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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. not to be a broken record, but the continuing escapades of CA to try to exert more and more difficult standards on emissions all the time is what keeps diesel out of this country. even now with clean diesel they don't want diesel here.
  2. i think after the US election this fall, all the whacko leftists will move on to trying to extort their agenda on Obama. i think they will finally be up to using their media force tactics on things they think they would then have an easy time with that they haven't been able to do under bush, universal heath care, ending iraq, raising taxes, etc. and they will turn away from this global warming BS big time. they only put so much effort into GW now because they don't have an actual opponent standing in their way, like if they were trying to fight a war. instead, they are fighting a cause. They inventing the big green thing to pacify their need to fight something until they feel they can get a like minded individual in office to ride on bigger issues. point being, i think some of this incessant crap about taking down the auto industry will go away some I think. and trust me. if anyone ever tries to go big time with 'carbon taxes' you will begin to see REAL SERIOUS resistance from the really money folks in this country. they will not let that happen.
  3. astra should have a 180hp 2.4 option so it can be fun 0-60 in nearly 9 seconds is not fun
  4. I touched an Aura hybrid a few months ago at the dealer i got my asstek from. so they do exist!
  5. cafe, whatever, there is still no excuse that a manufacturer the size of GM that already has designed and built this car and sells it in volume in several countries, cannot, with all its brands and sales channels here, sell a few of those cars here (statesman, etc.) is seriously f@#king pathetic. we have diesel, v6's, you can have autos and manuals at your disposal. cafe isn't till 2020. GM not being able to sell some caprices here or park avenues etc. or whatever is simple incompetence. Plain and simple. WHAT IF IT TURNS OUT THE COPS AND CABBIES AND PUBLIC loves the car? the decisions GM makes on $h! like this pisses me off to the point where who f@#king cares if they go under. You pull $h! like this then G0ddamn yes I may take my business to Japan inc. and not give a rats ass about your incompetence and hoier than thou attitude towards the customer. if you can sell 5000 pound enclaves you have no excuse to not offer a 4000 pound zeta.
  6. the vigor had a 5 cylinder...but....was its engine transverse? i thought the vigor maybe was longitudinal?
  7. maybe he and joshie have a new project going on. or, he is overseas with pcs.
  8. at least its not a ripoff at that price though (cough RDX cough) although this dash is pretty cheesy looking, just like the new s80 is
  9. Vue is nice. the word needs to get out how slick it is. the weight factor is overblown. it's part of the reason its so solid. i can attest to how crappy light and tinny the lighter rav4 is.
  10. yeah, it really caught my eye when it drove by me for the first time and i did a double take and said, 'that's the lacrosse'?
  11. that design will not sell.
  12. column shifters suck. to me, paddle shifters are the way to go, and the floor shifter I still like to go with it.
  13. dont stop believing
  14. damn. i turned avatars and signatures back on, look at what i am missing.
  15. http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9874568-1...tag=recentPosts
  16. certainly the journey is trying to be more affordable than some of the more expensive crossovers out there. i might have to just give it a look, despite the fact that its dash is wanting.
  17. true. however, he is using it as a main reason to trash the car.
  18. http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2008/autos/...stra/index.html the moron who writes the article hates the interior and basically trashes the car because of cupholders.
  19. oh, it's a white problem. nice race to judgment. i almost never see an asian descent person driving a domestic brand car.
  20. 'but hondas and toyotas never break down, carbiz'
  21. coworker spent 600 bucks to replace a mirror on their volvo last week. ouch
  22. my dad had an interesting point he made on the phone tonight. even though US car products have gotten way more reliable, he says Americans in general are punishing all US companies in general, cumulatively for long standing 'wrongdoings' these companies have foisted upon us over our lifetimes and they are subconsciously or coonsciously taking it out on US companies as a vendetta. i.e. my GM car in the 80's broke down and i am tired of this bad American $h! combined with the better than Jesus legacy of Toyota and add to that the rape of the US checkbooks of the oil companies and such and its a whole big recipe for Americans going out of their way to disdain US companies......and the alternative is supporting non US companies. seems illogical yet strangely possible at the same time. we're more than happy to send our $$ to china and japan, as long as we don't feel any guilt over it, and as long as we can get back at the Amurchan companies that have personally screwed each one of us over for so long. it's like telling your parents to piss off yet finding out the next day they died or something. i dunno. i don't understand why in this country we seek to destroy all that we love for a cheap thrill for ourselves.
  23. update. anyone have new info on this? i was just looking at the jetta sportwagen on the vw website and it says the jetta wagon is available spring 08. is the diesel available then? 67 cubic feet of cargo and an optional fold flat front seat in the jetta sportwagen. add the diesel and it could make road trips REALLY inexpensive.
  24. http://www.canadiandriver.com/articles/bm/09journey.htm they should sell like hot cakes in Canada for that price. despite the interior
  25. not so sure the interior plastics look all that great in these photos.
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