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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. i eat like crap, don't work out, don't sleep. on the verge of 40 like you. but i think a holden g8 would fix it.
  2. funny how they carried over the shifter though. i think they could have come up with a new shifter.
  3. really? i thought it was kind of close to bawstuhn
  4. i get an old s-10 vibe from the upper part of the dash and that is so desirable in a performance car ya know
  5. pioneer plasmas are beyond excellent. the samsung plasmas have quite an eloborate pixel shift techonology that goes a long way to eliminating burn in supposedly.
  6. Looks like the NCAA had to take the matter into their own hands and make whitey play the 'other school'. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/2007-11-22-delaware-delstate_N.htm-LITTLE DELAWARE FINALLY GETS BIG GAME://http://www.usatoday.com/sports/coll...Y GETS BIG GAME://http://www.usatoday.com/sports/coll...Y GETS BIG GAME http://www.sportsnetwork.com/default.asp?c=sportsnetwork&page=/cfoot2/news/AGN4114088.htm-Blue Hens hammer Hornets in birth of hopeful rivalry ://http://www.sportsnetwork.com/defaul...opeful rivalry ://http://www.sportsnetwork.com/defaul...opeful rivalry http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=pearlman/070920&sportCat=ncf-OLD, IS RACE THE REASON DELAWARE WON'T PLAY DELAWARE ST.?://http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page...Y DELAWARE ST.?://http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page...Y DELAWARE ST.?
  7. my dad said he may sell his corvair this spring. want me to ask? .........
  8. let's not kid ourselves. half the smart sales will go to flower and sandwich and pizza delivery places in urban downtowns. maybe not a bad thing either, but pity the poor delivery driver who gets nailed by the city bus.
  9. one would think it would be a smart idea to bring a car as suspect as this to market with a FIVE star safety target. Not 4. it's like saying, 'we can only give you a half ass effort for safety'.
  10. the only LCD's worth considering are the sony and samsung and i hate sony. some philips are ok. some like the sharps but i think they are a step down and have very pinkish color. lcd in general has improved A LOT in one year. i got a plasma in march. if i had to do it again today i would high definitely get a top quality LCD. I still love my plasma, but that's how much better the LCD's have gotten. upscaling dvd players are amazing as well. wait on the whole hd dvd/blu ray mess until its figured out. the upscaling of a normal dvd looks just fine.
  11. BMW is totally about whoring themselves out to whoever these days. why else would they bring in the 1 series? more gen y punks with their first paycheck willing to pony up. luxury cars used to be about arriving first, and then buying the car. the euros found out this twisted economy and 'gotta have it' attititude of gen y, they are willing to spend all their income on having a car that makes it seem they are rich. i like the 3 series but unless you get one that's around 45-50k, its pretty cheap looking, not to mention small. CTS is a real solid car for the money. at least you get SOME luxury with a CTS now. Not all 3's. Funny thing, the last gen CTS was appealing because it wasn't so luxurious. The new one border a tish on going too far in that direction, but i suspect the CTS v will totally correct that.
  12. i dunno, my dad's corvair seems to be fine.....
  13. too bad the 328 is likely what sells the most
  14. nasty ! hope your grandma is ok. are you sure the deer wasn't a badly driven toyota?
  15. "breast implants for EVERYONE! God bless us, each one of us!!!!"
  16. very derivitive and dull. BLEH lexus IS front 350z a pillar a little accord coupe in the profile and otherwise generic asian car. there is a little celica fender swoop in there too. will likely be a decent car with a good price but overall not my cup of tea. not when the camaro will offer so much visual sizzle for prob less money
  17. i was misled to believe i would see a holden with a chevy grille on it, since we know you love holdens
  18. http://www.canadiandriver.com/roadtest/08malibu.htm
  19. i've always thought since bu went epsilon that a turbo bu would be SWEET.
  20. I just get upset when people imply that a luxury car has to be a track car It shouldn't be a floater. and as long as everyone knows that the CTS has never been a floater. Even the STS has been a good drivers car for quite a while now. Even some DTS/Concours have had pretty good road manners for awhile now.
  21. i am so aghast at why people are implying the CTS is soft. the fker has an incredible handling level that most folks will never access!!!!!! Your average gen Y blogger punk who managed to finally get a job and car loan, singing the BMW praises likely can barely drive to save their life. I bet some of those punks haven't even had their license for more than 5-6 years and their only frame of reference is some riced up civic! Most punks berating the CTS likely couldn't even drive a Hyundai accent to 10/10th without hurting bystanders much less themselves. holy crap, people. the car is at least 90% the handling prowess of the BMW if not more than 90%. The CTSv isn't even out yet. Who are the dumb asses making people think the CTS is a floater? JESUS CHRIST! Have you heard of FE3?
  22. dodge still needs to have cars. I can see not giving dodge or chrysler any true SUV's. But the Journey will be dodge (don't stop believin baby) and the pacifica is getting canned although i think chrysler should have one crossover. but at a minimum, dodge still needs to have cars. guys, they are doing this to carve up the brands. maybe someday soon, chrysler's brands will be like 5% market here in the US, but the gist of what they are doing is to establish the brands for better positions in other countries and make their killing there. we are prob headed for a future of GM increasing US share a bit, Ford hoping to recover, and those 2 being the only major US players in the NA market.
  23. holy crap. why can't we just say the award represents a top notch effort at style, luxury, performance, and value? The CTS is a superlative combination of all those attributes in a package that is desirable to many folks out there. Did anyone pull their thumb out of their collective asses long enough to think that maybe this car is in a category by itself? is it as hard edged as a BMW? no. maybe it doesn't need to be. Not that the MKs is as near as good a car as this caddy is, but to some degree it's kind of the same deal. It's attributes emphasize a combination of things not previously offered in the market but is highly value laden and desirable to a sizable chunk of buyers. IOW, the car is not $h! and deserves to be recognized for what it does bring to the table of its potential buyers, which can be a sizable group. as usual, carbiz is right. Why is a car crap if it doesn't meet the extreme parameters of what car mags want? 90% of the folks on here or buyers in general have far worse cars in their garage and couldn't drive any of these cars at 7/10 without $h!ting in their pants anyways.
  24. sony is evil in any consumer electronics. my fuji camera was awesome.
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