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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. i'm sure all ford wanted with the foucs reskin was a little increase. i am guessing they are quite pleased with just the reskin.
  2. cheap leases, 0 down. sign then drive. they will pay for this later, but it boosts sales now
  3. cx-7 already tanking rx-8=irrelevant, put a v6 in it already
  4. not enough to time to detail why i fking hate them
  5. other than that, town car and econoline were the only real big drops. again, reskin the focus + add sync + sell for really cheap prices (14-15k) instead of jacking up the prices = sales gains.
  6. cobalt is DOWN. wow. is sync killing the chevy?
  7. yet a Jetta GLI is over 3200 pounds. 3250. a couple of four popper UJS's are within a sack of potatoes of that. again, those germans love their pork. r32, tipping close to 3500. not exactly light for a car that isn't all that big. m5 tips two tons. yet that's ok. a6, 2 tons, that's ok. basically, you're little schpiel is worthless. toaureg, sized like a murano, but weighs like 5800 pounds. q7, either 5300 or 5500 although its no more useful than a cx-9 or taurus x, 700-1000 pounds more
  8. blu, I'll always take a TIP from you. veggie burgers I like, but some can be nastier than others.
  9. i hate single issue voters. a friend's wife is truly a dem at heart, but votes repub singularly because of abortion. i don't always believe your leader has to 100% align with your own morals, its up to the people as well to carry forth their morals in the social fiber of the country. but its too each their own.....
  10. drive a UJS a few winters and you understand after a few pothole freeze/thaw cycles how poorly the cheap UJS's stack up. The UJS's feel solid for awhile, but after having a couple get pounded to $h! in the winters, I don't mind carrying a few extra pounds. One figure folks also gloss over when they dissect why a car is so heavy. WIDTH probably has more of a factor than length. It is harder to get structural stiffness to a desired level if the car is wider. The Epsilons are way too narrow yet are heavy. The CTS is a decently wide car, probably just about ok. The Zeta g8 is nice and wide, so there is that much more chassis to engineer. A car that is 70 inches wide, going to one that is 76 inches wide, the car is 6" wider, or like 8 or 9 percent wider. So I would fully expect it be a good 10% more in weight. So to me, a 3600 pound epsilon with the HF v6 going to a 4000 pound RWD much wider G8 is not a big deal. Plus, the G8 is larger than the Catera, but the Catera was not really lighter. The g8 chassis is engineered to accept a level of engine and suspension performance the Epsilons cannot muster. It also can accept a performance level no accord can muster. The Accord can perform at an 8/10 level of the g8 chassis.....and that's fine because most folks do not exceed that performance level. The Accord is about the only light UJS I could gain trust in as being able to withstand heavy pounding over a 5 year cycle, because only for the reason of having a trust level with Honda's engineering and products. I would not trust a Camry or Altima to withstand that. Also, if you look at the weight specs on the Accord v6, you notice its not all that light anyways. The 4 cylinder UJS's keep their weight down pretty well, but stuff a v6 in the chassis engineered mostly for 4 cylinder application and you understand why the Altimas of the world are so light. Someone buying a Zeta is not going to accept the light duty nature of the 4 cylinder UJS platform. The Germans are the worst offenders of weight in cars, yet no one ever likes to call them on the carpet for it. The US makes make a heavier car and get ripped for it. How can a Q7 Audi (audi, vw, mercedes, bmw...lots of pork there) can weight as much as a suburban, or a touareg weigh as much as it does for having no space inside? Let's talk about THAT for once. BMW 135i.....3400 pounds and I bet even the tiniest spinner chick is uncomfortable in the backseat. If that's not a porky car,........ a 4000 pound g8 is positively light in comparison to something like a porky 135.
  11. maybe DED was getting some of jean back then. R/T is still the class of the car mags. Looking in my basement, i have C/D and MT in containers going back to 1989. those worth anything or should i burn them for kindling?
  12. i got my aztek at the dealer in GF, ND. they have since taken on saturn in addition to all other GM brands except hummer and saab, the saturn part is a little place off to the side in their main facility. maybe your local GM shop could just do that. that is where i saw the green line.
  13. yes, have a great day BIZ
  14. yikes
  15. F-CK GM if they can't figure out how to sell the G8 here. assholes.
  16. i actually think the exterior vibe redo is pretty good. the matrix is awful. but the interior on the new ones is a miscue. very plasticky.
  17. i have power pedals on the 500 and i would definitely want them again. big plus, when 2 people drive the car. on my 500 the seat memory settings you can set the pedals also.
  18. i can attest to having touched an aura hybrid at a dealer one time. they may be few but there are some!
  19. if he drove it........... you know......i think blu is secretly lusting after a NEW TOYOTA VENZA!!!!!!!!
  20. who hasn't been here lately
  21. we all know that blu really wants to drive that g8 gt instead of the vibe. he just can't bring himself to drown in the v8 thunder. the vibe is his way of knowing its ok to set foot on the pontiac lot...LOL
  22. i thin what people would suggest is that CA tries to ram this clean air $h! down the US throats but has far too many folks who live in excessive homes, which is hypocritical. it would make sense to tax those folks first before attemtping to sabotage the auto industry at the expense of everyone else in America's pocketbooks.
  23. c'mon BIZ, we know about the volume bonuses and holdbacks....the dealer gets more money in the pocket than just sell price over invoice. it just doesn't show up at the time of sale. dealers sell cars at '300 above invoice' so they can get the other bonuses later.....or to be able to have the ability to order and sell other higher profit vehicles that are hot. by the way, i have seen many new Auras crop up lately. must be the 4 cylinder and the driftover in interest from the BU. 3 new auras in the work parking lot alone. re: accord vs. malibu.....the accord really blew chunks on the interior and exterior, but the packaging is darn near perfect for such a light car. the space compared to the epsilons alone is my reason to look accord first before any accord. only the fusion and galant compare tit for tat on space with the new accord.
  24. actually, i think saab would gain major mojo if they built models in Canada.
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