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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. its ok as a guy to say,hey 'this dude looks good'. i can see why the layddeeez bump on that
  2. but RUNNIN DOWN A DREAM is a better air guitar tune
  3. its kind of HARD not to adore the female form. but charlize is one of those that defies convention. she has a totally sexy confidence that is only eclipsed by kate winslet. its like its oooooozing from her pores and all of that. the fact that she is TALL only adds to it. imagine if you were under orders to obey what she was commanding. OUCH. i can't fault anby owmen for liking BRADLEY. and give him his due. he's tapped Jen AND angelina. gots to make him a legend in my book.
  4. um, how is that a problem?
  5. holy crap you're evil for tryin to break the hearts of many where is your ex again (equipped with mallet to pound sense into)
  6. you didnt offer the officer a swig from the flask? wherer's my opel blitz
  7. you tryin to break me? im na curse you postin that pic of her like that and wriken me charlize is the bomb she oozes hot despite maybe bein a B and as a majorly hettero man i have to say i can even understan whey they girls think brad is the bomb
  8. katy perry can stop here any time. major hetro appeal in this wifi range
  9. no disputin that. word. if i didnt think i couldnt recover the resale on the SS coablt i wouldbe there in aheartbeat.
  10. tell me this let me qualify this by saying i've got some drink on me as a midwestern white boy who grew up on GM product why does it have to be about 'which brands will GM cut' we have Honda, Mazda, TOTOYA, mistushi (been there done that), subru, all these asian banrds, SUzkui, help me out here, KIA, why do the AMERICAN BRANDS have to go away? why can't GM fold a grratly reduced Pontiac and Buick lineup into chevy and let BPG-chevy exist, and then keep satur/caddy/opel as chanel 2 in north maerica. PLEASE WHY ARE YOU FORCING ME TO HAVE TO BUY JAPANESE CRAP. sautnr dude left a message for mew today and it looks like an unrefusable offer on the astra. its about time. and now your gonna shut it down? BAstrds.
  11. why is that when car mags test VW's, none of this happens. Yet, I know of at least 3 people that swear they will never come close to touching another VW ever again.
  12. where is michael moore's business plan to resurrect the auto industry, including even the likes of Nissan who won't be at the auto shows this year?
  13. oh, so you think universal health care is the CURE ALL? are you ready to pay for the POPULATION EXPLOSION when select people realize 'hey i can have as many babies as i want and not care about who takes care of em because national health care will cover all of it'? And how many of those will be illegals? Covering that could be just as bad or worse then the government having to take over those pensions for 30 years of autoworkers when the the big 3 go bankrupt.
  14. i'd like to get a cobalt ss, but the way i want one stickers at about 24-25k and even with discounts and rebates would be a wallet buster for me right now. at that price i would go up to a larger car. or go cheaper and get something almost as fun.
  15. i saw a TL on the road the other day and was frightened by the grille. you know, all this active AWD stuff, all this complication. its great, but, who's gonna and how much is it gonna cost to fix it when it breaks? i don't make enough $$$$$$ to have a car like that that could bankrupt me once its out of warranty.
  16. i require that women cut my hair because they bend over a lot, touch you and rub up against you with rhythm a lot. they giggle and act fun and run their fingers through your hair and massage your neck.
  17. rick should arrive in a Malibu. alan in an escape hybrid. even if they don't do the whole caravan, maybe like a 250 mile finish stretch.
  18. michael moore is an example of the pandemic of this country. criticize and offer no workable solutions. promote negativity and hatred when the real positive thing would be to promote solutions, team building, and hard work. quite franklly I've had it up to my ass with people in this country lately. You are either on board or your not. If you have nothing to contribute or if all you are going to do is bitch then get the f@#k out of my country. If you want to be a part, shut the f@#k up and start offering POSITIVE contributions on how to get us out of this mess. No more waiting for Obama to fix it. No more relentless press attacks. Everyone SHUT THE f@#k UP AND GET STARTED ON CLEANING UP THE MESS. to me, michael moore is one of the premeire examples of what's caused this problem to begin with. ABUSING THE PULPIT. His time is gone. Get his self hating fat ass off the screen and get him in therapy. By the way Michael, as a person who has lost 72 pounds in the last 7 months, IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT if you TRY. Discipline and score keeping and every day dedication is what it takes. Even 20 pounds could ya try?
  19. i said like two weeks ago that the big 3 in detroit should pull out of NAIAS and cut off the free food and drinks to all the journalists who surgically slander them 51 other weeks a year.
  20. fit is ok. to me the fit's advantage is space and nimbleness.
  21. a friend of mine berates American cars because his like 87 sunfire which was 9 years old, whatever, and had 170k+ miles on it, he had spend a few thousand in money fixing it. 'all american cars are crap'. aside from that the car had already passed its useful life.
  22. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...opinion/columns great article
  23. will the G3 make it in time for the caravan!!!!!!!!!
  24. ah indeed, this one is a true gem, diamond in the rough. great buy and a dashing looking car. even has the new grille!
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