see, mr bush, this is what your 4 dollar gas has done. your buddies all got rich enough now. first housing and now energy. now you're looking at entire industries and companies going down.
things would not be this bad for GM if the market was on pace for 16.3 million again this year. GM would be able to sell enough vehicles to have cash flow and try to work itself out of this mess. Instead, everyone is not buying, or only buying Yaris and civics and stuff.
This has been a huge wakeup call for detroit and clearly the investment community is interested in a huge fall for GM or Ford or both so they can buy it off the scrap heap for cheap and then proceed to rape the pieces of it and either sell it off to another country or make a killing off the scraps here somehow.
if this economic fear we are all in and the 4 dollar gas continue after the election then all bets are off I guess. I think at this point at least from the sound of it, Ford might have the best chance of not crashing to the ground.
It's in the interest of our Domestics to have the economy get positive again, and fast. If the domestics cannot maintain market share for the next 18 months or so, then it will come down as a huge turning point and i think we may not even have the choice to drive GM Ford Chrysler for too much longer. Even though they are building some of the best cars ever.
Keep buying those Camry's people. So the Jap govt can pay for more batteries.
Maybe its time for a Carlos Ghosn type to come in and spank GM. Maybe its time for new thinking and Red Ink Rick to turn the key over to someone more ruthless. And someone with a world perspective.