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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. i was cruising the chrysler lot by my house today. i used to like the patriot. now i don't, it looks like a chinese knockoff of an old jeep. now, i don't have any exterior issues with the compass. but they drive like crap (i know this from doing the chrysler ride and drive), noisy, cheap dismal interior. ride and handling are not anything worth mentioning. small cargo area. everything is dreadful cheap inside. You'll want to slice a vein after being in one too long, its so bad. My wife's omni was nicer inside. to top it off the prices are way too high. the overall price and execution is an embarassment, despite the fact it looks alright outside. right after the crysler lot i cruised the ford lot. the escape has a cheap interior too, but it looks positively luxurious after looking at a compass. Might be why the escape sells so well. If I had to get a jeep, a low optioned Grand CHerokee Laredo would be the way to go. They are desperate to sell them and they are a decent drive. in comparison. Sounds like the compass gets crap mpg anyways. i would get a kia rondo before i would force myself to live inside a compass or patriot.
  2. and toyota invented sliced bread and the light bulb, too. and coca-cola. and computers.
  3. wait, repeat that....was his name Jim, or Bob.? i wonder if each and every one of those kids are ahem....his......... imagine the number of grand kids that will be coming soon
  4. i saw something that said this thing is SIX inches wider than the 07 GC.......
  5. yes, the online porn industry does seem to always be increasing.
  6. got three cd's this week an old used copy of 'Michael Morales', I'll test your memory on that one new copy Suzie McNeil, broken and beautiful (rockstar inxs folks know who she is) also, Kevin Chalfant's journey tribute album Fly2freedom Some Kane Roberts is a nice listen right now too...
  7. how can you predict good reliability for a vehicle that shreds its internal engine components within the first few months of release? CR's staff should be fired for printing that rating on the turd.
  8. no one can accuse japan of ever having an original idea, yes.
  9. yeah. the 40 and younger set is so style conscious, but for many, a minivan would be among the best vehicles instead of some crossovers. vans still provide a lot more space and utility. the problem is the fact that they still do things like the ugly dash on this thing with the pornogrpahic shifter sticking out from it. why must they style the interiors of these things to resemble a school bus instead of just a car? if they stopped making the interiors so grandpaish and started making them kind of sleek and more carlike......
  10. i guess they can walk then. MN has a very low percentage, but one that fell.
  11. i feel for ya. i would have been really leery of a new big roof, regardless of manuf. right now i am considering the ford edge as one of my choices for a next vehicle. what's frustrating is the only sunroof choice is the big one. can't a guy just get a plain sunroof anymore?
  12. a small block aero saab. my GOD they are looney. Yet, if you want the best version of the trailblazer, this is the way to get it. i would actually tell my dad to look at one if he could get about 15 grand off list for this. this is proof that the dumbasses in detroit now make idiot decisions for saab now too think they'll export it to sweden? the 9-7 reminds me of a waldoch conversion version of a trailblazer. its kind of fancy, has gaudy wheels, but reeks of cheese still.
  13. wow, this 'super' business is incredibly insulting.
  14. the fact that you ask.............
  15. 140,000 / 500 dealers = 280 cars per dealer / year = 23.333 cars per month I seem to recall a thread that some PBG dealers were only selling like 10 or 20 cars a month. Maybe that was over in GMI. In any case, it was a close comparison. Sciguy is not far off.
  16. Paine is a pain. maybe that asshole ought to buy a degree and single handedly engineer us a fking battery that people can afford and that can satisfy his masturbatory fantasies. at some point, will people in this country stop spewing crap on fiim or in print, trying to be experts, when in reality what they need to do is offer us fricking solutions and answers not grounded in simple ideals or generalities. "I would applaud our leaders if they can solve world hunger and poverty'. THERE! I SAID IT! see, doesn't mean jack sh1t if I can't offer the detail on how we precisely plan to do that!
  17. symantec / norton will never get my business again because of their call center in India BS.
  18. outside the metro its pretty domestic. the snobby and wealthy parts of town are increasingly import. the more white bread suburbs the buying is fairly blended. i was back at my mom and dad's last weekend, a hugely GM town in NoDak. It's so GM you can't even find a ford pickup there hardly. I'd say that area is about 80% GM. very very few accords or camrys or altimas. the toyota/chrsyler dealer had about 10 rams on the lot and only 2 turds. the only toyos he had in stock in big numbers were siennas and camrys. no corollas no avalons. one Xb and one Xd. they sell a lot more chrylser and dodge than toyo.
  19. gmtruck guy has it right. saturn customers would expect a 4 cylinder. 80%? of camlees and accords sell with 4 cylinders. it would reason to suggest that an aura as primary competition should have 4 popper too. 3700? funny the aura's frame seemed so flexy when i drove if the car weighs as much as my 500.
  20. suggestion, want to wind down? spend a few weeks in remote western ND. you'll unwind and destress, for sure.
  21. scary thing is i was chatting with some coworkers earlier in the day about earthquakes.....
  22. the electric only mode is great for going stealth on city streets at night....stalking exes.......
  23. http://wcco.com/health/health_story_214152859.html
  24. the bridge does not go through a wealthy part of town, hence, not many imports.
  25. yup, those were the dumbasses i was referring to. same folks who pay say, 45k for an A4, or way too much for an accord TSX, which amounts to an accord with nice plastic, good handling, and a torqueless wonder under the hood that won't even give enough accelaration to make it seem like its worth 10-12 grand over say, a camry. not that the camry is insanely wonderful.
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