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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19876326/ i guess web voters agree. the middle class is getting fu.cked. without lube. its going to be ugly until we get a new person in the oval office. and even for a little while after that. the so called 'mortgage mess' WOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM if people's real incomes were keeping pace with the cost of $h!. the problem isn't always the loan, its that people are continually getting screwed on wages and benefits and raped on taxes and expenses. gas- up what 66% or more in two years? utilities- my electricity bill has prob gone up 20% in the last 2 years. taxes-always rising fast food- milk has jumped at least 25% here in the last few months. meat has gone nuts in the last 3 years or so. ever price dumb $h! like a green pepper or a watermelon? HEALTH CARE!!!!!!! RAPE! RAPE! i just put 1200 in the aztek for tires brakes and alignment and other. that $$$ does not grow on trees! whose ass do i pull that out of ? higher ed? screw it...a college degree isn't even worth anything anymore in many fields. not in terms of pay. the only ones cleaning up right now are those with old money or passive income, and the DINK dual income no kids or one/two specially privileged kids....where daddy is a VP of finance at company x, pulls in 125g, mommy got a top level marketing job because of her great ass and gift of gab and big rack and pulls in 90g for God knows what she does. Those couples meet and propagate wunderchildren who seem to get connected into the same network (after finishing an all expense paid trip to private mba school, courtesy of dad and grandma) and have no prob cracking 60g out of college. No hassle buying coldstone for junior three nights a week. this is a big reason why lux brad car sales seem to be ever increasing is this bunch of type a yutzes. these are the folks than lease an AUdi and a M class for mommy to drive, they have $$$ to burn!!!! Yet the dude with a public/state college degree can only get a service job makes 27k and wife can't work because daycare cost is prohibitive. and the blue bunny in the grocery store isn't even within reach, much less the cones, because fricking gasoline for daddy to get to his job everyday doubled in price in the last 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!! our wonderful, educated, righteous corp CEO's and managers can show INCREDIBLE ingenuity in searching for offshoring opportunities in places unheard of before if there is a chance to save the company a buck. you'd think at some point, one of these companies would have a STEWARDSHIP mindset and figure out a way with the same maniacal effort to not only make the same buck, but provide the ability for that product to be made HERE and do some residual benefit for the general population in this country they are sucking the very lifeblood from in return for great stock reports and golden parachutes.
  2. PEOPLE..... the CTS is a RIGHT SIZED car. 3 series is tiny. yet still packs on the pounds. the CTS is habitable for humans. when i first saw the new dash design for the current 3 series it totally reminded me of the same cheesy look as the last sebring/stratus sedan. and the picture above rekindles that memory for me. maybe in the most expensive trims it can start to look ok, but its clearly a retrograde step in comparison to the last 3 series which is ok, but not stunning but for the highest trim levels. It might be fair to suggest the CTS lose 200 pounds but at least cadillac builds a car that can take major punsihment, frost heaves, hard jolts to the suspension in cold winter tire and suspension conditions, etc. Asian brands underengineer their frames and suspension components in the interest of 'efficiency' but the solidity does not stay over time. when you buy any caddy you know the integrity of the chassis will hold up over time.
  3. paying full cash for a car is FOOOOOLISHHHHHHHH. buy the car for 25k, next week, it's worth 17. bam, you just lost 8 grand. gap protection anyone? you might as well give me the 8 grand and i'll even throw in a kick to your nuts for fun. the 0/72 scenario biz outlines is a wise move in that case, but the catch there is you don't get the rebate so your payoff and debt is higher. If you get the 0/72 carte blanche and no rebate is available, then its smart. buy the car that way or lease the car and write it off over time. in the meantime, save ro invest that 25k as you go and collect interest or gains on it. car is a depreciating asset. lease it on good terms or buy it on terms you won't lose your ass on. to me, buying a 1 year old car with 5,000 miles on it at 20-25% off MSRP or more is the way to go if you find something you like. A mAzdaspeed 6 is an example i have seen of this lately. they haven't been selling new so they make them corporate cars and drive off a few miles and then stick it on the used lot. MSRP was like 27, I have seen them used for around 20. You won't lose your ass too much buying one of those.
