now if we could get oprah and dr. phil off the air and get some CARBIZ on tv we'd be making progress.
i think a lot of what you say is true, but the forces counter to that are in constant conflict, i.e. the social pressure to be monogamous etc.
reagrding the original thread question, technically, no i do not think i have, technically. now if you are just talking thinking about it, then it's at least hundreds of times a day you probably have the thought cross your mind. i.e. the inner animal.
you final analysis, what makes you happy says a lot. i told a friend who is going through a breakup recently, it's not that he/she didn't love you, it's that you could not find a common ground on things including physical expectations.
i try to deflect it as much as possible, but for me, when a friend relationship starts to veer into the type where you find out too much about the other and you think about them too much and you can't wait to see them or you NEED to see them, you share personal info etc......then you have gone to a very similar place as well. but sometimes it's damn hard to keep away from going there, as bad as it is.
shame sometimes you can't have like 5 relashunships going on and have it be ok with everyone. argh.
so, how do you manage to steer away from liking someone in that way, even though you are not supposed to, don't really need to, but can't seem to help it because you've maybe intimated in an encrypted way some feelings already each way and have a bit of the sense that the vibe is indeed or would be reciprocal if conditions were ok for it? I think trying to focus when your mind is effed up like that and getting back to doing the right thing is very very hard. and i don't like cold showers thank you.
at some point you just have to wise up i guess, suck it up, and screen out any extra feelings you might have, realize its not real or just temporary, especially when the cooking at home is just fine to start with.