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Everything posted by regfootball

  3. well, sure, you get that when you spend 24 grand on a near subcompact. that jetta tdi would have saved you a few grand and have been nicer yet with more space and the same mpg. bigger fuel tank too. just sayin. cost analysis don't bear out hybrids but for you this is a luxury car then so you can justify the extra wads of cash that way.
  4. toyota's solution to eliminate the camshafts snapping is to make the timing belts flimsier so they snap first before the cams do. problem solved. DID I SAY TIMING BELTS AND PICKUP IN THE SAME SENTENCE?
  5. not this lifetime let me revisit a topic i went off about awhile ago. Just because you can make $h! in china or malaysia and put it on a boat and send it back here, doesn't mean you have to. Business leaders don't f@#king care though. They just care with wall street PR spin and exec bonuses. There is no motivation for human stewardship in this country. I am not saying communism is they way to go. i don't even like what unions are doing. All I am saying is business more than enough leaders don't even give a f@#k about building our US economy, and giving and getting and helping people develop. Yeah, they're under pressure. Who the f@#k cares. If they don't want the pressure that goes with their job, then quit. You can only rape the US economy so long by asking people to buy, buy, buy till at some point, people cannot buy anymore and then what do they do? To make matters worse, everyone wants to buy $h! from the company that sends it all back to Japan, who doesn't seem to be interested in fair trade, in fact they are trying every under the radar trick possible to really f@#k us over in this department. Notice how as soon as toyota and others get a strong foothold here and get people blowing off domestics, now they basically say, we have you by the nuts now but thanks, we'll send those jobs overseas now. Both sides are wrong here. The unions are way in the stratosphere in what they expect and workers backed by unions have no motivation to excel and grow a lot. The business leaders put no stock in helping our towns and country as much as the company. The economy is in the $h!ter right now and you see housing is in the trash, retail is now being affected by the housing and gas prices. Wages are flat and taxes and gas, everything else is going up. At some point the bubble will burst....so it's in their interest to pay some people here and keep them working on decent wages. They won't see that till its too late.
  6. LOL.....toyota got too big and is now on the radar.
  7. metalurgic defect = manufacturer had to skimp to hit a cost target. '20' engines. This means there is a buttload more and probably every one is subject to this happening over time. The SHO v8's had cam sprocket issues that happened more and more over time, even if the press over blew it. For this to happen out of the chute is an incredible emabarassment for hoyotha. It basically shows they don't know what they are doing yet. God I hope this gets plastered all over the press.
  8. i was reading my FIL's copy of PM which did a civic hybrid test vs. reg. civic recently. only 6 mpg better in both city and highway. not worth the extra 6 grand the dealer was trying to charge my buddy for his civic he just bought a couple weeks ago. 6 grand for 6 mpg? no thanks. 33.6/36.3-std 39.6/42.7-hybrid
  9. ' local dealers advertise new bare lancers from 12,500 but more importantly just take that sticker and knock 1500-2000 off it and that's what you'll pay for a lancer right now. it was a mistake for them to not have about 200hp out of the chute but oh well. the interior on this car has some seriously sculpted seats and a sweet looking manual shifter....looks very inviting to the driver. i like the cobalt and right now its like 3500 off sticker but unless i got an SS cobalt the lancer is much more attitude. the mazda 3 is nice but has a bit of a chick car vibe to it sometimes. if we compare the 3 and lancer, i might be inclined to take a lancer just because it's different and sportier attitude. those sales numbers for buick and subaru look pretty 'bad' too. let's dump them too. pretty much the same. what's buick's fleet %age of that......if you use few dealers as reason to dump a brand then lets dump saturn too they hardly have that many more dealers. i'd prefer to get rid of suzuki and subaru. i'd rather have daewoos in the chevy showroom and i really don't like subie's dikewagons anyways. everyone else has awd now so there is no reason for subaru to exist. that was their only calling card. there is nothing unique that subaru has to offer. I simply don't like them. Plus now they are part of toyota which makes me dislike them even more. The new WRX/Imprezza has got to be one of the worst designs of the last 15 years.
  10. this is why CR is so fricking dumb. when you make money (good), you are in the black. when you lose money (bad) you are in the red. So why does CR have their setup ass backwards and make the red dots good? why couldn't they simply use a 5 star system that everyone can understand? the dots and donuts are really funking dumb.
  11. pigs do breed apparently.
  12. i drove thru the mits lot tonight to look at the lancer. i like it. nice little car. mpg is not great though. it's not a FREAKMOBILE like the civic or a pussmobile like the elantra or corolla. only the rabbit, cobalt ss and mazda3 are as edgy. rear seat looks huge. i think it will do good..
  13. probably the BAMR big ass moon roof
  14. regfootball


    provolone rocks. CHEESE CURDS. not kurds.
  15. sweet. Pilot can f off. Like Reba said, take it back.
  16. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/for...sion=2007052305
  17. regfootball


    blu cheese? EWEEEEEE
  18. it's good to express happy feelings. I hope the divorce goes smoothly and that you get to still spend plenty of time with Sofia.
  19. sales gains every month. too bad ford gm don't always have that. you must have sat on the negatrometer today.
  20. it only needs to be big enough to hold shopping bags from the mall. as far as the intended clientele.......
  21. 1.2 million units world wide. large enough.
  22. regfootball


    seriously...sharp cheese kicks tail.
  23. regfootball


  24. i was actually thinking the other day that the 500/taurus chassis would accomodate a hybrid well. and i do think the new v6 was planned on being mated to a hybrid? fusion hybrid would make more sense to me, but give me a taurus hybrid that gets 35 mpg and i would love it.
  25. the titan is the worst. looks cheesy inside and out and it really doesn't feel that solid on the road. dodge should bail on trucks and let chevy and ford get their market.
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