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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. today, at least, a yellow SSR. had to check the plates to make sure it wasn't my neighbor's. It wasn't. There are 2 yellow SSR's near my house!
  2. duh. but enough people felt the timing was right to make this happen, now that this barrier has been broken, hopefully it won't be as much of an issue. the women will be trying hard to identify which woman they want in there now.
  3. like revenue sharing in major league baseball......
  4. bingo. that was why i asked the question and started the thread, actually.
  5. britney spears
  6. ok, how bout north of ohio?
  7. you know, if GM goes bankrupt, or is using it as a threat to leverage cash from the US Govt..... could you make a case to say the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT should chip in also? or can you use bankruptcy in the US as a threat to coerce some cash out of Canada too? of if the ship sinks, does that mean all of the Canadian operations goes down too? I am curious to hear how this affects the folks north of Pembina.
  8. maybe GME (i.e profitable) is breaking apart from the rest of GM (i.e. unprofitable)
  9. highlander is a mommy mobile though. and pricier than the vue.
  10. well, its fun to read the postulation about it. if you google some of the key words, you read about the seed bunker in like norway and all of that. great conspiracy reading. wouldn't surprise me if there were truth to it.
  11. by the way, i was reading this web page and felt it somewhat related to what i mentioned above.......about being able to grow our own food. this actually is an interesting review on a book about a disturbing topic, controlling global food http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2008/...estruction_.htm now, does it help a little to understand why we subsidize and promote agriculture?
  12. um, no, its more like the traverse is their minivan, but they want 10-15 grand more for it than a dodge caravan. If that price was in line with what the family market expects, then they would sell like the minivans used to.
  13. MSRP's need to DROP. there was a loaded traverse i saw at a chevy dealer, north of 40k, i think it was nearing the mid 40's in price. FAMILIES DO NOT HAVE 40K to blow on any vehicle, much less a damaged brand like chevy. in this economy, GM needs to quite effing with the incentive game. get the price down to sale point right away. saab is your best example. look at how their sales went way up the moment the pricing was adjusted to what the consumer would actually pay. right now what matters is share and volume, keeping prices artifically higher than what the market will bear can only mean inflated inventories. Builds / option combos of vehicles need to be adjusted to what people will pay and such so profit can be maintained as well. By that I mean vehicles like the traverse need to have as many on lots at lower price points as possible.
  14. ok, this is nuts. the senate race in my state is 95% reported and still its wayyyyyy too close to call.
  15. rest assured, they will keep trying until they succeed in that.
  16. so the same standard applies. neither win was a mandate. i sure don't consider this one a mandate.
  17. as an architect, you can imagine what it would be like to have to do CA on school jobs in which the 'minority contractor' (with no construction experience) would be.
  18. its funny, but 2 years ago when the dow was at 14k and people's housing values were at 10% add each year, and all that, i wonder if all the people that are so venomous today against the last couple years would be as venomous if the economy was still pumping on 8 cylinders like it was. how quickly we seem to forget. did the democratic congress cause the crash?
  19. big X2 on your AND points.
  20. piggybacking on what bob said, i find it humorous, some states have measures on the ballot to get rid of affirmative action. actually, i'd welcome that in my industry for public building projects. we don't need 'faux corporations, minority run' just to give them an advantage, it limits the selection of the best available to do the work.
  21. oddly enough, the popular vote is a lot closer than i thought it would be.....currently 51/48. that to me does not suggest MANDATE as some would have you think.
  22. until all the mba's ship your job over to india and china.
  23. only because of the internet, dot com, and y2k boom. basically the equivalent of the industrial age. Clinton had no part of it, he just happened to be in power at the time. tax revenue flowed freely as did wages.
  24. Gore as president would have been an unmitigated disaster. As bad as Bush was, there is no end to the damage that would have occured with internet Al in office.
  25. Bush really botched his terms, badly. Or was he really just a Cheney puppet?
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