  4. i think some of this consumer behavior is in the process of righting itself over time. However, the biggest single problem I see is the enormous wage disparity between haves and have nots, and the fact that the middle class has been erased. 5% of the people make obscene wages and everyone else's the 95% their wages are in real decline. this is why the bubble is popping. people's wages are decreasing. costs of basic things are increasing at rates far beyond the mythical 3% or whatevr.
  5. dull....derivitive...but pleasant. a nice chick car.
  6. watch disney tv? or be zac efron? i want to shave zac's eye brows off.
  7. say, I'd like to send you guys a present. you mind a recycled one? i think there is a clock or two we have in storage yet from YEARS ago, or possibly a crystal serving dish. oh, i bet that makes you gaga....LOL
  8. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Savin...arPayments.aspx
  9. http://thesuperficial.com/2007/08/amy_wine...for_boycott.php absolutely NOT loving this!!!!!!!! EWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  10. http://thesuperficial.com/2007/09/zac_efro...rious_actor.php
  11. http://www.egotastic.com/entertainment/cel...pictures-002759 i am sure even ZAC EFRON would sprout a reunion sized tent for this.......... disney finally jumped on the 'paparazzi bikini pictures' bandwagon i see......... BTW if you are an eva longoria fan go to egotastic's home page and check out THAT view from the c-pillar forward. MY!
  12. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20592481/ Barbie accessories part of latest Mattel recall Lead paint may be on several hundred thousand Chinese-made goods ok, my question is, should the toymakers suffer legally and financially for these breaches in public safety? i truly believe that customers ought to stick it to these companies. the abuse of the system and lack of policing and quality control on the part of Mattel and others almost leads me to think they should go down with the kit and kaboodle. this recall biz is completely ought of control and shows a complete lack of concern with public safety, quality control and complete and total underlying motive of simple monetary extraction from the US public and exploitation of cheap labor and manufacturing. Has this gotten to the point where people will start rejecting CHinese goods?
  13. toyo is meeting a room right now on how to spin this in a misleadin, untruthful, and positive way.
  14. pilot is down like in half, but honda only mentions that the CRv is up. more pilot sales were lost than CRv sales gained. accord mustve cannibalized toyota with the big incentives. CRv is pitiful, but if you want a honda and can't afford the pilot, that's where the crawling recreational vehicle gets a sale. they're popular with women, and whipped men, and we never would accuse of those groups of sound vehicle judgement.
  15. very many congratulations to you and your sweet lady. You gotta be pumped! Stuff like this always makes me smile.
  16. by the way, perhaps a Saturn or Opel hybrid could be named...... ION?
  18. you want a lexus buy a lexus. if you want the same effect without buying a car, simply head over to the dentist and ask them to put you under. its a lot cheaper and the same kind of buzz.
  19. how bout on "OJ" edition bronco?
  20. in exchange for his women....yes
  21. for me, the nice part of the CTS is it's human sized, the 3 series has always been too small for what I really want in a car, especially for driving around in cold winters and on crappy roads. you want something that is solid during inclement weather and takes the pounding on the suspension from frost heave and the effects of freezing on your shocks and stuff. the CTS is pretty close to 'right sized' albeit maybe a bit heavy....but check the curb weights of many of your German cars and they are all pretty heavy on average too. The 3 series may weigh less than a CTS but traditionally cars like the A4 and 3 series have been pretty small, too. this is why something like an accord or camry would not feel substantial enough, it would feel like a wet noodle after a few years and who knows how many times you'd be in for suspension work. I've never known anyone to have to take in a caddy because it got beat up or was flimsy.....
  22. more proof that people won't look at a domestic until they put an s-class in a chevy showroom for 15 thousand bucks.
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