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Everything posted by regfootball

  1. think i should get some "GXP" badges for my aztek? chrysler could move more metal with permanent across the board MSRP cuts in the interim. at least that would stimulate volume and cash flow. they aren't getting the transaction prices anyways. i would also market the snot out of them to fleets too. to clean out inventory and just get paid for what they have made.
  2. cool dogs.
  3. LMAO!!!! g3 gxp, aveo SS..... i am waiting a new 'LeMans' actually..........
  4. regardless of how this was done, hopefully it stabilizes the free fall, and forces them to make the tough decisions. laugh, but if the volt wasn't in the pipeline, would they figure its worth the investment? Volt may have been the good faith example that makes them think this is worth it.
  5. this tax is a very f-cking stupid socialist idea. anyone who endorses this is socialist. isn't this why diet pop eixsts? corn syrup is bad for ya, but its not like this is smoking. and by the way, your weight is mostly a genetic thing. and this is from someone who has lost 75lbs in the last 8 months and still is 50-60 overweight according to BMI. (BMI is f-cked if you ask me). fogm i've seen you're pic, i know what you are talking about. by the way there is nothing wrong with tea and coffee.
  6. sht. quit drinkin so early next time. damn, this sucks.
  7. CTS pricing is fine as is. we don't need to push up the prices for price sake alone. perhaps you buy a CTS because it is awesome AND A good value.
  8. there is a price point around which you cannot sell cars in volume. who the hell has 40k to pay for a car in the post HELOC paradigm? the question is still a buick, even if it were a rebadged S class, is not selling at 40 grand any time soon. think people, buick has to be around the acura level. we are not talking Audi A5 interior here. Even with buick going niche, they still need volume to sell it. not 500 cars a month like the BMW 5 series.
  9. the current accord interior is not all that good. especially the cheaper ones in cloth. YUCK!
  10. reg. you want we now, or back a few months about 75 lbs extra? LOL
  11. i love cell phone self portraits. the ultimate challenge is, 'where did my right arm go?' LOL
  12. these are great engines for the equinox. 180hp is perfect for most, and the v6 is not overdone for those who want it.
  13. INDIA....as in OUTSOURCE? EX? does it mean HE f@#ked up in his job?
  14. my condolences. Losing someone around a holiday doesn't make it easier. Stay strong and enjoy your family to get through it.
  15. hope this means the cruze gets the 2.2!
  16. 700 MILLION gallons
  17. LOL, you are not high enough up on the (momentary pause) FOOD CHAIN yet....... no martini's from GM and 4 am hotel parties for you?
  18. yet if you check out the NCAP scores for the astra its like one of the top compacts in europe...... http://www.euroncap.com/tests/opel_vauxhal...a_2004/185.aspx
  19. i would look at a hyundai, kia, or tata before a toyota. of course, a suzuki or mitsubishi even first. toyota is large enough. i do not want to fuel that machine any more. mazda i used to support because of the ford tie ups. honda to some degree i see as more multifaceted and having contributed to the US fabric longer (motorcycles etc). i think trade can be free and fair but to me supporting toyota is fueling the bieest machine even more and so therefore I do not want to do that. in all cases, i like to try to find a domestic brand alternative first and as carbiz said, they offer 100 models, can you not find one that will work out for you? With my limited budgets I usually can. I do not have the cash to obsess about audi level interiors.
  20. yup, that is the new trend.
  21. the reason this would would be done pre-bama is to kill the union. i don't think obama would provide a deal like this to bust the union. so part of the agenda is 'bust the union'. second is to require bankruptcy to fix the legacy costs issue and provide DIP to keep consumer confidence in buying warranted gm stuff etc.
  22. i would keep a g8 (sedan and wagon), the solstice (assumes the sky is gone if they shut down saturn), and seriously a g6 (next aura? / because there are some who don't want a chevy and don't want a buick). if saturn dies than pontiac gets an astra. that is what i would do. i would consider running pontiac at 100k volume then. it sounds though like GM is saying to holden, no more aussie chassis for you. you will assimilate.
  23. this could be the most fair piece i have seen on this issue for quite some time now.
  24. your post has no cred whatsoever because you included the altima. you want to talk dimestore? mondeo is not here. new maxima interior is an abortion. jetta is ok, but lacks any sorts of visual interest and is bland overall. why set a low standard like that? the key to the interior of this regal is execution. the design is fine. they need to get the materials and textures right, nice precise fits, nicer feeling switchgear. someone suggested the azera as a benchmark. sure, if you like FAUX. buick cannot nor should not be priced so high that it cannot sell in decent volume. again, not everyone wants chevy, not everyone wants caddy (too pricey too ghetto). buick needs to be better than toyota and i would say better than vw also. buick will never sell at audi prices. nor will it sell at lexus prices. hyundai is the spolier because it will redefine what you should pay for certain amenities, just as lexus and infiniti did way back when as well. when i think of the level of finish in the current volvo s60, that is about where maybe this regal should be, maybe a little less is acceptable. somewhere inbetween what a passat is and an s60 is about where a buick (maybe not the regal but the lacrosse) should be at. http://www.km77.com/00/opel/insignia/g03.asp now, i do think as a buick there needs to be much richer and genuine finishes, more interesting accents, and have good 'touch points' but i am willing to wait and see what the plastics turn out like also.
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