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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. subway rocks. I've been jared lately and does help a guy slim down! i was wondering if those new pizza hut pastas were any good. I bet they are nasty though....and laced with sodium and chemicals. can we all agree that papa johns has the best chain delivery pizza? that said, i love little caesars.....the crazy bread, big gut bomb but oh so good!
  2. like the buick excelles they buy...LOL to some degree its our own fault. too many people have become preoccupied with style fashion and the whole 'green' movement. they forget that lots of folks just don't care about that superflous crap....they want a job and all of that and to make money to raise kids and otherwise have a decent living. Our national preoccupation with all that excess crap has taken our focus away from doing the basics right.
  3. i test drove a used car at a toyo dealer a cpl weeks ago. they had a turd on the showfloor with about 10 grand off MSRP
  4. chains good- Chili's, Red Lobster, Famous Dave's, TGIF, BUCA, Macaroni Grille, Red Robin, Don Pablos, godfathers pizza, Old Chicago, Pizzeria Uno, Big Bowl, Chipotle, Chin's, Pei Wei and whatever its parent chain is. bad- Applebees inbetween- Pizza Hut will add more later. although with this economy, i don't think anyone eats out anymore. i love chinese buffets and mongolian joints and pizza places.....chinese places are always iffy though because they are so inconsistent.
  5. they must not know that Jillie said the Aura is continuing on til 011 or later. But maybe they know something we don't...like maybe the Insignia is coming over and will be imported or something.....
  6. sentra and versa tanking is amazing. i thought the sentra was on the uptick? its a crappy car, but i thought it was selling again.
  7. ford fan here. ford's big problem right now. they hardly have anything under 20k to sell. Focus, and that's about it. Some F-150's, a few fusions. GM still has quite a few models you can buy under 20k and that is saving their ass right now. Toyota also has many scions and smaller cars for under 20k. Subaru and VW are doing ok due to aggressive leasing. Ford is doing nothing. No good leases, high MSRP's. their own grave. Even the focus is too expensive if you want options on it.
  8. nice dodge charger intrepid
  9. lol, you'd think
  10. ok, mustang, let me blunt your enthusiasm. LOL not, actually. the company where i am at, the business has dried up due to banks not lending. We develop real estate. We build buildings and lease and sell them. Housing, industrial, office, all sorts. Office buzz is that more layoffs are due very soon. Its a terrible atmosphere here and no one is busy. I get an email this morning, an excoworkers friend was part of a big layoff at another firm. Another friend who was laid off from here who found a temp gig may not get hired at that office.....as recently as a month ago, things looked good there. Another engineer friend lost his job a couple months ago and has yet to find anything. In my industry at least, $h! has hit the fan, people are starting to lose jobs en masse. I've known a few others who have lost jobs in the last 3 months and haven't been able to find anything yet. Myself, I put off a new vehicle purchase this past weekend when i found out about the severe downturn and layoffs forecasted here. And no glimmer of positivity. Its all due to the BANKS overreacting and being tight fisted. Credit flow is how they make money, and they just haven't determined how they can do it yet when its not raping the public and taking candy from a baby. So in the interim, the banks decided they will hold us all hostage until the govt bails them out. Bush's last hurrah. Line the pockets of a bunch of people who will make a killing on undervalued assets. Buy em cheap with the govt covering the losses, and then resell them and make a killing. The company I work at is no fly by night. We make money, our credit is stellar, and have been in business a long time. We're one of the top performers in what we do. If we can't even get any money, then something is amok. I don't know why everyone is putting our lives on hold until the election and after. the bailout BS only makes the whole thing worse. I still go back to this. The root of all the problems the last few years, people's incomes have gone down, or jobs been outsourced...and in the meantime energy, food, all that went up exponentially. Had people's wages kept pace, there wouldn't be a real estate bubble. Prices would have levelled and stagnated and that would have been fine. People don't need and shouldn't tap home equity to buy a new Lexus. One thing i will say. Those that did do that stuff need to now buy chevy's and fords like the rest of us. Maybe all the glorification of expensive imports will end and maybe we'll get sensible criticism of bread and butter cars again. Because more and more folks will have to stoop and buy that. I was pleased to see GM get back to 27% share and only have a 16% drop last month. Toyota and Nissan though....OUCH!
  11. kill saturn? THEY ARE UP. buick is too BTW
  12. sonata is a much better value than elantra, thus the explanation why one is up and the other is down
  13. wow. altima in particular. terrible drop.
  14. subaru has aggressive leases available right now. i think this explains it.
  15. beat me to it! tundra sure is dropping!
  16. i thought cobalt was making money for GM now. and i know they are selling at higher prices too.
  17. awesome writeup. i think the R32 is way too spendy, and un-needed with the GTI, but it does compete with the Evos, etc. it is an awesome ride. I would prefer a stick in that car. My only DSG drive was a TDI, but the DSG weirded me out. Maybe i need to sample another. VW builds satisfying cars. If they convince the public the quality is there in the future, they can be unbeatable. What mpg is your rabbit getting nowadays? the FE of the 5 cylinder gave me major pause on that car.
  18. is yours a GXP? I drove an XL7 a couple weeks ago (semi close cousin) and I couldn't wait to get out of it. I hope the Torrent is much better. I always hated the old Vue and I hated the XL7 even more.
  19. FWIW, i don't think people in NA would accept rebadged Opels as Pontiacs. It sounds like without Zeta, Pontiac had no backup plan. I really think there is a place for Chevy (to fight low aspiring Asian offerings), Saturn (vs. VW and Honda with Opels), and I really do think there is a place for Buick and Pontiac but not if Pontiac is mere rebadges. And for Buick to go the way of Buick China also is astray. I don't think Buick and Pontiac need many models, they just need to be unique and special. Problem is standalone BPG dealers need volume to survive and this is where the FWD clones and rebadges come in. Until GM fixes is sales channels, this will be a big problem. Like it or not, Saturn has the ability to have the most unique offerings in NA here.....they will be shared with Opel and not many Saturn dealers share floor with Chevy or BPG. Pontiac has Chrysler to blame for that overreaction to RWD. Fine if that would have stayed but expensive gas fixed that. Now Pontiac is scrambling. Is the next G6 Alpha or Epsilon 2? How long does the G8 stay, and on Zeta?
  20. f-cking TWINS can't score a Fking run when their number five starter only gives up ONE RUN
  21. some folks are prude little prissies what can you say
  22. if GM pulled their head out of their ass they could sell the snot out of 9-3's right now because of their awesome mpg. but the pricing is a huge problem and the fact that they pretty much won't lease them out cheap if at all anymore.
  23. i passed up a buttload of incentives, as well as a 2k competitive lease end, mainly due to skittishness about my work, but i am dying to see if they bring back that extra 2k incentive. that was hard to leave on the table. my dad is convinced you will see some serious incentives now till the end of the year. he says this is beginning of automakers getting desperate.
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