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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. frameless windows small unattractive lesbian stigma
  2. Impala sells like wildfire around here.
  3. SUV's still drive the showroom dollars.
  4. kudo to chrysler. looks like avenger/sebring is doing well. who's laughing at the cute jeeps now?
  5. i honestly see no tundras here. the increase to me is puzzling. yaris? my. corolla sucks. but yes, it's all the incentives for corolla and camry. scary numbers though. i have seen many new prius. fair enough on that one. with all the good cars out there, there is no reason for toyota to be making such gains like this. no matter how good the cars may be. they are dumping a lot into rentals though...fact. i always see many cor/caml at the hertz lot here. we'll see what happens with the 'legendary resale' when those things end up at auction. toyota is going for broke. incentives, fleets, shortcuts in development. give them credit for seizing the day. i guess it beats a seized sludged up motor.
  6. yes, it took off! credit to nissan for slapping sweet lease deals on the sentra and advertising it. altima cannibalizing accord? look at the rest of the lineup tho...aside from versa and sentra...not much to wow about
  7. funny thing about honda. the can only move the metal if its a crappy little sh1tbox with good mpg, or if its an all new model. otherwise, they are stuck with dead wood. drop gas to 2.25 a gallon and honda is screwed
  8. I'll repeat. the new escape/mariner and edge are selling like wildfire around here. i see many every day. and today i saw the truck pull into my ford dealer with like 10 new excapes on there. old ford loyalists have no clue that crossovers are where the market is at right now. ford really could afford to lose its old fan base aside from mustangs. rubes like that hold ford back.
  9. thanks. i know you can also now build it online. edge=hot cakes around here. same with the new escape and mariner. gotta test drive a taurus. need to know if i should pull ahead this fall on a taurus or edge, or wait for the G8. town car still freakin sells at a 60k pace. WTF?
  10. you're absolutely right. camshaft issues is a huge deal. trust me, i used to read the sho site every night and wonder to myself, 'when will i need a new motor'....because of a supposed manufacturing or design defect. even though i had no issues and no one i knew did, there was enough about the topic of improperly manufactured camshafts that made me know it was serious sh1t and that you had to at least worry about it. why GM and Ford are not all over this in their ads somehow is beyond me. if i were a turdra owner, i would be asking them to buy it back. maybe that's why there was that used turdra at the one GM dealer that was talked about on another topic. Maybe his cam snapped already! are the tundra cams hollow tube shafts or solid?
  11. oh crap, some i missed!
  12. GM-i? hey, that sounds like a model designation. The Buick Lucerne GMi. LOL GM-i, you can read 10 pages of posts and not get much out of a topic on there.
  13. he said to me 'i think you need a trip to the HR office......' LOL
  14. Women have a way of communicating that is very indirect like that. To be able to see what they are 'saying' takes incredible savvy. I made a funny at work today. The print I sent to the printer had clogged the queue and the light was blinking becuase it wanted it's tray loaded. I told the guy next to me....'a printer is just like a woman, you can tell something is wrong because they are 'blinking' but they never will just tell you what the heck you need to do to get the light to stop blinking.
  15. all toyota needs to do when bad press gets out like this is order their PR dept to spoon feed some articles to the press on their hybrids. look for a huge amount of hybrid articles in the paper and on the news and tv in the next few weeks.
  16. Here's mine 1. Vue 2. CX-7 3. RAV (even though i hate its looks) 3. Outlander 3. Torrent (only due to GXP) 6. Equinox 6. Escape / Mariner (hybrid and v6 help) 8. CRV 9. Grand Vitara 10. Forester
  17. i saw the vue at the dealer tonight. the interior is amazng. esp. the door panels. new vue will be loved. big time, in spite of low mpg. it makes the crv look like crap.
  18. RDX 13.4 lol...j/k
  19. considering your ages, do it now. tell her. if not, then relieve yourself of the torture and stop seeing her and move on. 'it's not over' until they have a rock and marraige certificate and even then they might have made a big mistake but everything up until 'I do' is fair game. She will tell you if she is interested. Ignore the friend. The friend might be bitter or vengeful about something. Even if she tells you no, now, she will always remember what you told her she means to you and it is up to her to then look within and evaluate how she feels about you. After that point, the connection is either already there or it's not and she ought to be in touch with herself enough to know which of those two it is. What she won't do is breakup what she has now, to contemplate what you mean to her. She already in her mind long ago decided if you were realtionship material or not. The rest involves timing, which you sound to have had lots of misfortune with this girl. Rent When Harry Met Sally. It may not be wholly applicable to your special situation, but there is some things to see in that movie that alwasy make you think of your own relationships with another and your roles in a partnership over time. Point being, in the end of the movie, they realized of all the superficial things out there they were able to recognize what finally made them compatible and a pair. And they stopped looking for what it was they thought they should have. I'm never one to sound the alarm bell but I can tell you....with proof, a woman gets close to 30 and they DO feel that 3 coming near and THEY DO make commitment moves a lot faster if they meet someone even kind of interesting and you do not want to wait so long so that you would get shut out. Part that hurts is if she says she really likes 'new guy' then at least we have progress, some resolution, and she's had her option presented to her. My only exception would be if you had absolute proof you don't think her new guy will work out in the short term, i.e next year or so. But at late 20's, chances are much greater she could be walking down the aisle in less than 12 months and you're the guy eating cake at table 17 with some person she used to work at at a summer job in college 8 years ago who she almost never sees now. One of my past heartbreaks, our next to last face to face meeting, which was a chance meeting but was after i started dating my wife (which upset her) told me to my face 'i am not getting married til I am 30, I'm in no hurry.' I went to her wedding less than a year later. She had like 2 kids within the first 2 years after that. Seeing that person that you cared about at one time so deeply and you know cared about you as well but you never had a chance to get in sync....seeing them with a wedding dress on and saying yes to someone else, with your very own eyes......that is painful. It flat out rips at your stomach. It takes awhile to get over that. You feel rejection. I can attest to how hard a feeling that is to wait too long to tell somebody and see them move quickly to someone else when the chance presents itself for them. I know a woman right now who has told me to my face (she's like 28) she is in no rush to get married and will wait 10 years to get married and I can bet you money by 30 she has her sugar daddy and kid one. She is out 4-5 nights a wek looking for THE ONE, and FAST. Late 20's = danger zone. People are very much wanting to find their someone and work very hard at making that happen. You won't want to lose out on someone you think is the one, even if it means crash and burn potentially. My friends who are 35+ and single but not gay have major slim picking for realtionships.
  20. they don't allow much on the other site. doesn't surprise me. they have no edge and no relevant perspective. but they do post more stories.
  21. no $h! you have poor crash performance in a roofless car. geez.
  22. http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/2007-05-29-tundra_N.htm Toyota fixing engine failures in new Tundra truck love the terminology http://www.cnn.com/2007/AUTOS/05/29/bc.toy...reut/index.html Toyota reports problem with new Tundra
  23. i'm only proud of you if Jim Dollinger sold it to you. BTW, you should have got an AZTEK!!!!!!!
  24. again, the fact they are using belts is ludicrous.
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