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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. maybe you need to get into airline traffic logistics as a career...........
  2. i guess it has a limp home mode just like the northstars. if you lose coolant, you can still drive it home. i'll be able to take pics of it this weekend.
  3. no you don't sonny.
  4. ....... ....... 65 CORVAIR! i'll get to see it this wkd. i think this is just a move up to a solstice or sky....... looks similar to this one apparently
  5. i thought the fast and furious was dead
  6. i think its about a 6 grand spread on the camry. the mileage is good but there is no trunk and its just too expensive to justify.
  7. 'billing time' sucks. it doesn't allow the best solutions. especially if you are a perfectionist or if you just simply want to do a GOOD job.
  8. or, they still just don't get that they are a lesbian yet. they've been to scared to try the P but down deep they have a secret wondering about what it is like. don't forget the psychotic ones. the bipolars, the 'can't commits', the ones with depression. the princesses and daddy's girls. i mean, that's all human and stuff, but if you waited till you're 35 to get hooked up, its takes a lot to accept heavy stuff like that. my friend who just turned 40 cannot get a date to save his life with any of the women he wants so bad. the bad girls. the ones with all the baggage and issues and stuff. but, he's hung up on that they are thin. there is a perfectly awesome chick who would go out with him in a heartbeat if he asked, she is single never married, no baggage. only real flaw, big hips. and he cannot get past that. otherwise, they are extremely compatible. his theory is he works out to stay in shape and so should she. um, dude.....genetics. big hips, big chest. she's pretty and has nice hair. he just won't take a serious look at her because she is, as he puts it.....'thick'. this is the same guy that will not try online dating and really should. he can't stay 'untapped' forever. with his attitude he probably will. no woman is perfect. but at least you want to find one that doesn't make you want to knife yourself at the end of the day.
  9. i already spewed about this on GMI. since when is 23 mpg good? My wife got 24 in the aztek, in town driving, on a tank recently. 23 for a four cylinder is pathetic. not worth the loss of hp and highway smoothness from the v6. a rav4 v6 will likely return as much fuel economy. nissan rogue will eat sales away at this thing anyways.
  10. a bigger box would make it salable.
  11. my arse is small and tight.......and shall be remaining as such. my thighs are not enormous, but not thin. i have an eastern european belly that just wont go away. can't she look past those things and love me for my awesome personality? women are supposed to like men based on other things besides looks. but men need to judge women on looks because that's the part that carries on. it takes to long to figure out of they have a personality or are psychotic or anything like that.
  12. the tsx is a small front drive econocar in drag with numb derivitive styling and no power. what am i missing? i thought the tsx got beat by a lowly jetta in a big comparison recently.........
  13. whatever it is, she's all glowing and happy and stuff. a good looking k'ed up woman is so awesome. that baby bump is hot hot hot.......on her. at least her arse isn't huge and her thighs don't look all swollen.
  14. good poem. Sometimes on paper is the hardest way to express things. not exactly the same intent, but in the wedding singer, adam sandler attempts to make a light humor about writing a song after a breakup. If you've seen the movie you know what I am talking about. the part about 'put a buller in my head'...... 'i was listening to the cure when i wrote that one'.
  15. so, you say your sister is hot? if she's really smokin' chances are there is still some guy willing to go wading in that pool, regardless if there are 4 kids that go with it. At least for awhile.
  16. lets see what those stellar resale values are like on 06 camrys when they hit the auctions in the next year. 10% is a misnomer. 10% of 450,000 camrys is 45,000 cars flooding the market and eroding value. 30% of 150,000 impalas at auction is 45,000 cars too. Toyota can say 'it's only 10%' but come on, you're still flooding the market with cars you would not have otherwise sold. Kia, it doesn't matter if the price they charge fleet is the same discount price they sell in the showroom floor, but they are flooding the market too. Face it, fleet sales are not bad. The companies just need to manage the numbers of how many they sell to fleets.
  17. oh stace, i am really not in any position to critique society myself, as i have much self improvement i need to do, however, i am glad i added a chuckle with your morning coffee. LOL
  18. i had a friend who got married to someone he met on personals ads these days, he uses the 'c' word to describe her. i've got some workmates who are trying the online dating thing but without much success so far. can't hurt to try. at least their are tons of fish to pick from.
  19. jessica biel's jiggling butt. that is worth a ticket price so yeah i wanna see it.
  20. classic. ten best material.
  21. sure, as long as i can oil her up. don't forget the gag around the mouth! i bet ann waxes. ann vs. rosie, i wanna see that celebrity death match, all ann would have to do is bite rosie's flabby leg with her hilary duff choppers to expose a vein and it would be all over. imagine rosie, helpless and mute, flopping on the ground like a fish out of water. speaking of milfoil....i was just at the lowes. holy man, that place is full of milfs on the weekend. you know the types, hips got big cause they choked out a couple, they think they have fashion but are really five years behind, their perkies are no longer as perky, and they don't have 250 bucks in the budget for a hair job and makeover so they do their best to imitate what they saw in 'us' magazine. they don't have a clue that jeans or jeans shorts are not fashionable on women these days but they still wear them proudly. they have gotten comfortable with the notion of some cleavage but still can't ante up with what the younguns are doing in the thong and dropped waistline department. still, its good stuff. they like to cling to trying to look hip and attractive, and so we give them big points for effort. You'd never get them to admit they'd really like to dump their husbands and have endless sex with jon bon jovi or the towel dude on grey's anatomy but they will never admit it unless you really got them major wasted. get em wasted and they would go off on some tirade about how much they really hate their mother or the coworker they are insanely jealous of. Salute the modern milfs!
  22. maybe wagner and hasselbeck could jello wrestle for a GM / Ford title match. I like it. rosie? yes, she could out tow and out weight a truck.
  23. you know, the way the veracruz has been compared vs. the lexus rx and such, it seems to be a tipping point that hyundai has achieved with the asian car lovers. hyundai will eat away at toyota's share big time. hyundai and kia should excel without taking too much away from GM
  24. oh yeah, she's MILF x 10. that baby bump is HOT. WOuld you rather that Rosie was pushing Sierras? think her gorgeous pouty lips are natural or full o botox? what makes her so milfy is she sits there and talks kinda like she has conviction and knows the score but you just stay quiet and let her lips flail and just check out her landscape.
  25. http://supersaturday.iepromo.com/?cmp=super DANG. milfy reaches new levels. go GMC!
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