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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. GM ought to develop a fast charge/solar collector system to sell with the volt. i'd ask the hippies to do it, but all they want to do is complain and not solve any problems.
  2. my inlaws are driving up today in their olds 88. the thing has almost 200k on it now I think. yet, how many would feel safe having 70+/80+ year old couple travelling in an old domestic car? well, i trust it. you need to find some way to give this teacher an alternate viewpoint. i would challenge him to provide specific personal evidence that domestics are the garbage he professes.
  3. wow. just wow.
  4. why not charge the volt off that extra power?
  5. you gotta wonder how much longer rosie will be able to get any jobs in the entertainment industry, especially now that she has turned on barbara
  6. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21152509/?gt1=10450
  7. yeah, a trunk would be nice. LEG ROOM too.
  8. cabbage smells after it is cooked/preconsumption as well as post consumption
  9. you got his email? I'll rip his head off and crap down his neck. is this ALL Americans? is it only domestic cars that break down? Get me his email. So, in his mind, you simply abandon an industry you are still pulling about 50% share in? One of the largest industries in the US? An industry that 1 in 12 people in this country are supported by? WHAT A DUMBASS> never accuse a professor of being smart. there's a reason why people teach, instead of doing. Pompous ass forgot to mention, in his eyes, only PEOPLE THAT MATTER are willing to pay for their ricer rides. My dad still drives his 92 caddy. is THAT breaking down? I have never had to fix an engine or transmission or suspension on the domestic cars I have bought. Is THAT breaking down? He must only read Consumer Reports. Does he see JD Power? Sounds like a jerk. Part of the reason people buy imports is to visibly demonstrate to everyone else that they are superior in some way. They merely want to differentiate themselves from the other proletariat. I tend to think its a way to show they spend excess money foolishly.
  10. i like it. In TDI, might be a nice sleeper car for family road trips. As long as it runs.
  11. nothing wrong with gm working on a dohc truck motor to hedge their bets in case it become neccessary in trucks. 1- you put it in the escalade to amortize and pay for it, 2- look what happened when gm waited to long with dohc v6's..... any dolt who thinks gm never should have developed ohc v6's have not drove a 3.6 nor read any new cts reviews. in the end though, my guess is this is primarily emissions and fuel economy driven.
  12. impala does well and i think the malibu will surprise a few folks........
  13. he prolly has a RUNE engine in it.
  14. there exists a GREAT BIG OPPORTUNITY for the aesthetics of our house to evolve and change in repsonse to things like PV and climate orientation, etc. i wish i had time and money to pursue it. plus the general public is repellant of most things prgoressive in housing anyways. the planets would need to align where style, cost, and tech all come together at one time. i mean, how cool would it even be to do even rain water collection, too? i'm NOT A GREENIE, not a hippie, or a lefty or anything. BUt man, this $h! IS ALL FREE. that's where my interest lies. How do we collect what mother nature and the gods give all of us for free (and equally?)
  15. lotsa wisdom there. torana would absolutely kill so many sedans (mostly furrin) masquerading as performance cars these days.
  16. i LOVE PV. and geothermal and wind too. But PV has always been still a bit cost prohibitive. Maybe we will see a point soon where it becomes worth it ona large scale. Then, see it EXPLODE. Imagine PV on top of a chevy volt. Would reduce how much you plug it in. My grandma had solar on her house 25 years ago (by a state grant). 25 years later and we're really not much further on it yet.
  17. pontiac has had the redneck stigma for so long now, it's nice to see them shedding it.
  18. i happen to think the base commodore / calais is a very nice clean design as well. if we're gonna talk add on's, i have seen plenty of chargers with tacky spoilers, bling wheels, and all sorts of godawful decals, paint stripes, lettering, and the like. crap like the daytona edition, bumblebee, all that garbage. It's right up there with the gold chains and firechickens and the general lee. I feel a mullet on the back of my head and the sleeves coming off my shirt just looking at one. That's not to say its a wrong kind of look. Yes, the charger is aggressively shaped. But I cannot say its well done. At least not for my taste buds. It has a hunched over flabby fat chunky look that really is not popular. I don't like the fender flaring, the greenhouse, or general proportions or stance of the car. There is no interesting detailing. There is no flow or sleekness front to back. It's kind of like a really fat woman out jogging in a spandex suit two sizes too small or something. I could try to be nice and say its a nice modern day interpretation of the chunky old musclecars, but i can't even say that because the old musclecars were both sleek and brash at the same time. This charger simply does not pull off the same look. The G8 / calais / commodore might only be missing some stance and broad shoulderedness, but the proportioning is very sweet, its flows well from front to back, and is taut and clean. It looks classy and aggressive at the same time, just not butch. I am not opposed to a car being brash, and the charger is indeed brash, but the way it goes about it I think could be a lot more well done. If you are a charger fan, at least you can celebrate its polarizing look. And that might be enough for some. I guess I could say that about my aztek too, since it looks a lot like that charger in some ways.
  19. hmm, ok, here's a new spin/accurate assessment then, 27k for a nicer kia sportage with a Honda logo on the hood.
  20. LMAO. i love the bad pub for toyota but i actually think at the same time that those greenies, i am getting sick and tired of their schtick. maybe toyota is too. i ended up getting sucked into a conv about global warming today. my first comment was, 'well, has it even been proven for fact yet'? you should see the eye daggers. the enviroweenies cannot be challenged or reasoned with. did these dumb ass environwhackos actually think toyota had gone green because of principles? do they really think toyota will change every car in their lineup to a fuel sipping hybrid? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa. no, idiots, its about profit
  21. my gosh they kind of do look alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wheels and all but damn if there was ever a bumblebee edition of the aztek....... the cooler between the front seats for the bottles of miller high life is the deciding factor. charger has a tent package, right? (to cover the whole car so we don't have to see it?)
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