G8 and all Pontiacs once the newness wears off and the car has to be compared to other makers' models in competition. It depends on whether you feel they should only cater to you as a buyer and you don't think you need it or whether you think of it from a market perspective and competitors offering it in increasing numbers, because others do want it.
  16. sure. it's actually a cheesy show. but its on like every night just about, so you're bound to catch some b-00-b or some chicks kissing.
  17. that hitachi 42" plasma is a nice unit. very compact. however, the one they sell here is in a silver cabinet, and i wanted black.
  18. NICE, the A5 and the Elantra share styling. that's upmarket.
  19. oh go blow off and kneel in front of your german car. this is a dud and you know it. if it sells 10k here this year i will be shocked. at least the original TT was something unique. this A5 while tidy looking brings nothing new to the table. a f-cking monte carlo is more unique. even if it doesn't have finely grained plastics inside. the new altima coupe and G6 coupe have a lot more interesting shapes than this thing. here's a style lesson for you
  20. The L WORD, a show on SHOWTIME about Lesbians. It's pretty much is a dumb show. The storylines and dialogue and dumb as heck (ok, not dumb, just overdone)and are merely needed as a part to set up the real story. Which is to have a show on TV with chicks kissing. So since I just got satellite and a big ass plasma TV, of course (and because its on like ALL THE TIME) I find myself watching it. I watch it to watch women make out, and that's about it. Just curious if there is any sort of outside opinions on whether you think the show sucks, is good, or otherwise. Most showtime orgiinal shows are pretty lame anyways. Or maybe, the story is fine, its just the acting is terrible.
  21. a bit of a sickening article but GM is starting to wise up and get savvy in this behind the scenes PR hogwash stuff.it is clear that winning market share in the future will not be done with just good products, it will be done by f'ing with the public's heads and blowing politicians. toyota needs to know that the midwesterners and texans have stronger principles in this area and think more in terms of core values personally than east and west lefties do, although there are some factions of the midwest and such that are weakening as well.
  22. poison. definitely.
  23. you make a great point. these tv's cost an arm and a leg and there's no guarantee the thing will last long. actually, another point well taken...many folks moving up to HDTV's will be looking to unload high quality CRT's to anyone who will take them or pay money for them. In the process, one can obtain a very nice CRT for reasonable dough. for me, the last time I spent good money on an expensive TV was like 1991. I hope it lasts although technology changes so much now, in 3 years i may want to unload this thing anyways.
  24. lots of edunacated MN people who can't f'ing drive in snowy weather.
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