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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. what, like 20 cars/dlr/month?
  2. while the spin on this is good, 12 percent down is not. oh well.
  3. FIL got 34 mpg for a stretch in his 08 GP w/ 3.8 last week he told me.......calculated, not DIC. Little known secret. The Saabs with 4 cyl and turbo get really good mpg too. Why GM does not promote their 4 cylinders I do not know. fueleconomy.gov has some impressive mpg features for the saabs.
  4. did they ever make an "OVER" model of the achieva?
  5. if the lease price on the jetta SW diesel was good, the total cost solution could be good for that car despite the higher price of diesel. jetta wagon is only 6 cu ft shy of the cargo capacity of the passat wagon and larger than many cute utes or even some other crossovers.
  6. it's amazing how much pop keeps your weight on they say. i drink lots of coffee and diet coke, but even though neither supposedly has calories, i doubt they are good for your metabolism.
  7. alpha camaro i do not mind. an alpha g6 would be nice. but GM cheaps out and does not give zeta AWD so my guess is they would screw the pooch and not give alpha AWD on anything less than a caddy either. now, i could be talked into an epsilon 2 G6 if it has cross wheel drive like the saabs as an option.
  8. i don't want the S/V v6 if the NA v8 is available.
  9. thanks for reminding me of something else i need to do in my life, YEESH!
  10. hey, i am in E85 hotbed....but the local large metro newspaper spent all weekend with articles declaring the immorality of using food as fuel and how ethanol etc. is causing world hunger. the liberals have upped the ante now and are going for the trump card.......dying third worlders.....as the means to destroy your ability to have something to run your car with besides dead dino juice from other countries. despite the boon to farmers and business ventures that build plants and make the ethanol.
  11. about as appalling as anything can get.
  12. got about 50 miles in this weekend driving the FIL's 2008 GP GT. Makes me wonder if i should give a second consideration to finding (there are plenty out right now) a good used 08 GXP GP as my next vehicle. anyone here, can give opinion on the mpg and the power and such? I have tested a GXP, i just can't recall much other than wanting a 6 speed auto instead of the lazy 4. I liked the paddle shifters but that doesn't help any with only 4 speeds at your disposal.
  13. if diesel wasn't so pricey i would give serious thought to a jetta sportwagen diesel as my next car. the tiguan is cool too. chick car, but cool.
  14. i woulda got the altima hyblid ovah the cahmlee i guess we know trunk size wasn't any criteria no car screams 'aging boomer crisis car' more than the camry
  15. silly boy. algore says the igloo will melt from global warming.
  16. in minnesota, it goes into the general fund, so they can use it to pay for welfare for somalis and many others who move here from other countries or cities like chicago, and last minute birth control and tons of other social things .....and then it doesn't go to fix bridges, which subsequently fall down.
  17. all these people that abondoned their homes for the panacea of the condo life, i can't wait to see all the bitching about communal living and sharing things and complaints about noise and smells and being too close to other people. building condos for a living and knowing how they get built vs. people's expectations......then we'll see if everyone is still all romantic and $h! about 'walkable neighborhoods' and high density. i do think reasonable sized single family homes with a sidewalk and tree lined boulevard is still the way to go, as well as simple 2-3 story row home condos. high rise housing needs it place, only in downtowns in limited numbers.
  18. yeah but when you tell your car to play michael bolton? does it return the favor?
  19. you gotta put the headline in your signature now as punishment.
  20. where i live, in the grocery store they an ethnic section with coke from mexico in glass bottles. i oughta try it.
  21. it's about your fajjah, isn't it?
  22. hitachi plasmas are very good.
  23. that rendering sucks and is bland. there is an older photchop of a potential 9-5 out there with a menacing rear pillar look to it, time to find that, it was much better. http://carnoise.blogspot.com/2008/04/2009-...to-gallery.html
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